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Turkish Helicopter Programs



Its not an opinion. Its basic logic derived reality. This is the equivalent of this joke by Gino D'Acampo. "If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike".

The whole purpose of the 629 is defeated if using a 20-30 year old 401 variant of the t700 engine with performance from the 90s.

its neither logical nor is it realistic, I explained why in detail but you decided it was too much text. And your ego will not accept it either way, so the point is moot.

So lets leave it at that, no point in continuing.

this is idiotic. This engine proved itself in the harshest conditions, it has everything we want and more power than we need.

The only reason why Turkey doesn't have more Whiskeys is because the Americans weren't offering them. The work they did in 1990ies is nothing short of heroic and they continue to serve aboard TCG Anadolu because they are the only naval attack helicopters we have. Any pilot any WSO I've spoken to were proud to serve on these machines. Any soldier I speak to who received air support from them speak of them as if they are godlike mytyhical creatures. I've never heard ANY complaint about the engines. and now some idiot who lives in America is looking at wikipedia and telling me that these engines are this many years old. NOBODY CARES. NOBODY FUCKING CARES.

We're designing TFX around F110 engines, a design that is over 50 years old. And now you're telling me that this engine is old as if I don't know that.
we call this "Orospuya sikiş öğretmek" in Turkish. You don't know when to shut the **** up. Just shut the **** up. Nobody cares, nobody asked you.


Jan 6, 2020
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There are people on this site whose opinions I actually value.

Ok, ask @Merzifonlu about the prospects of putting a T700-GE-401 that was put on the AH-1W in 1986 onto a T629 lightweight helicopter in 2024, all b/c hurr durr 1690 shp is a close number to 1400 shp, so I guess its fine only 290 extra, no other detail matters. lol, and see how he reacts or how all the rest of the people who actually know about the T700 and know its not an engine for a lightweight class helicopter think. Ask @Deino ask anyone, I sure love to hear their outlook on the possibility. lol


Ok, ask @Merzifonlu about the prospects of putting a T700-GE-401 that was put on the AH-1W in 1986 onto a T629 lightweight helicopter in 2024, all b/c hurr durr 1690 shp is a close number to 1400 shp, so I guess its fine only 290 extra, no other detail matters. lol, and see how he reacts or how all the rest of the people who actually know about the T700 and know its not an engine for a lightweight class helicopter think. Ask @Deino ask anyone, I sure love to hear their outlook on the possibility. lol
I'm sorry are you these people's lawyer? Did any of them tell you to speak for them?


Jan 6, 2020
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F110 engines, a design that is over 50 years old.

Its not the same engine at first flew, its been upgraded continuously just like the T700 has been upgraded. The engine you cited for the 401 on the AH-1W is not even in production. The closest this is the 401C subvariant on the AH-1Z, which is 1,800 shp. Which is also not the latest one, the latest military version of the T700 engine is the 701D with 2,000 shp which Turkey CURRENTLY is already producing, idk why you insist on dying on this AH-1W engine hill, it makes no sense for a multitude of reasons.


Its not the same engine at first flew, its been upgraded continuously just like the T700 has been upgraded. The engine you cites for the 401 on the AH-1W is not even in production. The closest this is the 401C subvariant on the AH-1Z, which is 1,800 shp. Which is also not the latest one, the latest military version of the T700 engine is the 701D which Turkey CURRENTLY is already producing, idk why you insist on dying on this AH-1W engine hill, it makes no sense for a multitude of reasons.
What the **** is wrong with you? I'm asking this seriously


Are you afraid they will come and tell you it makes no sense? lol
@Waz can you ban this guy from this thread? I warned him multiple times. He won't stop quoting me despite being told so. He keeps polluting the thread with meaningless shitposts like these



MotorSICH factory in Ukraine was hit, leaving T-700 as pretty much the only engine on the table for T925 and T929 alike

Considering how long TS-1400 is taking to develop and put into production, we won't be making any heavier alternatives in the near future. We need all hands on deck for TFX regardless.


Feb 22, 2024
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MotorSICH factory in Ukraine was hit, leaving T-700 as pretty much the only engine on the table for T925 and T929 alike

Considering how long TS-1400 is taking to develop and put into production, we won't be making any heavier alternatives in the near future. We need all hands on deck for TFX regardless.

I say again. Forget GE T700! And yes, we won't be making any heavier versions of TS-1400 engine in the near future.

Let's pray that the TEI TS-1400 engine enters mass production on the promised date. We desperately need Gökbey, T629 and their navalized versions.

By the way, a company other than TEI needs to develop a turboprop engine using the core of the TS-1400 engine. For example Kale. We never know when the Canadians will be bullshitting again. It is unthinkable for Akıncı to remain without an engine.
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Jan 6, 2020
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develop a turboprop engine using the core of the TS-1400 engine. For example Kale. We never know when the Canadians will be bullshitting again. It is unthinkable for Akıncı to remain without an engine.


Although one benefit of the Akinci is that its can be paired with several different engine types, though getting the same performance of the Akinci B and C will be harder without those engines.


Jan 6, 2020
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The Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey had an interview last year with a defense journalist where he had mentioned a joint Ukrainian Turkish company to build motosich engine production lines in Turkey, I wonder whether thats an option, Ukrainian motosich engineers with the knowledge and Intellectual property transferring it over to the joint company to build the production line in Turkey for both the Turkish market and for export from Turkey. Might be faster than building out a completely new engine, especially with the resource limitations at TEI.


Dec 26, 2023
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The Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey had an interview last year with a defense journalist where he had mentioned a joint Ukrainian Turkish company to build motosich engine production lines in Turkey, I wonder whether thats an option, Ukrainian motosich engineers with the knowledge and Intellectual property transferring it over to the joint company to build the production line in Turkey for both the Turkish market and for export from Turkey. Might be faster than building out a completely new engine, especially with the resource limitations at TEI.
I thought their engines are helplessly out of date?


Jan 6, 2020
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I thought their engines are helplessly out of date?

Actually they have been updating them over time where they have been able to keep up in many ways. I remember watching the Bayraktar documentary and Seljuk was speaking to the Ukrainian lady and she mentioned something about the Canadian engines vs Ukrainian engines and Seljuk told her the Ukrainian engines were more advanced in certain ways, I was actually surprised too as I thought they were the same old Soviet era engines, but they have been doing updates to those models. Let me see if I can find the link.

edit: it was this one,

have to find the exact timestamp tho.

edit2: found the timestamp.

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Feb 22, 2024
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The Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey had an interview last year with a defense journalist where he had mentioned a joint Ukrainian Turkish company to build motosich engine production lines in Turkey,
Nope. Unfortunally Ukrainians fell prey to the Americans and the French. Ukrainian teams and equipments could be transported to Turkiye very easily. But they did not agree to this due Yankees&French.

Now we lost 5 years, but Ukrainians lost everything! In terms of aviation engines, of course.


Jan 6, 2020
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Nope. Unfortunally Ukrainians fell prey to the Americans and the French. Ukrainian teams and equipments could be transported to Turkiye very easily. But they did not agree to this due Yankees&French.

Now we lost 5 years, but Ukrainians lost everything! In terms of aviation engines, of course.

Is this the whole Motosich sale to Turkey fiasco? after the US blocked the China sale under pressure?

I think the new proposal is different that he proposed last year in the interview, its more like the GE partnership. A joint company in Turkey that license produces the engines in turkey with tech transfer and Ukrainian engineers coming to Turkey to set up production line, with the engines being used in the Turkish market and potentially exported abroad. It allows Ukraine to diversify its assets and production while still making money in a mutually beneficial way.

Russia can destroy their factories and production in Ukraine but the knowhow and intellectual property is still there. It might be worth bringing it to Turkey and nurturing it.

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