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The possible ways of action of the Egyptian army in an initiated war against Israel


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Mar 21, 2008
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Some people's responses show the extent of their hatred and ignorance. They think out of their backsides and claim to be religious. They do not hesitate to accuse others of being infidels in order to highlight the thoughts they produce that are related to their bottom.
yeah i am calling you modern day mushriks, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW said anyone who calls for asabiyyah and fights for asabiyyah is calling for jahiliyyah. and of-course you would know that jahiliyyah, when mentioned in Islamic sense, means pre-Islamic Makkan religion and denial of Islam.

i am not the one saying it, its the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW himself.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2008
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tell me it is against the command of our Prophet?
The Prophet Muhammad SAW called upon his Sahaba to move quickly past areas of divine punishment, and to not enter upon them except when weeping.

now compare that with what you are doing. maybe the saudis should also dig out abu jahl and musailma and give them state protocol and throw them a golden parade to preserve history.
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Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Yep, that's been established but it's actually currently at $1.2 billion per year is more accurate.

Loans are not "Aid" or "Favors". Either way, let's assume the $4.5 billion is in the form of "Aid" or Favors which it's not since it has to be paid back, that's not aid but a loan but we'll go with it.
$1.3 + $4.5 is $5.8. Still a far cry from $10 - $18 billion but let's keep going.

Ok, that $50 billion is so far up to date the total moneys borrowed from the IMF/World Bank which includes the $4.5 mentioned before. So that's the total that Egypt has borrowed since 2013 not a yearly "Aid" package. Many countries borrow from the International Monetary Fund or World Bank for many reasons. Those who don't are borrowing from other means or countries such as the US which has borrowed trillions from China. Are we busting the US' balls for getting "Aid" from China? I don't think so and the US' deficit is $35 TRILLION! lol Let's keep going.

So what you're saying is borrowing money from the IMF is considered "Aid"? Fine I said I would go with that so what are we up to for a yearly number, $5.8 billion, yes? Still have no idea how you came up with $10-$18 billion.

Since yearly military aid is $1.3 + $4.5 = $5.8 per year and the $80 billion in "military AID" money was the total since 1978 and the $50 billion in IMF loans is the total borrowed from 2013 to now, it still doesn't add up to your claimed $10-$18 billion per year, my friend.

Anyway, let's hope this damn genocide ends once and for all so the Palestinians can pick up the pieces and a road map to some autonomous state comes about from all the worldly outrage that has been mustered up from all the zionist criminal campaign.
Us state department states it provided 80b in aid since 1978(in today dollars it is 130b)
All of this is grant

world bank associated multilateral organization have provided around 57b as per their own website (not sure how much in today dollars) some of this is grant but other low cost laon

Paris club around 20b(this is not grant)

Asian bank and minor organization not counting


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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USA deficit doesn't matter as it's in dollars they can print it anytime if they HAVE TO


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Egypt won't make any decision. You and I already know that. Egypt along with her GCC brothers is on the path of recognising Israel. Anyone who says anything else is lying.
Eygpt per camp David agreement is part of coalition forces
It use to control the rafah boarder before the war aiding the blockade

Eygpt and all the GCC already accepted Israel..only country that hasn't is Saudis but it proxy has
Dec 18, 2023
Aim-7 is not a BVR
It has no active homing and certainly it's range isn't 70km

Even people who play games/simulation games know that fact

Aim 120c has effective range of around 70km and it's 3 x more then aim7 with active homing

Infact a airplane with aim9x will likely defeat one with aim 7
Well.AIM-120c5 has a range of over 100km and well testes in battlefield.AIM-7 sparrow is a semi active aam which maximum range is 70km(aim-7e)


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Well.AIM-120c5 has a range of over 100km and well testes in battlefield.AIM-7 sparrow is a semi active aam which maximum range is 70km(aim-7e)
Maximum range with maximum ceiling height with targets moving at each other

No escape zones are less then 30km

Aim 7 is archaic weapons it's useless in modern combat like the Phoenix 54

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Us state department states it provided 80b in aid since 1978(in today dollars it is 130b)
All of this is grant

world bank associated multilateral organization have provided around 57b as per their own website (not sure how much in today dollars) some of this is grant but other low cost laon

Paris club around 20b(this is not grant)

Asian bank and minor organization not counting
The EU just granted 120 billion dollars to Spain as aid.. you should read about Greece too.. and this is not on 70 or 50 years.. it is now..


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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The EU just granted 120 billion dollars to Spain as aid.. you should read about Greece too.. and this is not on 70 or 50 years.. it is now..
When did Eygpt became part of European union

Eygpt is sort of Saudi union so it gets share from their


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
yeah i am calling you modern day mushriks, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW said anyone who calls for asabiyyah and fights for asabiyyah is calling for jahiliyyah. and of-course you would know that jahiliyyah, when mentioned in Islamic sense, means pre-Islamic Makkan religion and denial of Islam.

i am not the one saying it, its the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW himself.
You want to turn it into a Takfiri forum. You still do not understand the truth of the matter. You can say what you say, but you are worth nothing to us, nor are your minds or your thoughts. You came to curse, curse, and disbelieve. What is the value of your existence? Islam is not exclusive to people like you. People like you are silent like women. So go to fight the Jews. Your country itself is an American tool. And it was
It kills Afghans and used to enjoy killing Afghans, and yet you did not find Egypt accusing your country and your people as it does with us. This is the difference between us. Whoever wants to do something and prove his manhood, then you will not direct it and we will not follow the whims of any of you. Islam is not exclusive to you, nor are you the keys to heaven and hell. You are just wearing a mask of takfir from Not according to your whims and twisted thoughts

So banning people like you and letting him go to the gym is the best thing


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
Eygpt per camp David agreement is part of coalition forces
It use to control the rafah boarder before the war aiding the blockade

Eygpt and all the GCC already accepted Israel..only country that hasn't is Saudis but it proxy has

Is the status of countries based on the whims of children and dividing them according to their minds? Of course not. What is the value of Palestine at all? Because you are ignorant and do not know anything. Who created Israel? A problem in Palestine is the Egyptians. Egypt has prevented the flight of the people of Palestine to Egypt and Jordan since 1948. Egypt has been able to prevent the Palestinians from fleeing to Egypt and to Jordan since 1948. Since the problem of Palestine was abolished, the settlement of Palestine was possible. All the time, who prevents and criminalizes their resettlement in Arab countries, who gives the Palestinians a document that cannot allow them to escape from Gaza? Egypt. Do you know why? Because Egypt does not want to cancel the rights of Palestine. You accuse us of all kinds of accusations despite the fact that you have not done anything to Palestine except cursing and cursing the Egyptians like women. Who fought those who lost soldiers and martyrs? They are the Egyptians. Egypt prevented the escape of the people of Gaza. Why, because Hamas, Iran and Israel want that? Egypt turned the tables on the relationship, preventing the escape of the Palestinians and preventing their displacement.
Where do the Palestinians get their weapons? Why did Egypt provide them with food and support, which is 4 times what the world provided? How many tons did your country provide? Or would you say that your country is poor and cannot feed its people and is waiting for aid? Egypt provided Gaza.

For his part, Dr. Liwaa Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha, Governor of North Sinai, confirmed that Egypt, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, has spared no effort at all political and humanitarian levels to stand with the besieged Gaza Strip since the beginning of the events in the Strip, and efforts are still continuing to stop the war on the Gaza Strip. He added that the aid Egypt has provided since the beginning of the events has exceeded 160,000 tons of humanitarian aid, representing more than 80% of the total aid that entered the sector, as Egypt received aid via three land, air and sea bridges from more than 53 Arab and foreign countries.

https://gate.ahram.org.eg/daily/New...B9 %D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5.aspx

While you are sitting on your ass and the countries are blaming Egypt, why are they under economic blockade through the West and their treatment of the Gulf? Isn’t it for the sake of displacing the Palestinians and ending this problem for Israel so that a greater Israel can be established?
If Egypt implements its will, there will be no displacement

You are like a small child. How can the Palestinians fight for 8 months? Where do they get the weapons? Does an underground workshop produce them? This is naive and trivial talk because it is simply a 40,000-strong militia that fights for 8 months. How much does it cost? Where does the support come from? Guarding What are the limits of stupid people like you? They say it. The Palestinians in Gaza are 2.3 million. The whole world has provided. 20% of their donations, Egypt provided the rest

That is, Egypt is simply manipulating everyone, neither liquidation, nor displacement, nor calm. The Israeli economy lost 100 billion dollars, lost security, and lost stability. Egypt is in its interest to make the Israelis live in hell, but Egypt will not pay the price. Whoever neglects his land and does not fight the Jews for 100 years, they are the Palestinians. What is the goal of this war? Hamas says get out. 8,000 detainees are a declared goal, while it is a war that was carried out through Russian and Iranian desire. Simply put, will Egypt fight because Iran and Russia want war and used their tool? Hamas. Why does Hamas want Palestine to flee to Sinai and leave Palestine as a gift to Israel? Isn’t it because Hamas is a creation made by Israel?

Egypt is the only country that enforces economic pressures and an arms embargo on it. Therefore, it places it as guarding Israel’s borders. Extreme family stupidity. Minds that think from the back. If the people of Palestine are not fighting us to liberate their land, does Egypt want to liberate their land for them? Why does Pakistan not liberate their land for them and why does Pakistan not liberate Kashmir? Or is Pakistan an American creation? And you are liberated by their whims, the same thought that you say about Egypt. Do you want us to teach you to reject your stupid logic or what?

Do you think that by cursing the Egyptians and calling them infidels, we will obey you or care about you? On the contrary, we impose your ideology and ignore your presence. You have become on the side of the enemy, especially if some of you have an infidel idea in the first place and are hostile to us and claim to monopolize Islam. This is more intellectual sanitation for me.
Feb 26, 2024
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That indicates that you don’t have any real knowledge of air power.fighters are just one of main elements of modern air combat.you need various advance supports to complement air combat.just study USAF's doctrine or how they conduct operation.or you can study Pakistan's recent operation swift retort.
The point went over your head, you only talk about the individual aircraft and its sub systems, and not any doctrine whatsoever, so miss me with that “you don’t have real knowledge comment”.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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What is behind the new F-35 aircraft deal between the United States and Israel?


Israel signed a new deal with the United States to purchase 25 advanced F-35 fighter aircraft, with a total value of $3 billion.

This deal, which is the third of its kind, adds 25 new aircraft to the Israeli Air Force fleet, bringing the total number of F-35 aircraft owned by Israel to 75 aircraft, making it the first country in the world in terms of the number of aircraft of this advanced generation in existence. In its arsenal.

The F-35 is one of the most modern and powerful fighters in the world, as it has exceptional stealth, speed and maneuvering capabilities, making it an extremely powerful tool in the context of military operations.

The process of delivering new aircraft to Israel is scheduled to begin in 2028, at a rate of 3 to 5 aircraft per year.

It is worth noting that Israel had used F-35 aircraft in actual combat for the first time in May 2018, during its military operation in the Gaza Strip.
US foreign aid

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid since its founding, receiving nearly $300 billion in economic and military aid, according to the US Council on Foreign Relations.

Most of this aid, $3.3 billion annually, is provided as grants under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program.
Dec 18, 2023
Maximum range with maximum ceiling height with targets moving at each other

No escape zones are less then 30km

Aim 7 is archaic weapons it's useless in modern combat like the Phoenix 54
Well.all modern AAM have less than 30-50 km NEZ.but if you have a AAM of over 100km range than you can actually scare the shit out of enemy air force.just look at the panic of the indian air force in 2019 when Paf used their long range AAM against indian fighter.how scared they were.so,long range weapons do have a advance.

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