Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

Get it now, Afghan Taliban wants to apply Islamic laws in Afghanistan.


Let Saudi Arabia teach the Afghan Taliban on how to govern Afghanistan and educate them on Islam.
If Afghanistan wasn't so conflict ridden, I would love to move there with my wife
You exposed yourself as a South African gujju muzlim with that comment. Are you a tableeghi?
O believers! Stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony. Do not let the hatred of a people lead you to injustice. Be just! That is closer to righteousness. And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

your apologia for the Taliban is quite frankly disgusting

Kabul is a rural area?
He's never stepped foot in Afghanistan has no understanding of the complexities of problems faced by the people of Afghanistan nor does he understand that nations only progress when men and women work hand in hand to achieve objectives.

We are in 2024 and people are still acting like troglodytes living in caves.

Edit: typo
Japan, for example, is famous among Asian countries for its intolerant culture,
There are repeated reports of children born with brownish hair being forced by their teachers to dye their hair because they believe that “hair that is not black is un-Japanese and immoral.
Also, although it is not widely known, Japan is the only country in the world recognized as an independent nation that requires its children to strip naked several times a year for medical examinations at school.
Even underage girls are subjected to mandatory examinations by male doctors, and only in 2024, after domestic criticism, did the government finally announce “some consideration for female students,” prompting conservatives to angrily demand that the nudity of children is absolutely necessary.
Naturally, as a dependent nation of the U.S., this is not a problem in Japan and is not sanctioned.

Or the inhumane treatment of women in India, which I am sure you are well aware of, is also not an issue at all, as the US wants India to fight China.

Furthermore, many pro-U.S. Arab countries in the Middle East impose strict restrictions on women, even stricter than Iran's dress code, but again, these restrictions are completely ignored.

So while I personally do not support the Taliban, it is clearly unfair to criticize Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s Taliban govt says morality law will be ‘gently’ enforced



KABUL: Afghanistan’s Taliban authorities said Monday a recently ratified morality law would be enforced “gently”, after the international community and Afghans voiced concern over new restrictions.

Women must cover completely and not raise their voices in public, according to a 35-article law announced Wednesday by the justice ministry.

It imposes wide-ranging stipulations from behaviour to dress and social interactions, including rules on men’s clothing and beard length as well as bans on homosexuality, animal fighting, playing music in public and non-Muslim holidays.

The United Nations, rights groups and Afghans have expressed concern that the law could lead to increased enforcement of the rules, many already informally in place since the Taliban authorities took power in 2021 and implemented a strict interpretation of Islamic law – or sharia.

“I must make it clear that force and oppression won’t be used while implementing these rules,” said deputy government spokesman Hamdullah Fitrat in a voice message he shared with AFP.

The rules “would be implemented very gently, informing people’s understanding, and guiding them”, he said.

The Taliban government has consistently dismissed international criticism of their policies, including condemnation of restrictions on women the UN has labelled “gender apartheid”.

The law sets out graduated punishments for non-compliance – from verbal warnings to threats, fines and detentions of varying lengths – enforced by the morality police under the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

Roza Otunbayeva, head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, has called the law a “distressing vision for Afghanistan’s future, where moral inspectors have discretionary powers to threaten and detain anyone based on broad and sometimes vague lists of infractions”.

Whichever society women have gone into higher education in mass, has resulted in the spread of feminism, the destruction of marriage rates and birth rates collapsing resulting in major demographic issues

Iran is a Muslim country, however the Islamic Republic pushed education for all, a normally commendable action, but it resulted in the same demographic pressure and collapse of marriage rates and the same women who benefited from the access to education becoming a tool against Iran.

I mostly see the Afghans as dumb as bricks but they have a viewpoint that may end up preserving their society

Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (AP): Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers have issued a ban on women’s voices and bare faces in public under new laws approved by the supreme leader in efforts to combat vice and promote virtue.

The laws were issued Wednesday after they were approved by supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, a government spokesman said. The Taliban had set up a ministry for the “propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice” after seizing power in 2021.

The ministry published its vice and virtue laws on Wednesday that cover aspects of everyday life like public transportation, music, shaving and celebrations.

They are set out in a 114-page, 35-article document seen by The Associated Press and are the first formal declaration of vice and virtue laws in Afghanistan since the takeover.

Vice and Virtue Ministry officials were not immediately available for comment about the laws.

The laws empower the ministry to be at the frontline of cracking down on personal conduct, administering punishments like warnings or arrest if they allege Afghans have broken the laws.

Article 13 relates to women. It says it is mandatory for a woman to veil her body at all times in public and that a face covering is essential to avoid temptation and tempting others. Clothing should not be thin, tight or short.

Muslim women are obliged to cover themselves in front of non-Muslim males and females to avoid being corrupted. A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting poetry, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

Article 17 bans the publication of images of living beings, which threatens an already fragile Afghan media landscape.

Article 19 bans the playing of music, the transportation of solo female travelers, and the mixing of men and women who are not related to each other. The law also obliges passengers and drivers to perform prayers at designated times.

Last month, a UN report said the ministry was contributing to a climate of fear and intimidation among Afghans through edicts and the methods used to enforce them.

It said the ministry’s role was expanding into other areas of public life, including media monitoring and eradicating drug addiction.

“Given the multiple issues outlined in the report, the position expressed by the de facto authorities that this oversight will be increasing and expanding gives cause for significant concern for all Afghans, especially women and girls,” said Fiona Frazer, the head of the human rights service at the UN mission in Afghanistan.
The islam we absolutely fear in the west...
Whichever society women have gone into higher education in mass, has resulted in the spread of feminism, the destruction of marriage rates and birth rates collapsing resulting in major demographic issues
that's not your call to make ... I feel sorry for the women in your life ...
that's not your call to make ... I feel sorry for the women in your life ...

The women are fine, I see the demographic disaster in the west
I see first hand the consequences for feminism, the effect on the marriage and relationship system and collapse of the birth rate

I've come to the conclusion, that whilst Islam promotes education, it also promotes a range of other advice/commands that if not adhered to will lead to the societal collapse we see in multiple countries now

Whilst in the past I would be right along his you in agreement and condemn the Taliban

Today I am wondering if such measures will preserve their culture and people and system better then the alternative we are suggesting
I told my wife about the Afghan laws. She laughed hysterically told me I was kidding until I Googled the article and showed it to her. She was dumbfounded that any government could pass such laws. We don't and can't understand the rationale behind these laws. We have Muslims in our country. Some staunch and some liberal but they do not practice their religion to this extent (I'm still confused whether this is Islam laws). Most of the Muslims I have come across allow their daughters and female members to educate themselves. I recently consulted with a Muslim accountant whose wife works with him. She is fully covered.
Umar Ibn Khattab RA have women market officers under his rule, more than half of Hadith comes from Prophets Wives RA, Ayesha RA lead an Army, Women were allowed in public/mosques and yet these Afghans are against all of that... If Rasool Allah was alive today these Taliban cut his throat as well for going against Shariah law.
Whichever society women have gone into higher education in mass, has resulted in the spread of feminism, the destruction of marriage rates and birth rates collapsing resulting in major demographic issues

Iran is a Muslim country, however the Islamic Republic pushed education for all, a normally commendable action, but it resulted in the same demographic pressure and collapse of marriage rates and the same women who benefited from the access to education becoming a tool against Iran.

I mostly see the Afghans as dumb as bricks but they have a viewpoint that may end up preserving their society
Educated women are better equipped to support families and contribute in all fields.

Some countries have embraced Feminism on a political level and do not value institution of marriage or nuclear family tradition. These countries have people who encourage others to sleep around and find pleasure in it. This is a faulty system and culture that leads to "the destruction of marriage rates and birth rates collapsing resulting in major demographic issues." But there is no need to adopt this system.

An Islamic country can have the best of both worlds. Education and a system that values institution of marriage and nuclear family tradition.

Education stops you from pointing out issues in Feminism? It is rather helpful. If an institution stops you from pointing out issues in Feminism then in this case the state should give you the option to report it for not allowing freedom of expression in true academic spirit. This is the solution.
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