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The possible ways of action of the Egyptian army in an initiated war against Israel


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
Some people are very naive

The first batch of MIG-29M fighters is equipped with the first 300 missiles
R-77 and there is a second batch of 150 missiles
Egypt has set a condition for purchasing Russian MIG-35 fighters linked to purchasing the missile
That is, Egypt simply does not have a problem with the availability of R-77 BVR missiles
Some are desperate to deny that Egypt has contracted METEOR missiles
Although Egypt stipulated that the second defense of the RAFALE fighters include missiles
METEOR and MICA-NG missiles. Al-Baash seeks to undermine the strength of the Egyptian Air Force to hide the backwardness of its Air Force.

There are negotiations on Egypt's purchase of missiles
PL-15E is available for local production
Even the Indian ASTRA missiles mean that Egypt is replacing 1,300 old missiles
AIM-7 SPARROW is simply the subject of the American leadership. Egypt is buying other fighters, simply rejecting any American restrictions.
So the debate over the issue of BVR missiles is just a trivial tool
Egypt simply requested to buy light fighters
Failure to meet Egypt's requirements for F-15 fighters simply makes Egypt double its orders for SU-35 fighters. Egypt has not announced that it has canceled the deal.
SU-35 All Western sources simply miss one important point
The non-Western contracts, with their restrictions, have alternatives
Egypt is negotiating over Russian, Chinese, Indian and Korean fighters, meaning that the Western industrial complex is reducing the restrictions on Western fighters in the field of armament, simply making them an unacceptable option for countries, and the global market for producers has expanded. Of course, we originally rejected the deals that Egypt implemented with Western countries because they were made without offsets and high suspicions of corruption. It is reasonable to import weapons worth 40+ billion dollars without a respectable official, and it is not fair and honorable to have aircraft assembly lines that do not work, even ambulance production lines that do not work, and military jeep production lines that do not work. Thus, the Egyptian regime is classified in the industrial field as the most corrupt regime that has ever ruled Egypt. Since 1952
Therefore, the West sees Egypt as a good customer because it does not want real industrialization or real development. Should it refuse to supply weapons and the value of them is high? It will affect the Egyptian economy because it implements deals without offset and develops the economy.

The Egyptian orders for fighters remain more demanding than the orders for Eastern fighters. The Egyptians’ ambition reaches 100 Rafale fighters at the same time. Egypt wants 100 MIG-29/35 and 60-100 SU-35, in addition to fifth generation fighters and light fighters 36-100.

What is funny about those who compare their country to the Egyptian Air Force is that their country owns 500 AIM-120 missiles and their success rates are not high. They failed in the Balkans against MIRAGE-2000 fighters.

The story of the Indians and Pakistanis in the air combat, the two are not recognized because none of them has proven with evidence what they are saying, whether the Pakistanis claimed victory except the downing of an Indian MIG-21 plane, and even all the countries of the world did not stagnate the shattering victories of both sides.
Therefore, repeating lies does not mean that they have become reliable facts
Let us clarify simple things: historically, American missiles were not good
Egypt: In the October War of 1973, American Phantom fighters were launching AIM-7 missiles against MIG-21 fighters in large quantities before the MIG-21 fighters approached the close combat zone. However, the American Phantom fighters were defeated in the Battle of Mansoura, and the Israeli losses were 3 times the Egyptian losses in the fighting. The air force in this battle, that is, simply put, the pilots have combat tactics, even to disperse superiority in the field of BVR for many years. This does not mean paying attention to it, but rather we simply made it clear in advance that Egypt already has
The Egyptian-Russian contracts include local production of weapons after purchasing the first defenses. Therefore, there are no deliveries of complete MIG-35 fighters after purchasing the first batch, and the same applies to the KA-52.
The Egyptians put the Americans in a dilemma. Ok, we want the F-35. The Americans refuse, so the Egyptians are turning to the SU-35. The Egyptians are fully aware of the defects of the F-35 fighters, and to this day America has not succeeded in getting the fighters to reach the level of full effectiveness and combat readiness at rates up to 70%, so many countries I returned to 4++ fighters
The same story after Egypt bought the first batch of KA-52s. Egypt requested 10 AH-64E aircraft. The United States refused. The Americans have no right to object to two additional batches of KA-52 aircraft, although the Egyptians know that the future is for UCAV aircraft as a cheap solution, but there are also requirements for an attack hill. Egypt is focusing on replacing the SA-342 Gazelle anti-tank aircraft with a powerful attack helicopter with engines capable of 1600-2000 horsepower, whether the Chinese Z-10ME or the Indian LCH. The Turks want to push their T-129D as a competitor and its price is higher. We simply do not stop at the Americans or others and non-Western sources. Weapons allow Egypt to purchase in larger quantities and meet its needs at a lower cost. Egypt employs each piece of equipment according to the tasks it is sent to.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sisi orders the activation of the Egyptian strategic deterrence system for the first time in this way! Panic in the Hebrew media



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The point went over your head, you only talk about the individual aircraft and its sub systems, and not any doctrine whatsoever, so miss me with that “you don’t have real knowledge comment”.

Not only did it go over his head, it opened up the boom sails and caught the wind storm and sailed into "bolivion," as the great Mike Tyson once said lmao.

Not even just that, he pulled down his pants and started flashing his penis all over the thread because of something that really isn't his fault, having the IQ of a cucumber. We can't fault the kid for that it's genetics he has no control over it.

Problem is it went even further when I even tried a 2nd time and held his hand and tried to walk him thru the point I was making about not having AMRAAMs not being the end of the world and certainly doesn't make an aircraft "useless" and would Pakistani aircraft that are without AMRAAMs be considered "useless?" No is the answer of course but then he still couldn't understand that particular analogy. That set off the confliting receptacles in the old brain and they went haywire at that point! He thought I was dissing Pakistani F-16s. He couldn't grasp the point whatsoever. That's when he went into dick-measuring mode "aaahh Pakistani generals are not stupid like Egyptian generals rrrwwwwrraaaarraaaaaraaaaaahhhhh loook how big my Pakistani package is RRRRAWRRAWRRAWRRAWRAAAA!!!!!"

You can't fix that, bro.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Not only did it go over his head, it opened up the boom sails and caught the wind storm and sailed into "bolivion," as the great Mike Tyson once said lmao.

Not even just that, he pulled down his pants and started flashing his penis all over the thread because of something that really isn't his fault, having the IQ of a cucumber. We can't fault the kid for that it's genetics he has no control over it.

Problem is it went even further when I even tried a 2nd time and held his hand and tried to walk him thru the point I was making about not having AMRAAMs not being the end of the world and certainly doesn't make an aircraft "useless" and would Pakistani aircraft that are without AMRAAMs be considered "useless?" No is the answer of course but then he still couldn't understand that particular analogy. That set off the confliting receptacles in the old brain and they went haywire at that point! He thought I was dissing Pakistani F-16s. He couldn't grasp the point whatsoever. That's when he went into dick-measuring mode "aaahh Pakistani generals are not stupid like Egyptian generals rrrwwwwrraaaarraaaaaraaaaaahhhhh loook how big my Pakistani package is RRRRAWRRAWRRAWRRAWRAAAA!!!!!"

You can't fix that, bro.

You do understand Pakistan utterly screwed the USA, NATO and ensured the collapse of the Afghan republic because they threatened Pakistani long term strategic interests
The U.S lost 20 years of planning and plotting,
A trillion plus in finance spent and thousands of U.S soldiers for nothing

We did the same with the USSR when we were threatened by them

Against all odds we developed nuclear weapons and a comprehensive delivery system under immense scrutiny

Regardless of any issues we had with the Afghans they were Muslims and we took millions in, trained a effective resistance, armed and planned for them, provided intelligence and took out two superpowers from our region

If Pakistan was next to Palestine, then Palestine would be free and the Jews would be toast


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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You do understand Pakistan utterly screwed the USA, NATO and ensured the collapse of the Afghan republic because they threatened Pakistani long term strategic interests
The U.S lost 20 years of planning and plotting,
A trillion plus in finance spent and thousands of U.S soldiers for nothing

We did the same with the USSR when we were threatened by them

Against all odds we developed nuclear weapons and a comprehensive delivery system under immense scrutiny

Regardless of any issues we had with the Afghans they were Muslims and we took millions in, trained a effective resistance, armed and planned for them, provided intelligence and took out two superpowers from our region

And what does any of that have to do with the subject at hand being discussed? Or even related to my post you just quoted?

Funny thing is, Pakistan gets NOTHING, but huge respect from Egyptians and Egypt in general. You'll never hear a single one of us throw crap like "cowardice" like that complete jackboot pedophile scott ritter (I refuse to even capitalize his name like I do with 'zionist' that child-diddling jackass), or bust your balls about crappy weapons systems, not to mention insult you let alone question any single one of you'ze Iman. That is one of the vilest things to do to another Muslim since one's Iman and faith belong to him and Allah (swt) and HE alone. No one is of semblance of authority to question that, let alone accuse or insult.

It gets even trickier when someone jumps right into a conversation like a bull in a China shop without even having a clue of what was being discussed in the first place. And THAT is what my post above was about. Nothing to do with Pakistan or the Pakistani people or the country's will to do this, that or the other thing.

If Pakistan was next to Palestine, then Palestine would be free and the Jews would be toast

There you go again, dropping the pants and flashing that penis with all these delusions of grandeur and for what? Why do you feel the need to not only chastise & insult Egypt & Egyptians, but show this false bravado? You realize that is a huge indicator of low self-esteem, right? People who constantly feel the need to show up others is a result of their own insecurities.

2 things:

1) You think the US cares about Afghanistan like it does Israel?

2) You think because of Pakistan's military strength or possession of nukes that the US would allow it to even touch the hair of a single zionist?

If that's what you think, then all I will say is thank Allah that you are nowhere close to any position of authority in Pakistan. Because if you were and you actually tried any of that bravado you're flaunting off here, Pakistan would be like Haiti in a matter of months, maybe even worse.

I don't wish to get into this any further since it's way too much of a nonsensical hypothetical. Suffice it to say that thank God for Imran Khan and previous and even current leadership. As much as they're despised by the majority for what they did to the great Imran Khan, they're still smart enough to know what's good for the country and not foolish, which makes them good leaders in the grand scheme of things.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Pakistani wish only the best for Egyptians
We wish Egypt was strong and rich and powerful, so it can defend its people and take it's rightful place as Muslim state with a glorious history

We wish all Muslim countries would actually act like Muslims and brothers and work together against common enemies from Zionists to hindutva

You have to understand this isn't about HATE, it's because we care about fellow Muslims in Palestine, In Egypt, in Yemen that watching them be humiliated, murdered and raped is so INFURIATING AND INTOLERABLE

Pakistan has many problems, we are not too different to Egypt with a over involved military establishment

But we repeatedly took on superpowers and states when our strategic interests were threatened

We have issues with the Afghans, but we will resolve those between ourselves, rather then allow a foreign power to slaughter population in our region

The U.S didn't spend a trillion in Afghanistan, got thousands of its soldiers killed just to tuck tail and run

It did so, because it failed to respect Pakistans strategic interests, that resulted in Pakistan ensuring the enemies in Afghanistan U.S, NATO, India had to go,
It took carful planning, training and weapons supply to support the resistance and ensure the defeat of the U.S

The U.S knows what Pakistan did, they are not happy and can still screw us over but it all becomes water under the bridge as time goes on

I am saying this not as a dick measuring contest, but because Egypt and Jordan can do so much more and have done virtually nothing whilst fellow Arab Muslims are humiliated

Pakistan would ensure a clear weapons supply
We would provide training and space for camps
We would provide planning and intelligence
We would put our own forces in preparation to counter what the Jews would do understanding we have the numbers advantage
In short we would have ensured that Palestinians and Palestine would have won and be free

You can say this is nonsense, how can I say these things
Because it's EXACTLY what we did in Afghanistan, right under the noses of the USA

Prior to that we did it to the USSR, who then collapsed

We also did it with our nuclear weapons program

Pakistan is just like Egypt in so many ways, but we would never have allowed the Palestinians to suffer and be humiliated this much
Feb 26, 2024
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What's wrong in my statement?as you are a Einstein here.plz tell me how a modern air combat will fought??
Modern air combat is fought by a multitude of concepts perfected, ranging from combined arms warfare, situational awareness, organized logistics, specific weapons setups, to utilizing other aspects in training, discipline, chain of command, incorporation of newer technologies, etc.
Dec 18, 2023
Modern air combat is fought by a multitude of concepts perfected, ranging from combined arms warfare, situational awareness, organized logistics, specific weapons setups, to utilizing other aspects in training, discipline, chain of command, incorporation of newer technologies, etc.
And your country don’t have all of those you mentioned as compare to israel.they have much superior

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