The globalist is doing well...

Mr Iran Eye

Full Member
Feb 6, 2019
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.... Even in Iran

We may talk about the armed forces of Iran and other countries, but the people are being manipulated by these globalists. This post will demonstrate it.
Iran, a new BRICS member, is calling for digital currency systems this year. I will post other facts as they come.

In another brick in the wall...

“BRICS, the intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, began its meetings this morning in Russia.

After agreeing to expand its membership in August, the group added Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on January 1. During the opening meeting, Iran highlighted the importance of the agenda regarding banking and payments, including digital currency."

It is important to know that BRICS are part of the plan to reshape the global economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs. Here Russia wants to stay in the globalist health structure, what hypocrisy!

In an interview with RIA Novosti on Sunday, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said it would be “inappropriate” for Moscow to withdraw from the World Health Organization.

“We must participate, we must express our position and cooperate with countries that support our direction. There must be an exchange of data and information,” Murashko said.

He explained that “the pandemic” showed the need for cooperation. -

I remind you that the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, participated in a meeting linked to the world economic forum
The great French globalist, the man behind the French presidents, declared: - "The only positive solution is a common Middle East market."
Jacques Attali.

Jacques Attali is the same globalist who would like the capital of the new world order to be Jerusalem.
All these elites are talking about the NWO now, they don't even hide it

Here is the statement from George Bush Sr.

Speeches That Defined a Presidency: "A New World Order"

We heard first from President George H.W. Bush in his 1991 State of the Union Address -- 12 days after leading coalition forces in war against Iraq. He was followed by his successor, Bill Clinton, with a 1995 speech on race relations. An "opportunity" had presented itself, he said, "and we dare not let it pass us by."

Not Applicable
Sir, your post is incomprehensible. If you have a point to make, please express it more clearly. Are you postulating that the BRICS grouping is just a tool of a globalist cabal whose true moving force is Zionism? I'm sorry, I can't make out what you are trying to have us understand.
Sir, your post is incomprehensible. If you have a point to make, please express it more clearly. Are you postulating that the BRICS grouping is just a tool of a globalist cabal whose true moving force is Zionism? I'm sorry, I can't make out what you are trying to have us understand.
- Are you postulating that the BRICS grouping is just a tool of a globalist cabal whose true moving force is Zionism? -

Absolutely, totally and the handling is made at a high level to meet their 2030 agenda. they are all going to the world economic forum. They manipulate the world with their great awakenings Vs the great reset. they play a double game to manipulate the people of the world
Lol.. conspiracy theories.

My weed- addict friends used to talk like this in college.

Nevertheless, it is only rational that humanity will come together in the future with better education, prosperity, and reduced divisive ideologies. Our future is to be a space faring civilisation.
Lol.. conspiracy theories.

My weed- addict friends used to talk like this in college.

Nevertheless, it is only rational that humanity will come together in the future with better education, prosperity, and reduced divisive ideologies. Our future is to be a space faring civilisation.
The conspiracy theory, the argument of those who have no argument. Bush Sr.'s speech is a fact, the 2030 agenda is a fact, The Great Reset is a fact, the global transhumanism agenda is a fact. US imperialist wars are a fact. The USA conspiracy of September 11, 2001 is a fact. H1N1 and Covid 2019 are mass manipulation. Experimental vaccines have caused a lot of side effects, Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneka have lied to the population.

The elites go to the economic forum, Jacques Attali's words are known. Crazy comments like Laurent Alexandre, Yuval Harari are known.

The 2023 World Government Summit. The theme was “Shaping Future Governments”.

The Summit brought together thought leaders, global experts and policymakers from around the world to share and contribute to the development of tools, policies and models that are essential for shaping future governments.

The same actors as those present at the World Economic Forum and the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (Putin's forum).

You have to be disconnected to think that the globalist elite wants to do us well, they who want to drastically reduce the world population
Straight from the horses mouth. Klaus Schwab names Vladimir Putin as a member of the Young Global leader of the World Economic Forum!
Lol.. conspiracy theories.

My weed- addict friends used to talk like this in college.

Nevertheless, it is only rational that humanity will come together in the future with better education, prosperity, and reduced divisive ideologies. Our future is to be a space faring civilisation.
You should have payed closer attention to what they had to say, instead of writing them off as mere potheads. You could have learned a thing or two!
Of “post-war” global governance as the only response to the countless disasters and disorders that have caused millions of deaths.

The final phase will conclude after chaos (potentially world war + planned revolutions + economic collapse).

A new multipolar world order and a total and absolute reform of our world will become the only option.

This is exactly what the “great reset” is!

By the shock strategy.

Traditionalism and anti-liberalism (anti-LGBTQ, anti-woke, anti-immigration, etc.) are the bait, the honeypot.

The media's hatred of Putin, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and Donald is great theater for an audience looking for hope.

Traditionalism and anti-liberalism open the door to all forms of theocracy (world religion), technocracy (governance by technology) and dystopia (permanent surveillance and control of all citizens).

I recall that the Sanhedrin urged President Trump to follow the Seven Noahide Laws, a set of laws binding on all humanity. Putin's Russia is not at all foreign or closed to Noahide laws, quite the contrary.

These seven guidelines are believed to dictate all human and moral obligations and can be applied to all three major religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Traditionalism and anti-liberalism are the values which risk framing the future world religion, or the moral framework which will be imposed on all humanity "after the war".

The ultimate argument brought by Putin, Tucker and Dugin is to let us believe that the revolution is a duty (a spiritual fight) to avoid the Apocalypse! Nothing less.

It's a remote-controlled operation so that we can build the walls of our own prison ourselves!

Let's not be fooled and let's protect our families because they will use all the tricks of the devil and his power to deceive us, seduce us and also, to sacrifice us...

Some extracts from Dugin's text:

"Tucker Carlson is a symbolic figure. He is now the main symbol of America who hates Biden, liberals and globalists and is preparing to vote for Trump. 👉Trump, Carlson and Musk, as well as Texas Governor Abbott, 👉are the faces of the impending American Revolution, this time a conservative revolution."

"It's not about the content of the interview with Putin. It's the fact that a person like Tucker Carlson would go to a country like Russia to meet a political figure like Putin at such a critical time. 👉 Tucker Carlson's trip to Moscow could be the last chance to stop humanity's demise."

"The world can only be saved by stopping this now. For that, 👉America must choose Trump. And Tucker Carlson. And Elon Musk. And Abbott. Then we have the opportunity to pause at the edge of the abyss. Compared to that, everything else is secondary. Liberalism and its agenda have led humanity to a dead end. Now the choice is: either liberals or humanity. Tucker Carlson chooses humanity , that's why he came to Moscow to meet Putin. The whole world understood why he came and how important it is."
Misinformation and propaganda from all sides.
From Moscow, in a video message, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova congratulated the Iranians and said that Russia and Iran are on the path to creating a (((( "new world order” ))))). She said Russia and Iran enjoy relations at the highest level based on good neighborliness, mutual respect and equality.

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