The Global Alliance for the Establishment of the Palestinian State

Number 1 is possible

Number 2 is deaf to a war, which the Arab world doesn’t seem to have the political will to attempt, because it basically means war with the US, Israel’s protector and holder of much of GCC’s wealth.

Number 3 is happening but slowly.

The GCC has to move its money out of the west to have any chance of pulling even some of this off.

2nd looks difficult but Lebanon is a independent country, if UN can have peace keeping force then so can the Muslims with the permission of Lebanese government, Gaza is possible if Israel withdraws as its not their territory, westBank looks impossible as it's surrounded by Israeli settlements and security. The downside is after 20 years Lebanese people will fall for the propaganda and will want Muslim forces out, just like they kicked Syrian army out. Our people are foolish.
They won’t negotiate, or at least the Israelis won’t negotiate, because they think they have the upper hand. Peace has to be imposed. A two state solution has to be imposed if it is to have any chance of becoming a reality.
That is why it needs International pressure even from their closed friends in the EU and the US..
2nd looks difficult but Lebanon is a independent country, if UN can have peace keeping force then so can the Muslims with the permission of Lebanese government, Gaza is possible if Israel withdraws as its not their territory, westBank looks impossible as it's surrounded by Israeli settlements and security. The downside is after 20 years Lebanese people will fall for the propaganda and will want Muslim forces out, just like they kicked Syrian army out. Our people are foolish.
24 years ago, when the Israelis withdrew, and Hezbollah was still not so heavily armed, it could have been possible.

But now, hezbollah is a 41 year old organization with a deep bench of leadership, an heavy arsenal and the Shia majority public that has grown up supporting them knows no other way of survival, especially with the economic condition of Lebanon.

Now with Nasrullah just having been killed, that bench will take over. (He may have been the leader but the organization is so old and Nasrullah was so old, that he was already effectively “used up”. His high visibility made him no longer relevant as a field commander and only an inspiration figure). Hezbollah is now more than just a militant organization, it’s a social organization, like a state. Hezbollah is a country within Lebanon, and they will not agree with foreign troops of any background moving in on “their turf”.

This isn’t just my guess at the nature of decapitation strikes, but there is research behind how ineffective this is when the organization is this old.

the effect of decapitation decreases with the age of the group, even to a point where it may have no effect at all….Additionally, in contrast to the conventional wisdom regarding the durability of terrorist groups, politically relevant terrorist groups (defined as those with at least four attacks including one attack resulting in a fatality) endure significantly longer than previously believed.

Now watch as Hezbollah will not announce their leadership, switch to a wartime comms strategy, radio chatter blackout, hunt for collaborators, and generally move to devolve command and control to lower ranks; probably battalion based, to be able to be viable under heavy pressure. In this way, the new leadership won’t be as easily known and targeted, while the real combat leaders, 2-3 ranks down, will be even more secret and combat effective.

Btw, Once the Russians intervened to protect Assad, that window of intervening to topple Assad And remove hezbollah closed.
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These global alliances are useless

We have seen that Arab nations are coward and awaiting to be slaughtered by Israel one by one.
24 years ago, when the Israelis withdrew, and Hezbollah was still not so heavily armed, it could have been possible.

But now, hezbollah is a 41 year old organization with a deep bench of leadership, an heavy arsenal and the Shia majority public that has grown up supporting them knows no other way of survival, especially with the economic condition of Lebanon.

Now with Nasrullah just having been killed, that bench will take over. Hezbollah is now more than just a militant organization, it’s a social organization, like a state. Hezbollah is a country within Lebanon, and they will not agree with foreign troops of any background moving in on “their turf”.

Btw, Once the Russians intervened to protect Assad, that window of intervening to topple Assad And remove hezbollah closed.

Syria still had 34000 troops in Lebanon up until early 2000s, they operated in their bases in order to protect Lebanon. Muslim force can do the same. I don't see the issue in Lebanon, gaza now will be difficult aswell as westbank surrounded by Israel. I am just being optimistic otherwise if it was possible it would be already done.
These global alliances are useless

We have seen that Arab nations are coward and awaiting to be slaughtered by Israel one by one.

Gaddafi mentioned exactly this to the arabs, he said 1948 you were saying Palestine on 1948 borders, then 1967 you said pre 1967 borders, then after 1967 borders. They all backstab each other, got Gaddafi and Saddam killed, we're after Assad, now Hamas and Hizbollah, and they think they will be spared. They can't be this stupid so agents is the word. Shame
Gaddafi mentioned exactly this to the arabs, he said 1948 you were saying Palestine on 1948 borders, then 1967 you said pre 1967 borders, then after 1967 borders. They all backstab each other, got Gaddafi and Saddam killed, we're after Assad, now Hamas and Hizbollah, and they think they will be spared. They can't be this stupid so agents is the word. Shame
That’s why the Arab street will watch what this new initiative does (while Lebanon gets destroyed). The outcome, is uncertain, because the world doesn’t understand how the Arab world just keeps taking it.

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