The country has gone bankrupt, and no one is willing to lend us money," says Qaiser Bengali.

And yet Pakistani people, like sheep,will refuse to vote for alternative parties despite the perpetual ineptitude, so the same PPP/PMNL/TERROIST MQM gravy train continues decade after decade.
I will be honest; this nation doesn't have it within itself to change. If, in the last 77 years they couldn't, they will not in given another 77 years.

One good example to study that can reflect Pakistan is Argentina. Since independence from Spain in 1816, it’s been marred in one political and economic after another, cycles through military and democratic rule, and has the failed Peronism economic model that's similar to Bhuttos philosophy and failed to improve, defaulting nine times since 2000 three times.

Argentina, like Pakistan, knows the issues, but various vested interests do not want change for their own interests.

Totally incompetent people with zero business skills running Pakistan with multi billion budgets = totally expected. We need qualified people.
And yet Pakistani people, like sheep,will refuse to vote for alternative parties despite the perpetual ineptitude, so the same PPP/PMNL/TERROIST MQM gravy train continues decade after decade.

People will vote. However, the ones in control will manipulate it to what they see fit.
So you don't pay a bankrupt outfit anything, it will be swallowed by the receiver on other bills Pakistanis are waking up late this gravy train is now over. No more free lunches.
I work for a company where they allow you to work
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Here is the latest, corruption at its best from Pakistan customs.. and this got out of hand and they couldnt make money, they blamed the courier service.

And these bastards want FDI in Pakistan. To the point, Pakistan and its nation is the most dishonest in the world

here is a story of where Pakistan is right now from personal experience ..

Pakistan has an extremely poor reputation in the business circles. I have both Indian and Pakistani employees here in the UK. Our company allows you to work for a few weeks overseas as part of hybrid and making life easier for work/life balance. It is "one mouse click" to approve someone to work in India. They like to book 1-3weeks holiday in a foreign country and do 2 weeks work from there also to stretch out their time. For Pakistan, i would have to get contact HR to work out a work plan and basically told to get "disposable computers/mobile phones" that had to be locked down, restricted mode with restricted amounts of data etc (and a whole bunch of other restrictions ) in place for him to work in Pakistan. Pakistan was the ONLY country with a double star warning in place. All others were "no approval required" to "one approval(from me) on a website" required. Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Afghanistan all had 1 click approval and still considered safer than Pakistan to work..
I agree with all your points, but I will make one thing clear: land reform is a must to break the stranglehold and then the redistribution of lands to the peasant class. Change will be difficult if you cannot break their backs.

Regardless of the size and composition of the forces, when incompetence comes in, the system slowly starts to rot.

Pakistani security establishment takes $14 billion. That is 1/3 of all revenues. Even if you spare $5 billion for improving human resources or improving the infrastructure things will get better.

You are right - no system is built to withstand incompetence over time
Most poor or middle class don't have substantial saving in Pakistan
The rich already have their money moved to Dubai / Abu Dabi

A Reset is , not a bad idea , we are Bankrupt , Army played their role to Bankrupt a Running Profitable country

Self inflicted wound

2006-2007 , National Reconciliation ordinance to bring back corrupt families of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari to Pakistan

2022: Sabotage of Pakistan's running Government under Imran Khan

Country has been tanking heavily since 2022

Army General = Property and Children -> Overseas
Judges = Families living overseas - Studying on Government payroll

Haram Khoro , Retirement Le Leti , Izzat ki Zindagi hoti
  • Pakistani Log bhi Izzat karte
  • Akhrat main bhi , kuch mil Jata

Ayesi Faujiyat , aur , "Langri" Government Ka Kiya Faieda????
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And yet Pakistani people, like sheep,will refuse to vote for alternative parties despite the perpetual ineptitude, so the same PPP/PMNL/TERROIST MQM gravy train continues decade after decade.
Which planet are you living on? Can we drop this myth once and for all...

Pakistanis rejected all of these parties in the last election and voted overwhelmingly for the right candidates who all happened to be from PTI, but the perpetual national curse, jamedars null and voided the elections and people's correct choice and imposed their A team of criminals, thugs, looters and terrorists.
Pakistani security establishment takes $14 billion. That is 1/3 of all revenues. Even if you spare $5 billion for improving human resources or improving the infrastructure things will get better.

You are right - no system is built to withstand incompetence over time

I read you wrong. I thought you were saying the military is smaller and its political impact is minimal. I didn't know you were referencing the budget.

The problem is the region's volatile situation, and more so, Pakistan being responsible through mismanagement of the situation over time and using the guns-and-butter approach; Pakistan wished to be a security state. Still, even in this environment, it failed compared to how the Cold War saw security states export large amounts and pump funding into R&D, which, in effect, helped the civilian sector and created new sectors. As we know now, corruption exists within the armed forces and its enterprises, as per the latest reports, and so the rot affected this, as posted in another thread. (The military's assessment reports even show questionable things).

I mentioned a week or two ago that Pakistan needs to make peace, have the LOC become the international border, and exchange its population for a certain period to reunite families or create an environment where both sides can visit. Pakistan's current state isn't conducive to growth, whereas India has the depth, resources, financial moat, and a larger population to weather an arms race. When I mentioned, in another thread, if Germany and France could work together after hundreds of years of hate and interlink their economies for peaceful development, I was rebuked as it's not possible due to hate. I find it funny because both nations were one and split just 77 years ago, so how the hell could your hate be more than Germany and France whose conflict precedes your own birth?
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And yet Pakistani people, like sheep,will refuse to vote for alternative parties despite the perpetual ineptitude, so the same PPP/PMNL/TERROIST MQM gravy train continues decade after decade.

Based on New Data , it is established that People's vote were overruled in offices. The people did vote for Right People from PTI

The narrative that People did not vote correctly is old story

Problem exists in those People whose Job was to protect the Irregularities those assets have been compromised
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Here is the latest, corruption at its best from Pakistan customs.. and this got out of hand and they couldnt make money, they blamed the courier service.

And these bastards want FDI in Pakistan. To the point, Pakistan and its nation is the most dishonest in the world
Customs has been corrupt forever .
Once while moving back from Saudi they wanted to apply duty on every individual sock and tie.

Haramkhor qaum from the moment they are born - just need the opportunity for haramkhori.
Problem exists in those People whose Job was to protect the Irregularities those assets have been compromised

If elections were free & fair in Pakistan then Imran Khan should have had a simple
majority in 2013 but Gen Kayani had other ideas because of his corruption.

Then in 2018 IK had 2/3 majority only for these duffers to take away 40 seats
from PTI.
Plan for 8 September 2024 : Ordinary citizens must come out to the biggest road in each city in Pakistan with only Pakistan flag. Large peaceful protests are the only way to change the corrupt and illegal system. Use covid mask, water bottle, running shoes.

Islamabad and Rawalpindi need to be blocked.
Pakistan's True Freedom will only come , if Citizens , will start a

"No Cooperation Movement'

Do not cooperate with a ENTITY we don't recognize as Legitimate

Accept Bankruptcy
Accept it Embrace it

But , hate the Corrupt Mafia
  • refuse to work
  • Refuse to cooperate
  • Refuse to pick up garbage infront of their rich Army farm houses
We did good in Covid time big

"We need to invest in the new generation. First, we must remove all types of exams from schools until the tenth grade. Then, those who do not pass the 10th grade or pass with low marks should be placed in technical colleges to learn technical skills. Similarly, those who pass their 12th grade with lower grades should also be directed towards technical fields. This is how we need to plan for the next 50 or even 100 years. Otherwise, Pakistan will continue to be a breeding place where 220 out of 250 million are unproductive and have no purpose in life. Including some of our mods lol
The Germans do it a lot earlier, at 5-7th grade if I’m not mistaken. It’s not about dividing the education tracks for the sake of it. It has to be tied to jobs afterwards.


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