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Turkish Engine Programs


Nov 9, 2014
WS-15 will be available much earlier than 2028, its set to enter LRIP. Idk if there will ever be close relations in defense with China, but China was willing to sell Defense Equipment before, like the HQ-9, maybe they will sell engines as well, Ismael Demir mentioned negotiations for contingencies, and people speculated either Russia or China.
But it won't be available for export! China will never ever sell its most modern fighter engine, not even to Pakistan ... at least not within the next 15 years.

No, I disagree with you, the TF35 engine will most likely be used on the Hurjet.

f404 diameter 89cm

f110 diameter 90cm

The dimensions of the two engines are almost same.

Really? You missed inlet diameter with overall diameter and did you check the overall dimensions like length and mass?

F404: Length: 154 in (391 cm) - Dry weight: 2,282 lb (1,035 kg)
F110: Length: 181.9 in (462 cm) - Dry weight: 3,830 lb (1,740 kg)

... so yes, "the dimensions of the two engines are almost same." :ROFLMAO:


Full Member
Mar 12, 2024
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But it won't be available for export! China will never ever sell its most modern fighter engine, not even to Pakistan ... at least not within the next 15 years.

Really? You missed inlet diameter with overall diameter and did you check the overall dimensions like length and mass?

F404: Length: 154 in (391 cm) - Dry weight: 2,282 lb (1,035 kg)
F110: Length: 181.9 in (462 cm) - Dry weight: 3,830 lb (1,740 kg)

... so yes, "the dimensions of the two engines are almost same." :ROFLMAO:
It’s not that the engines can’t be exported, but the production itself isn’t enough. Frankly speaking, Russia will definitely sell it.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Has Turkish engine for helicopters which was under trials has entered mass production?

TEI plans to deliver the first serial production engines in the end of 2024 or in the first quarter of 2025 for military use .........( certification is something required for civilian use. But there is no need for a civilian certification for military use )

TS-1400 engine will have civil certification from EASA ( European Aviation Safety Agency ) and FAA (Federal Aviation Administration )

It checks whether the safety margins are within the acceptable limits of globally accepted aviation standards. This may take a while too for 2026


Jan 6, 2020
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But it won't be available for export! China will never ever sell its most modern fighter engine, not even to Pakistan ... at least not within the next 15 years.

Well we don't know what they will or will not sell, no one has inquired about sale of engines, b/c no one else is building aircraft where Chinese engines are potentially an option. All I pointed out is that Ismael Demir said talks were held with an unnamed party about supplying engines, and the only ones with engines in that class that are in production are the Russians and the Chinese.

... so yes, "the dimensions of the two engines are almost same." :ROFLMAO:

Why do you feel the need to drag/mock him? He said something incorrect, he was corrected by atleast 2 users before , he even acknowledged him mistake. But now you are dragging him for it, doesn't seem very "teacherly", just seems mean and unnecessary.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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TEI TF-6000 Turbofan Engine


Jan 6, 2020
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TEI is one of the few global aviation companies equipped with the technological infrastructure to develop and produce new gen Engines

Is there a ignition date for the TF10000?


But it won't be available for export! China will never ever sell its most modern fighter engine, not even to Pakistan ... at least not within the next 15 years.

Really? You missed inlet diameter with overall diameter and did you check the overall dimensions like length and mass?

F404: Length: 154 in (391 cm) - Dry weight: 2,282 lb (1,035 kg)
F110: Length: 181.9 in (462 cm) - Dry weight: 3,830 lb (1,740 kg)

... so yes, "the dimensions of the two engines are almost same." :ROFLMAO:
Hürjet will not fly with any engine other than F404. That's not in the cards. Not feasible.

My dream for TFX was 2xF135 or 2xF136 depending on availability but we got kicked out of the JSF program and never received the F35

in 2040 the entire Turkish fleet could be flying on a single engine. That would be incredibly efficient.

Instead of TF-35000 TEI could focus on commercial engines. Turkey's real weakness is the economy. Militarily we could curb-stomp any country in the region but that's neither here nor there.


Feb 22, 2024
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Instead of TF-35000 TEI could focus on commercial engines. Turkey's real weakness is the economy.
This is a impossible task for now.

In order to produce a civilian engine, we first need a reliable core. We can achieve this in the shortest and safest way via TF-35000 military engine. The TF-35000 engine could be put into series production around 2035.

It will take 2045 for the core to prove itself. Developing a civilian engine based on this core and putting it into mass production may be possible in the 2050s at the earliest. As can be seen, making money from civilian turbine engines is a long-term issue.
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This is a impossible task for now.

In order to produce a civilian engine, we first need a reliable core. We can achieve this in the shortest and safest way via TF-35000 military engine. The TF-35000 engine could be put into series production around 2035.

It will take 2045 for the core to prove itself. Developing a civilian engine based on this core and putting it into mass production may be possible in the 2050s at the earliest. As can be seen, making money from civilian turbine engines is a long-term issue.
Yes, That's why I said 2040.

Also, instead of TF-10.000 we could be working on a high-bypass turbofan based on TF-6000 right now. That could work on an ATR-72 sized plane.

Not having any reliable partners is forcing us to pursue self-reliance in military sector while countries like Canada and Brazil make great profits on commercial aviation. We could even see Brazilian cargo planes and tankers in Turkish Armed Forces soon.


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