Tesla to unveil Robotaxi on 8/8: Musk

Checkout the mountains in the background
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Black Tesla

Tesla FSD 12.4.1 - Final Drive​


Tesla Robotaxi patent teases automatic sanitation system​

A Tesla Robotaxi patent teased the company’s efforts to develop an automatic sanitation system. The international filing date for the Tesla Robotaxi patent is February 21, 2023.

Throughout the Tesla patent are clues that suggest the automatic sanitation system is for the company’s upcoming Robotaxi fleet, which will comprise Tesla Cybercabs.

Figure 5 in the patent depicts a vehicle with a similar outline to the Tesla Cybercab teased in some of the company’s past content. The patent’s abstract also suggests that the automatic sanitation system will be for vehicles “shared among multiple persons.”

The Tesla Robotaxi patent states that sensors will be used to detect the temperature, humidity, and presence of pathogens within a vehicle.

“The sanitation system then obtains and generates a sanitation routine based at least in part on the sensor data. Based on the sanitation routine, the sanitation system causes a component associated with the enclosed space to adjust the current environmental condition toward a target environmental condition, where the sanitation routine specifies the component and the target environmental condition,” states the Tesla patent’s abstract.

Patent researcher SETI Park listed the benefits of Tesla’s potential automatic sanitation system, concluding that it will play a significant role in Tesla’s Robotaxi ride-hailing service.

“In conclusion, this patent is likely to be a key technology for Tesla’s robotaxi service. Furthermore, this technology will not only benefit vehicle sharing but also provide convenience to vehicle owners and operators, thereby enhancing the value of Tesla vehicles and improving the user experience,” said SETI Park on X.
Tesla plans to unveil its Robotaxi fleet vehicle, the Cybercab, on August 8, 2024. The Cybercab’s design will be inspired by the Cybertruck. Originally, Elon Musk stated that Tesla’s $25,000 vehicle, the Model 2 or Model Q, would be used in its Robotaxi fleet.

The Cybercab is expected to be a fully autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel, unlike the highly anticipated Model 2, which is expected to have one. In May, Tesla released a video on X that provided a glimpse of the Cybercab’s design without a steering wheel.


Black Tesla

Driving Hands-free With Tesla FSD 12.4.2: My First Impressions!​

Okay it looks like Tesla has made some great advances and have removed the annoying requirement to occasionally touch the steering wheel.

Tesla FSD 12.4.2: Mt. Davidson to City Lights Books with Zero Interventions, 100% Hands Free​

Hands Free Tesla FSD 12.4.2: SoMa to Fisherman's Wharf with Zero Interventions​

Hands Free Tesla FSD 12.4.2: Palo Alto to San Francisco with Zero Interventions​

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Tesla FSD 12.4.3: SFO to San Francisco Completely Hands Free​

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Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

I'm glad you understand the "fascinating" part of it. You seem to be in the minority.

This is the exact word I would stress to people when I would tell them how I could just watch this thing control my Tesla for hours on end because it was just fascinating watching how it handled different situations. I'd just pick random destinations and see how the thing handled it. It worked amazingly well. A few times i could see an edge situation upcoming that I thought could damage my car so I wasn't going to risk it deciding the correct move...like a speeding bike/Ambulance zigzagging towards me on the wrong side of the road.

Most others would just go "ho hum" at FSD or go off on how it can't work without LiDAR or some other thing not even related to how well it does. This is sort of Déjà vu of back in the late 1980's when I had a cell phone and thought it was the coolest thing while others thought this was useless tech...of course until they got it and then they couldn't live without it.

It's funny the first hour you are completely paranoid this thing is going to destroy your car and then it works so well the next thing you have your hands off the wheel happily letting it drive down narrow streets with cars parked on both sides saying this is easily the coolest tech you have ever experienced.

As you can see in the above videos the people have their hands WAY WAY off the wheel and aren't jumpy at all. Inspires confidence. Although I'm not sure I'd like to have it driving me 70mph on the highway as crazy stuff done by others can happen in the blink of an eye.
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I'm off the hook...FSD tested by some other super critical Massholessachusetts owners

FSD 12.5 Drive | In Depth​

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