The End Game Against Terrorism

Out of interest what happens to these scumbags? Do we ditch the bodies somewhere

Do they try to find the families to see if they are involved

We should burn them like hindus

they should take these bodies to Hafiz and Nadeem to scare the shit out of them, and say, “sir yeh apko marna chahtay hay, is dafa yeh kamyaab nahi huay”
That's correct. When the establishment talks about winding up this sardar wadera culture then separatism sloganeering starts in 2 minutes. Its run its course this non interference/ appeasement strategy. It's a fail.
They appease because they don’t want to do the hard work and costly task of setting up effective civilian institutions alongside empowering locals to leverage the authority, power and purse of the state to set up a more egalitarian system. They rather deal with a few powerful local elites that will ”deal with” the population on their behalf for a relatively limited amount of money. It’s a game of kicking the can down the road and not worrying, because it’s on the “periphery”. What these series of attacks have shown is that this was across the province, done with impunity, and attack people and infrastructure, bringing the province to a standstill. This should be a wake up call that the day has come to accept you need the public (locally and nationally) on board to hold the country together. The capacity/bandwidth of the state has been narrowed by focusing inward. Lincoln said; A house divided can not stand. This is yet more proof that the political games need to end and the state needs to reflect the will of the people; release IK and let him and his party govern (as was clear to see per the actual Febuary 2024 election results) so the people can learn to respect and support the state once again. And hopefully this time with good governance and proper allocation of funds on a equitable basis.
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Sardarism is part of balauch culture, like waderism is part of Sindhi culture and tribal chiefs part of pashtuns

The problem is this idiots set themselves up like medieval chieftains

They have local influence and power,

Option 1 is hang them all, the problem is they will then try to instigate a rebellion based upon "CULTURE" being attacked by state or stet as the buffoons keep saying
Now we can try to deal with that if it wasn't for so many ethnocentric jahils who will fall for this line of thinking and make these bastard sardars and chiefs Into freedom fighter legends

So to try and limit the fassad, the establishment chooses option 2, which is allow the sardars to function and enter and control local politics

But these guys are a double edged sword, they want to keep the locals as thick as siht, won't allow development, will blackmail all initiatives to get rich and are loose cannons that could turn rebellious if the state pushes them

At some point you have stamp this out and take on all the idiots and we are reaching their very quickly

So you know the issues I stated a while back. The solution is to free people from the zanjeer of Waderism, Sardarism, and feudalism; it's the only way to free these people and let the locals choose their destiny and not have singular families control them. These families control the local budgets and investments by setting up shell companies and robbing the communities of their financial rights. As you also pointed out, the army backs them up, so as you can see, there is a reason the forces get attacked.

The issue with Pakistanis is we get emotional real quick to take steps that could be counter productive and then later ponder what could've been. People need to learn to analyze things deeply.
Irani’s kill these afghani/ baloch dissidents just squash them like little bugs.

They don’t dare do this shit over there or else there’s hell to pay. The IRGC surrounds the village or city and until the culprits are caught/ prosecuted, they don’t back down.

Udher 5 incidents hotay hain if Israel/Mossad/CIA starts getting desperate.

However on our side we have 500 incidents every year!

Obviously our gubment is incompetent

Why is that no?

We can’t play hard love cuz it goes back to our foundation/ contract with the west.

We can’t kill……like Iran does on their side.

@vsdoc you see how Iran survived for 2500 years as an entity?……..😝……cuz they fukkin do whatever they wanna do! Ye mazaq ne hae doc……no sovereignty = no country!
Repression of that sort leaves fissures open, just buried, for a while. These are the kind of fissures that get exploited down the line by foreign forces to carry out completely unrelated operations against other national interests. (P.s. I know this, because I have met some of these operators that use to do ops in Iran, coming into a rural area on the pretext of being western businessmen, if I remove the guy’s story correctly…connect the dots of who was probably helping then in that area instead of telling the authorities of weird foreign men and what they were doing)

On the other hand, closing the fissures, through proper COIN, however hard it may seem, lessen the possibility they come back and are exploited down the line by a third party.

Just like the human body, proper wound care early and throughly prevent what would have been limited injury from becoming the basis for worse secondary outcomes.

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So you know the issues I stated a while back. The solution is to free people from the zanjeer of Waderism, Sardarism, and feudalism; it's the only way to free these people and let the locals choose their destiny and not have singular families control them. These families control the local budgets and investments by setting up shell companies and robbing the communities of their financial rights. As you also pointed out, the army backs them up, so as you can see, there is a reason the forces get attacked.

The issue with Pakistanis is we get emotional real quick to take steps that could be counter productive and then later ponder what could've been. People need to learn to analyze things deeply.
Oh bhai its not army to blame. Army is just reduced down to the level of a police force now. Chowkidaar militia.

I'm warning you, god forbid if India just walks on in. Whose goin fight? And for what? All the mazhabi goin run to Iran for panah.

Ye iss tarha badmashian ne chalni. We need an establishment change or the republic is lost.

RIP to the innocent victims

Pakistan must do more to defeat terrorism in this region
We can't kill jahil tribals like you guys do. We can't do it bro, it's not in our genes to kill people who oppose da republic. Big time ethnic/ sectarian/ tribal extreme jahiliyat drama man. I hope Iran helps us killing these terrorists pulling people off of buses and shooting them because they are the 'wrong' ethnicity.
Nothing of any great significance will happen. Ground troops will continue to die, Punjabis will continue to be taken off buses and slaughtered and infrastructure attacked.

They were so eager to send in the Punjab Rangers into AJK which nearly triggered a civil war, but here we see entire massacres being carried out and just hot air statements.
the best defence against bully is offence push him back punch him hard and watch him run like a pu$$y thats what baloch are doing thats what whole Pakistan should do!
Irani’s kill these afghani/ baloch dissidents just squash them like little bugs.

They don’t dare do this shit over there or else there’s hell to pay. The IRGC surrounds the village or city and until the culprits are caught/ prosecuted, they don’t back down.

Udher 5 incidents hotay hain if Israel/Mossad/CIA starts getting desperate.

However on our side we have 500 incidents every year!

Obviously our gubment is incompetent

Why is that no?

We can’t play hard love cuz it goes back to our foundation/ contract with the west.

We can’t kill……like Iran does on their side.

@vsdoc you see how Iran survived for 2500 years as an entity?……..😝……cuz they fukkin do whatever they wanna do! Ye mazaq ne hae doc……no sovereignty = no country! Many mofo’s have come n gone……your Iran still there, sovereign even today bhai…..

Yet I don't see Pakistani nuclear scientists, Generals and Terror leaders being blown up on Pakistani soil, as I have been seeing Iranian for many years.

Zoroastrian Persia was no Iran. They brought war to the enemy across oceans and continents. And colonized moch of the civilized world.

Islamic Iran is a pariah mutant of its Zoroastrian past. Once world beaters in frontal warfare are now hit and run terrorists specialising in asymmetric guerilla warfare.
No amount of military operations or political solutions will work for Balouchistan and KPK, because the issue is not only about the insurgency or religious extremism but its about the ethnical hate, superiority complex . Finally I saw some Punjabi's young students raising their voices and directly addressing the Pashtoons and Baloch, and asking them to condemn this act, yes the Baloch people stop buses and check the names of those innocent mazdoors and then execute them, similar tactic was used by ANP/TTP in Karachi outskirts where urdu speaking and shia Youth were stopped their ID's checked and then executed/kidnapped. Unfortunately Pakistan and its condition will never change because more than half of Pakistani people consist of these Tribal's believe in violence and they are very very proud of their Riwayaat, So much so that they will take money from India only to kill their own people sometimes in the name of Islam, independence from Pakistan or Ethnic hate.

Wait until the next attack, and people will be getting emotional and discussing the same issues while beating around the bush but no one will address the real problem.
So you know the issues I stated a while back. The solution is to free people from the zanjeer of Waderism, Sardarism, and feudalism; it's the only way to free these people and let the locals choose their destiny and not have singular families control them. These families control the local budgets and investments by setting up shell companies and robbing the communities of their financial rights. As you also pointed out, the army backs them up, so as you can see, there is a reason the forces get attacked.

The issue with Pakistanis is we get emotional real quick to take steps that could be counter productive and then later ponder what could've been. People need to learn to analyze things deeply.

Won't work

Because sardarism is part of local CULTURE

If we as the state try to force it out

First the sardars will rebel, not a problem as they will be hunted down if they cause problems
But the problem is the local jahils, rather then rise up and free themselves will gather behind the sardars as "freedom fighters" and then we have a larger insurgency on our hands that we have to deal with

That dude we killed, bugti (I forget his first name) was a absolute scum bag, stories of torture and rape and other mafia style crap to his name and his type of sardar

Now I'm not saying we went about the right way, but his death should be celebrated but instead they make the scum bag a hero

You can't beat the jahilat of the tribal Baloch and tribal areas in KP

These people are a special kind of backwards scum
No amount of military operations or political solutions will work for Balouchistan and KPK, because the issue is not only about the insurgency or religious extremism but its about the ethnical hate, superiority complex . Finally I saw some Punjabi's young students raising their voices and directly addressing the Pashtoons and Baloch, and asking them to condemn this act, yes the Baloch people stop buses and check the names of those innocent mazdoors and then execute them, similar tactic was used by ANP/TTP in Karachi outskirts where urdu speaking and shia Youth were stopped their ID's checked and then executed/kidnapped. Unfortunately Pakistan and its condition will never change because more than half of Pakistani people consist of these Tribal's believe in violence and they are very very proud of their Riwayaat, So much so that they will take money from India only to kill their own people sometimes in the name of Islam, independence from Pakistan or Ethnic hate.

Wait until the next attack, and people will be getting emotional and discussing the same issues while beating around the bush but no one will address the real problem.

Exactly,,, and it's too much

Their NO SPACE for understanding or sympathy for these kind of scum

I will say it again, their is a basic requirement as Muslims, as insaan and as citizens that is expected of all of us

And these scum bags use poverty and their own failure to live peacefully,work and advance as a tool to murder and kill and then we are all supposed to feel sorry for them because they are backwards cave trash
What a load of crap

Excuses for these people doesn't fix them, it gives them the victim complex they so desire, so they can blame all their failures on someone else
End Game,

send estab back to barracks, give mandate to people of pakistan

there will be no terrorism left
End Game,

send estab back to barracks, give mandate to people of pakistan

there will be no terrorism left

Man, you think the jahils in some parts of these tribal belts will stop because the military isn't there????

Noooooo they will try to take over large areas and enforce their own brand of tribal control, that's the TTP and BLAs dream

Which fantasy land do you live in?

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