Statement: Moderation Complaints and Discussions

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Sep 14, 2006
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Dear users, over the last few days the admin team have had conversations regarding moderation of various threads and posts, after a number of complains.

Certain threads came up a lot i.e. the Gaza thread, Indian defense section and so on, where moderation was deemed too harsh or in favor of a particular viewpoint.

Following this we had discussions with various moderators on the level of moderation and taking peoples' feelings into account. In some cases moderators will now be more passive and alert admin staff instead.

Thank you for you patience and your contributions.
I don't know if I have anything to be thankful of per se, but thank you😊
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Also, for members' club threads or other non-foreign policy, military, politics-focused sections, if it's going off-topic, I don't think y'all should over-moderate it because it's supposed to be casual. Let it be free-flowing. Over-moderation on less serious sections kills the conversation
@Waz @hyde @Musings @RescueRanger

A word on the speedlimiting issue buddies.

I believe it is too harsh. It is akin to banning only. You are completely curtailing the flow of a member's engagement.

If he has and continues to infract on a certain thread, maybe you could give him a time out on that thread. Only.

But even there, please make that reasonably time limited.

As one of the most universally banned guys on forums worldwide (yes, I wear it as medals of honor, much as a senior soldier does ribbons on his chest) I can tell you that when you are in the flow and heat of battle, even a single day timeout hurts.

I will end by saying that this is a new start.

If you want to grow the forum and welcome different trains of thought, please go easy on the policing.

Have rules, but impose penalties that do not force members to leave and come back with alternate accounts and a lust for vengeance. Once that downward spiral starts, all of you will be doing 24/7 the job of unpaid jamadars.

And let opposing viewpoints and ideologies exist here as in the real world.

No member is a sacred cow and needs protection.

Early days for all of us. Our moderators are also one of us. Let us work together as a team.

Cheers, Doc
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@Waz @hyde @Musings @RescueRanger

A word on the speedlimiting issue buddies.

I believe it is too harsh. It is akin to banning only. You are completely curtailing the flow of a member's engagement.

If he has and continue to infract on a certain thread, maybe you could give him a time out on that thread. Only.

But even there, please make that reasonably time limited.

As one of the most universally banned guys on forums worldwide (yes, I wear it as medals of honor, much as a senior soldier does ribbons on his chest) I can tell you that when you are in the flow and hear if battle, even a single day timeout hurts.

I will end by saying that this is a new start.

If you want to grow the forum and welcome different trains of thought, please go easy on the policing.

Have rules, but impose penalties that do not force members to leave and come back with alternate accounts and a lust for vengeance. Once that downward spiral starts, all of you will be doing 24/7 the job of unpaid jamadars.

And let opposing viewpoints and ideologies exist here as in the real world.

No member is a sacred cow and needs protection.

Early days for all of us. Our moderators are also one of us. Let us work together as a team.

Cheers, Doc
Thanks Yaar.

What I would say is if you have specific examples drop a message in the management section where it can be discussed between you and Hyde/Waz in private. Hope that helps.

As for moderation, I am not saying this becasue suddenly my nametag is red, I am still a member like you. But I will speak up for everyone in the mod and Admin team work damn hard to make this a friendly place for everyone and we want this to be an enjoyable space for all.

I can't discuss management decisions, that is not my remit. Drop a message in the management section and I assure you one of the admins will reply and hopefully offer you a remedy or if not a suitable answer.

Thanks once again.
@Waz @hyde @Musings @RescueRanger

A word on the speedlimiting issue buddies.

I believe it is too harsh. It is akin to banning only. You are completely curtailing the flow of a member's engagement.

If he has and continues to infract on a certain thread, maybe you could give him a time out on that thread. Only.

But even there, please make that reasonably time limited.

As one of the most universally banned guys on forums worldwide (yes, I wear it as medals of honor, much as a senior soldier does ribbons on his chest) I can tell you that when you are in the flow and heat of battle, even a single day timeout hurts.

I will end by saying that this is a new start.

If you want to grow the forum and welcome different trains of thought, please go easy on the policing.

Have rules, but impose penalties that do not force members to leave and come back with alternate accounts and a lust for vengeance. Once that downward spiral starts, all of you will be doing 24/7 the job of unpaid jamadars.

And let opposing viewpoints and ideologies exist here as in the real world.

No member is a sacred cow and needs protection.

Early days for all of us. Our moderators are also one of us. Let us work together as a team.

Cheers, Doc
VSDoc if you read the announcement thread of SpeedLimited

You will notice that it works as a medium between normal user accounts and banned users. It’s basically helping you guys out if you think carefully.

From next week what happens is,

Instead of normal user getting banned after accruing 3 warning points, the user will automatically be moved to SpeedLimited when getting 3 warning points. It means the users will be able to make unlimited posts in Members Club, Sports and Introduction threads but in the serious forums like Pakistan or International Sections, users will only be able to make 10 posts a day.

Any further penalties will get them banned like how it happens in this forum but upon staying in SpeedLimited, if one of their point expires, they will automatically be reverted to their existing titles of Elite/Senior/Full Members group.

So it is indirectly giving extra opportunities to users to behave and still continue with the same account, rather than creating multiple accounts.

Although I must confess that it also enables Admin to slow down users whose posts are consistently being reported and we can bypass this restriction of 3 points and put him in SpeedLimited if we deem appropriate. But that power is exclusive to my myself, Waz or Amaa’n as others don’t have access to Admin Control Panel.

What do you think about it?
VSDoc if you read the announcement thread of SpeedLimited

You will notice that it works as a medium between normal user accounts and banned users. It’s basically helping you guys out if you think carefully.

From next week what happens is,

Instead of normal user getting banned after accruing 3 warning points, the user will automatically be moved to SpeedLimited when getting 3 warning points. It means the users will be able to make unlimited posts in Members Club, Sports and Introduction threads but in the serious forums like Pakistan or International Sections, users will only be able to make 10 posts a day.

Any further penalties will get them banned like how it happens in this forum but upon staying in SpeedLimited, if one of their point expires, they will automatically be reverted to their existing titles of Elite/Senior/Full Members group.

So it is indirectly giving extra opportunities to users to behave and still continue with the same account, rather than creating multiple accounts.

Although I must confess that it also enables Admin to slow down users whose posts are consistently being reported and we can bypass this restriction of 3 points and put him in SpeedLimited if we deem appropriate. But that power is exclusive to my myself, Waz or Amaa’n as others don’t have access to Admin Control Panel.

What do you think about it?

Bro Ill write to u on pm
No thread on aerosapce should be opened without Windjammer being present and approving. This is basic moderation standards. I can't understand why this is missed.
I have a query about this ban on taunting soldiers enforced in the Kashmir War section
Resistance Groups such as PAFF and TRF regularly post media statements in which they often taunt the occupation forces, can those messages be posted?
I have a query about this ban on taunting soldiers enforced in the Kashmir War section
Resistance Groups such as PAFF and TRF regularly post media statements in which they often taunt the occupation forces, can those messages be posted?
Hello, I believe this has previously been addressed:

@StormOfTruth I hope you can appreciate why this ban has been put in place.

We have Indian members here who are ex military, and we may have Indian members here who have family members in the army and that is not fair on them.

Similarly myself and many here have family in the Pakistani military on active duty, if some Indian members than post images or taunts against our boys and girls in a tit-for-tat fashion it only upsets people and creates toxic atmosphere.

This by no means prevents you from posting factual reporting, and information/analysis/opinion that you wish to present.

Does that clarify things?
@StormOfTruth I hope you can appreciate why this ban has been put in place.

We have Indian members here who are ex military, and we may have Indian members here who have family members in the army and that is not fair on them.

Similarly myself and many here have family in the Pakistani military on active duty, if some Indian members than post images or taunts against our boys and girls in a tit-for-tat fashion it only upsets people and creates toxic atmosphere.

This by no means prevents you from posting factual reporting, and information/analysis/opinion that you wish to present.

Does that clarify things?
I understand and agree completely how membership of this forum should not be exploited in order to allow mocking the dead as well as the ban on gratuitous violence
but my query was media messages from groups often include such taunts alongside valuable information.
For example
  • TRF posted an annual report of their attacks which would be valuable for researchers but it included the personal pictures of their targets burning which is a type of taunt
  • PAFF has taunted the Indian Army over their soldiers leaking patrol routes for alcohol

Are the posting of this information alongside their original messages allowed?
I understand and agree completely how membership of this forum should not be exploited in order to allow mocking the dead as well as the ban on gratuitous violence
but my query was media messages from groups often include such taunts alongside valuable information.
For example
  • TRF posted an annual report of their attacks which would be valuable for researchers but it included the personal pictures of their targets burning which is a type of taunt
  • PAFF has taunted the Indian Army over their soldiers leaking patrol routes for alcohol

Are the posting of this information alongside their original messages allowed?
Good question, I will yield the floor to @Waz @Mr X on this. :)
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