The West denied China's access to semiconductors to retard or stop China's military advances But the reality is the other way around

US gives them the tech to create those chips so that we fat yankees can buy them cheap.

Are you saying the US can't make sneakers anymore because we import them? Of course not US companies needed slave labor and went to china gave CCP lotta money to buy the slave labor. The only reason I could afford Air Jordans was because it was made by the blood, sweat and tears of chinese. Same with Iphones and Ipads. ;)
China's hourly wages have tripled compared to Mexico and in Asia outside Japan and Korea Chinese wages are the highest at $8/hr in 2024 Here is the stat up to 2020

The disparity in manufacturing wages between Mexico and China is starker than ever.

In China, where wages in the manufacturing sector have more than tripled in the past decade, the average factory worker in 2020 was paid about $6 an hour. Meanwhile, a factory worker in Mexico earned a little over $2 an hour—a number that has barely changed over the past 10 years, according to a recent report from Bank of America.

China’s wages have been rising as fewer people have entered the country’s labor market, which is one of the more noticeable effects of Beijing’s one-child policy. The policy was implemented in the late 1970s and lasted until 2016.
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Depends what you want to compare. Most areasare great in all cities but if your choice is to compare ghettos well who can stop.

Why don’t you visit shitty places of China and compare oh I guess you wont have access.
Ok American pride aside...there is no comparison between Chinese major cities and Americans cities

West simply hasn't spent a dime on infrastructure for long time...most of our money was spent in kabul and tel aviv
Ok American pride aside...there is no comparison between Chinese major cities and Americans cities

West simply hasn't spent a dime on infrastructure for long time...most of our money was spent in kabul and tel aviv
It's not about money it is about political policies. ALL major cities are run by democrats which have allowed the big cities, especially downtowns, to go to sht. NYC when it was run by Guliani and Bloomberg were one of the safest and cleanest and it showed by tourism at the time. Once you drive out of downtown to suburb towns where those are run by non whacko mayors you see the difference.

Chinese cities are awful and polluted with new infrastructure already crumbling.
Ok American pride aside...there is no comparison between Chinese major cities and Americans cities

West simply hasn't spent a dime on infrastructure for long time...most of our money was spent in kabul and tel aviv
Wait till maintenance time comes in China.
It's not about money it is about political policies. ALL major cities are run by democrats which have allowed the big cities, especially downtowns, to go to sht. NYC when it was run by Guliani and Bloomberg were one of the safest and cleanest and it showed by tourism at the time. Once you drive out of downtown to suburb towns where those are run by non whacko mayors you see the difference.

Chinese cities are awful and polluted with new infrastructure already crumbling.
I don't know where you get the idea that Chinese cities were polluted maybe 20 years ago But they cleaned up their act and made huge progress in cleaning the air

China seems to have continued improving air quality during the Covid era (2020-2022). According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in 339 major Chinese cities fell to 29 μg/m³ in 2022, with the average number of days classified as having good air quality reaching 316. Blue skies are indeed back, a fact evident to both residents and visitors in the country. Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng emphasized this achievement in a speech at Harvard earlier this week:

Out of the 50 worst polluted cities in the world, only 2 are in China Hotan and Kashgar way out in the west!

Wait till maintenance time comes in China.
Still doesn't change the fact that China infrastructure is light years ahead of USA

We don't even have a railway network. They have bullet trains

USA is holding because the Chinese elite have their money in dollars...they don't want the dollar to fail...
It's not about money it is about political policies. ALL major cities are run by democrats which have allowed the big cities, especially downtowns, to go to sht. NYC when it was run by Guliani and Bloomberg were one of the safest and cleanest and it showed by tourism at the time. Once you drive out of downtown to suburb towns where those are run by non whacko mayors you see the difference.

Chinese cities are awful and polluted with new infrastructure already crumbling.
China was producing all of its power from coal that were built INSIDE THE cities

Now all of these towers are being teared down

Just like china has zero electric bullet trains in 2000 it has zero clean cities or just like it has zero private cars in 1990s

It's foolish to talk about past or I can simply say Americans were peasants in 1800s or I can talk about great depression while Argentina was richest county in the world(during th great recession)
China was producing all of its power from coal that were built INSIDE THE cities

Now all of these towers are being teared down

Just like china has zero electric bullet trains in 2000 it has zero clean cities or just like it has zero private cars in 1990s

It's foolish to talk about past or I can simply say Americans were peasants in 1800s or I can talk about great depression while Argentina was richest county in the world(during th great recession)

It looks like some folks in China missed the memo.
37,000 Chinese try to migrate via the Southern border of USA

Seriously if China is better how come Pakistanis are not heading to China ? Of course we will hear the lamest of the lame excuses - China does not allow immigration

It looks like some folks in China missed the memo.
37,000 Chinese try to migrate via the Southern border of USA

Seriously if China is better how come Pakistanis are not heading to China ? Of course we will hear the lamest of the lame excuses - China does not allow immigration
They are entering east of San Diego where I live.

And just look at all the chinese fanboys in here that are chinese... how many of them are living in china?
US gives them the tech to create those chips so that we fat yankees can buy them cheap.

Are you saying the US can't make sneakers anymore because we import them? Of course not US companies needed slave labor and went to china gave CCP lotta money to buy the slave labor. The only reason I could afford Air Jordans was because it was made by the blood, sweat and tears of chinese. Same with Iphones and Ipads. ;)

When was the last time the US ever made a pair of sneakers?
When was the last time the US ever made a pair of sneakers?
I don't know however I'm buying new Jordans soon and I see you here a lot instead of working on my sneakers! :mad:

Get back to work chop chop!

It looks like some folks in China missed the memo.
37,000 Chinese try to migrate via the Southern border of USA

Seriously if China is better how come Pakistanis are not heading to China ? Of course we will hear the lamest of the lame excuses - China does not allow immigration
This is the problem with Americans..they can't focus...lack of ADHD I guess

We are discussing Chinese infrastructure not the pay or freedom of expression that comes in USA

Again you will loose focus when I talk about how poor is our health care system
They are entering east of San Diego where I live.

And just look at all the chinese fanboys in here that are chinese... how many of them are living in china?
They only make up an insignificant part of 1.5 billion Chinese 0.0001%. There are always gullible people who think the street of San Diego is paved with gold!
This is the problem with Americans..they can't focus...lack of ADHD I guess

We are discussing Chinese infrastructure not the pay or freedom of expression that comes in USA

Again you will loose focus when I talk about how poor is our health care system

High speed rail is great. It does not solve most people's problems.

USA has a great high speed rail system. It is called Boeing 737. Try beating a flight from SF to Miami in a high speed rail.

Save a few dissidents most Chinese are not coming to USA for freedom of expression. they are coming to make money and they are coming for a better standard of living. We are supposed to think a few armchair Pakistanis have a better understanding of China than Chinese themselves

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