This (highly poisonous) fruit from China ages like Wine - The longer you keep it, the more valuable it becomes!


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Dec 28, 2023
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What happens if you eat raw bergamot fruit: "Individuals who consume bergamot may experience photosensitivity, medication interactions, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, and dizziness." -

How bergamot fruit is prepared for actual/eventual consumption: It's subjected to various cycles of drying and treatment with various chinese herbs, then stored away for at least 10 years before being allowed to be sold onto the market. (I presume after 10 years, all the poisonous compounds in the fruit had chemically broken down rendering the fruit inert).

Bergamot fruit final products come in various grades with low quality being over 10 years old, medium quality being over 30 years old, and high quality being over 50 years old.

What does 30-year old bergamot tea taste like (I've tasted it myself)? It tastes like pickled lime (the tastiest citrus fruit food in the world) combined with a tinge of Chinese herbal medicine used to prepare the bergamot fruit before the storage phase.

P.S: My family doesn't consume any alcohol so I've never actually knew the difference between well-aged wine and cheap wine. But I couldn't care less. I could drink +50-year old bergamot fruit extract all day and every day!
This fruit has a strong aroma coming from a foil packaging (that had been torn opened and resealed by folding over at the opening) when placed in the same shirt pocket as my face mask.

After 1 day, my mask smelled just like the preserved bergamot fruit. I can appreciate why the fruit is called 老香黄 (literally old scented yellow [fruit]).

Often referred to as the Fruit of the Immortals, the fruit gets better after kept for a few decades/centuries (allusion to how Immortals outlive mortals by many folds)...


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