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Shameful! PTI is now supporting Afghanistan over Pakistan


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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OK OK you targetted Hindus but ended up in dividing your nation after your Army surrenderred in thousands after just twelve days of fighting .... so much for martial race ;) :p

but now same Bangladesh is twice if not thrice more economically sound than Pakistan ... but yur still dint learn from same mistakes and repeating same with afghanistan when all your militarry and civil plannerrs from day one knew that Pakhtoons from both sides of border do not respect the existence of so called DURAND LINE

now till 1947 there were british to save you then 30 years went past cause both pathns onboth sides were way too weakenned and supporting initial Pakistani govts but then again after 1980 when soviet invassion of afghanistan and after soviets left and drug cultuar and saudi brand of islam mixec with deobandi islam created such a monstor fed by Pakistani establishment so to RULE AFGHANISTAN AS FIFTH PROVINE OF PAKISTAN that today pakistani is imploding from its inerior pressures and have no anty dote or mmedication of inevitable doom in sight and mocking India or Hindus wont help besides hate simmering in avrage afghan wont leave you for long so good luck

Bangladesh is a free muslim state, as we partition

Why should we deny or begrudge them economic development or success, that's great, it was the whole point of partition

When it comes to afghans, they have tried for 75 years and only only ended up destroying themselves

A few hundred people die in Pakistan from terrorism each year, that's not that different from India

The Afghans are hated by the neighborhood states

They need support and open borders, they need help and ports and a market

The reality of life will fix them, the TTP will be worn down gradually


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Iranians and Turks are the most racist nations and they hate everyone and think of themselfs as the msot superior but the common thing is since Pakistanies have a keera of Ummah ki thekkedaari they try to preach a lot to both but in raeality pakistanies have the worst track record when they go there and thats why they are hated the most by them both ;) :p

inki hi bhasha me


Are you having another psycho sexual hindutva episode?

Remember you said you get an orgasm.

Pond life.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2024
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Why do some Pakistanis believe in Muslim nation unity as being imperative to salvage their nation? Most Muslim nations end up going to war against each other and maintain strong relationships with non-Muslim nations such as the USA or Russia. Many Muslims believe that acrimony between Muslim nations are due to outside influence which is laughable.

I must mention that I had a lot of respect for Imran Khan as a cricket champion of Pakistan. His politics seems to be skewed under diluted lenses if he believes that the Afghan Taliban government will join forces with Pakistan to fight India. Media reports here indicate that India has been helping the Afghans with wheat shipments and other aid. A recent Afghan security conference invited India. The Pakistani establishment is accusing the Afghan government of terrorism support for some Pakistani dissidents and I read on this forum that the Pakistani airforce bombed some Afghan city recently. Why would the Afghans want to join forces to fight India and which right minded Pakistani politician would dream of such a miracle remains beyond me. Realpolitik seems to evade this political party

Asfandyar Bhittani

Think Tank Analyst
Jan 2, 2017
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Sharifs as opposition were meeting a rabidly anti Pakistan Afghan NSA in London that Pakistan had diplomatically boycotted.

If sharifs undermining Pakistan was patriotic, PTI questioning calls for war with Afghanistan and calls for "new" ops, none of which are sanctioned by parliament or other political parties briefed about, is not that big of a deal. It's good that PMLN has surrendered to the pressure and called for An APC on the issue.
images (42).jpeg


Apr 14, 2024
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I'm not Hindu
From historical context, you were the people living south of Hindukush and regularly getting butchered by Foreign (Muslim) invaders. Hence the name "Hindukush".

Today, all those invaders might be considered your heroes but fact is they did extreme wrong to your ancestors and your people.

I am sorry but that's historical reality.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2023
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Forget Internal Politics....

It's quite pathetic of PTI to support foreign frenemy (Afghanistan) over her own country

But what can one expect?

Going from blaming Americans for interference in local matters to making them pass congress resolution in her favor - PTI has gone full retard in her hatred of Army.

PTI has fallen deep

Not quite sure how PTI can support Afghanistan over Pakistan.
If anything we should annex Afghanistan. They are our backyard.


Sep 9, 2020
Afghans are generally less radical compared to Indian, Bangladeshi, or Pakistani Muslims. They are not anti-India or anti-Hindu; in fact, they often feel very happy when meeting an Indian Hindu.
Because who knows better about the sneaky hindutva enemy than us? Afghans are yet to learn of the true nature of hindutvas.


Full Member
Jan 17, 2024
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Forget Internal Politics....

It's quite pathetic of PTI to support foreign frenemy (Afghanistan) over her own country

But what can one expect?

Going from blaming Americans for interference in local matters to making them pass congress resolution in her favor - PTI has gone full retard in her hatred of Army.

PTI has fallen deep

Only true patriots and people sincere with Pakistan will say what PTI is saying that to have good relations with Taliban. Security in Pakistan is directly related with good relations with Afghanistan (taliban). There is no possibility that any operation will yield any results if relations with Afghanistan keep getting worse. Its just plain common sense. Whenever trust is built and relations are improved only then Taliban will stop TTP from using it's soil. Otherwise, they are not bothered. Arm twisting approach or threats do quite opposite to Taliban. Right now they are neutral, they are not supporting TTP but also not doing any action against them. But retired General Asim munir's policy is to make sure that Taliban and TTP both officially join forces. Infact Asim munir is working directly on TTP's agenda. For long TTP desired that Pakistan & Afghanistan gets into war, so Taliban and all other ethnic afghan groups along with TTP join forces against a common enemy of Afghanistan that is Pakistan. The fools of GHQ have no idea what they are doing. They think they can control it but history has proved one thing that GHQ always found to be duffers and they were always wrong.

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