The West denied China's access to semiconductors to retard or stop China's military advances But the reality is the other way around

it happened in the space station.

The West left China out to stop their space technology development.

And China developed a better own space station than the West/Russia.


:rolleyes: The ISS used to look like the pic on the right when it was first launched but it is now showing 25 years of lugging up equipment for various experiments. They aren't going to chuck the stuff overboard.

ISS ~25 years ago
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Necessity is the mother of invention. Cutting China out from technologies will only make them strive harder to develop it themselves.

Versus defaulting to the current scenario of having the West paying for it all and then benefiting from it? Your sentence says a mouthful when it comes to this topic of "realities".
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High speed rail is great. It does not solve most people's problems.

USA has a great high speed rail system. It is called Boeing 737. Try beating a flight from SF to Miami in a high speed rail.

Save a few dissidents most Chinese are not coming to USA for freedom of expression. they are coming to make money and they are coming for a better standard of living. We are supposed to think a few armchair Pakistanis have a better understanding of China than Chinese themselves
Huh? High speed rail isn't useful


No airports isn't replacement for the speed, efficiency and cost of railway system... anyone flying the spirit airlines will tell you that

Again like adult ADHD problem, we are tangential turning around

USA has higher wages, less scrutiny in what you do and more opportunities to sell opium, cocaine etc
Huh? High speed rail isn't useful


No airports isn't replacement for the speed, efficiency and cost of railway system... anyone flying the spirit airlines will tell you that

Again like adult ADHD problem, we are tangential turning around

USA has higher wages, less scrutiny in what you do and more opportunities to sell opium, cocaine etc

High speed rail is useful in densely populated China. It lacks the same utility in USA. How hard is it to comprehend ?

USA has better standard of living than China - better chip industry and better military technology. Quit f***ing around
This guy is pretty good, I have been listening to him for a month or so now.
No airports isn't replacement for the speed, efficiency and cost of railway system... anyone flying the spirit airlines will tell you that

Again like adult ADHD problem, we are tangential turning around

USA has higher wages, less scrutiny in what you do and more opportunities to sell opium, cocaine etc

How long do you think a trip from LA to NYC would take if we had a perfectly straight railine with China's current fastest HSR trains on it?


Let's see 2445/268= 9 hours for the absolute fastest train they have...and this is under the absolute BEST conditions

But if we look at their typical HSR it's 217mph.
2445/217=11 hours

I wonder how long is a flight

So 5 to 6 hours by plane vs 9 to 11 hours in the absolute most perfect HSR conditions.

How long from Miami to San Francisco?
Or Dallas to Chicago

It isn't as fast as you think by HSR.
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