Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

I will say it

The society that can maintain the conservatism of their women and retain traditional values will win the future

Don't take this as a statement against women's education, I am a great believer In education for all


something wrong has happened, things have become screwed

The relationship system has broken down

A minority of men are fine, they get plenty of sex and a pick of all the women and in contrast you have a generation of men who don't measure up and will never marry, never settle down and never have family or children

Women are encouraged to prioritise education and subsequently career, so that's what they do
They then spend their 20s in the pursuit of this yet they continue to have the same biological urges which push them into hook up culture and by the end of their 20's they have had multi partners and sexual experiences, which now we understand creates multiple problems including the ability to maintain long term relationships and marriage

In a world of limited resources and jobs, adding millions of women to the jobs market has destroyed wages and made it impossible for one man to have a salary that can maintain and home and family

Everything is adding to a problem where demographics have collapsed and everyone will suffer

So let me make a counter, I TRUST ISLAM has got this right
And maintaining the conservatism of women, protecting them from free mixing and society creates honourable women and mothers and wives and will maintain the marriage, relationship system to safeguard society

Women deserve education but it needs to be controlled and the islamic value system maintained at all costs, or you will all be regretting it

Bro, it's not education that is making the women like this. It's the social culture that promotes this degeneracy, low birth and fertility rates that are causing the demographic decline of certain peoples/races. If you could promote education, excellence in all fields and an Islamic way of life, then you could have a more productive traditional society that promotes goodness and wholesome family values.

YES, you are 100% correct. Those societies that promote traditional, conservative values with high birthrates will ULTIMATELY prevail over those societies that are degenerate, have no family values and low- beyond replacement level birthrates.
Tell me, Have you ever been to Afghanistan? Before you talk further on the subject of legitimacy have to spoken to Afghans and how they feel about the Taliban. Please stop embarrassing yourself, you are better than this.
The Afghan people want the Afghan Taliban. Go ask the Afghanistanis in Saudi Arabia.

Thats the very reason Afghan Taliban are in power.
Bro, it's not education that is making the women like this. It's the social culture that promotes this degeneracy, low birth and fertility rates that are causing the demographic decline of certain peoples/races. If you could promote education, excellence in all fields and an Islamic way of life, then you could have a more productive traditional society that promotes goodness and wholesome family values.

YES, you are 100% correct. Those societies that promote traditional, conservative values with high birthrates will ULTIMATELY prevail over those societies that are degenerate, have no family values and low- beyond replacement level birthrates.
I do believe women need at least a bachelor's degree.
education for women is essential for a society to survive.

Saudi Arabia should teach these Afghan Taliban what Islam teaches.
Afghani taliban jahils didn't win anything, except Iranian hegemony. Iran made them win!

We couldn't support jahiliyat.......even under duress.

Blame Iran for the jahil afghani winning.

And lo n behold, afghani pashto bows down to Iran.......Without even asked to!

@vsdoc @Sharma Ji
Men too

View attachment 62375

Very egalitarian this.

Cheers, Doc
Look at these Mongolian dudes…..😝…..

The whole Central Asia like this bhai!

Iran needs to lock down its borders ASAP or else Iran turnin into another CIA inspired Al-Qaeda ISIS central.

And so de we in our country.

These dudes are all CIA jihadists.
Evident in this thread people don't understand Afghanistan at all.
InshaAllah all women in Paris will dress like that in the coming future.

I heard Islam will be majority in France in a century or two. Alhamdulillah
I really don't think the endemic people of France will agree.

France took control of Algeria ffor 132 years, but we had to leave. So the contrary may happend, and far before 132 years.
I really don't think the endemic people of France will agree.

France took control of Algeria ffor 132 years, but we had to leave. So the contrary may happend, and far before 132 years.
Ignore his idiotic comment. Its devoid of factual information.
They shud ban women all together just keep londas
They shud ban women all together just keep londas
That would fit in with their culture and sort out a problem. In fact we should swap all our male afghan refugees for female ones.
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Taliban chief tells Afghan officials to enforce new morality law

September 2, 2024

Afghan girls from a madrassa walk along a road in Balkh province’s Sholgara district on Sunday. — AFP

Afghan girls from a madrassa walk along a road in Balkh province’s Sholgara district on Sunday. — AFP
Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada has ordered Afghan officials to enact a sweeping new morality law curtailing women’s rights and enshrining an austere vision of Islamic society.

Taliban authorities last month announced the law, which includes rules that women’s faces, bodies and voices should be “covered” outside the home, among 35 articles dictating behaviour and lifestyle.

While many of the measures have been informally enforced since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, their formal codification sparked an outcry from the international community and rights groups.

Akhundzada told civil and military officials “they should implement … the law of promoting virtue in society”, a statement by the Information and Culture Department of Faryab province said.

The reclusive Akhundzada rules by decree from a hideout in southern Kandahar province but made the order in a rare trip to northern Faryab last week, according to the statement released on Sunday.

The new law prohibits women from raising their voices in public and requires them to cover their entire body and face if they need to leave their homes, which they should only do “out of necessity”.

Men’s behaviour and dress are also strictly regulated under the edict, which instructs them not to wear shorts above the knee or to trim their beards closely.

Other parts of the law dictate prayer attendance as well as bans on keeping photos of living beings, homosexuality, animal fighting, playing music in public and non-Muslim holidays.

The law sets out graduated punishments that morality police are empowered to dole out, from verbal warnings to threats, fines and detentions of varying lengths.

The head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Roza Otunbayeva, called the law a “distressing vision for Afghanistan’s future”.

Akhundzada was in Faryab on Friday after visiting Badghis province in his first official visit to northern Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, Faryab’s Department of Information and Culture head Shamsullah Mohammadi told AFP

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