Shameful! PTI is now supporting Afghanistan over Pakistan


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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OK OK you targetted Hindus but ended up in dividing your nation after your Army surrenderred in thousands after just twelve days of fighting .... so much for martial race ;) :p

but now same Bangladesh is twice if not thrice more economically sound than Pakistan ... but yur still dint learn from same mistakes and repeating same with afghanistan when all your militarry and civil plannerrs from day one knew that Pakhtoons from both sides of border do not respect the existence of so called DURAND LINE

now till 1947 there were british to save you then 30 years went past cause both pathns onboth sides were way too weakenned and supporting initial Pakistani govts but then again after 1980 when soviet invassion of afghanistan and after soviets left and drug cultuar and saudi brand of islam mixec with deobandi islam created such a monstor fed by Pakistani establishment so to RULE AFGHANISTAN AS FIFTH PROVINE OF PAKISTAN that today pakistani is imploding from its inerior pressures and have no anty dote or mmedication of inevitable doom in sight and mocking India or Hindus wont help besides hate simmering in avrage afghan wont leave you for long so good luck

Bangladesh is a free muslim state, as we partition

Why should we deny or begrudge them economic development or success, that's great, it was the whole point of partition

When it comes to afghans, they have tried for 75 years and only only ended up destroying themselves

A few hundred people die in Pakistan from terrorism each year, that's not that different from India

The Afghans are hated by the neighborhood states

They need support and open borders, they need help and ports and a market

The reality of life will fix them, the TTP will be worn down gradually

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