UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Things are bad. But not that bad.

The rioting lot are usually met with a much louder crowd of peaceful lot....mostly white too.

There's a city in the UK called Bradford. If enough of them decend here it will probably go full retard will be the final boss battle. Our elders won't be able to control the ruffians within our own.

The mosques are desperately trying to get the message across to let the police handle it, whilst we only come out if necessary to defend our homes or mosques.
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1000s will be getting locked up very shortly. I'm surprised people are this stupid - looting couple of ££s worth of items for months behind bars - they definitely lack key brain cells.
She did it for the 3 little girls...its in their memory.

Oh and she had "legitimate concerns".....
  • Haha
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John was referred to the government’s counter-radicalisation programme Prevent and then Channel, which provides support and mentoring. The 20 “quotes” from the Qur’an that John believed declared war against “British people” were quickly challenged.
His mentor asked him to locate the quotes in an electronic version of the Qur’an. Only one existed, “and that was dramatically out of context”.
John said: “That was the lightbulb moment – I realised I’d been lied to.” Over the next five weeks he assiduously researched and cross referenced the “facts” that upheld his far-right dogma.
“After uncovering the truth, I realised that I had to break away. I didn’t want to hate Islam, I didn’t want to hate Muslims. I didn’t want to hate, full stop.”

Stupid kid no older than 16. In a way the governments of the past are to blame as well. These areas saw no investment or growth.
The government, past and present, are primarily to blame.

I used to be fairly well known in the White Nationalist circles years ago. Lost count on the number of young men who's lives have been ruined by making threats they cannot carry out online. By the time they reach out to me, they are either in prison or on their way there.

Many are very bright, and know something is very wrong in our Western nations. Instead of taking the time to learn history, they often fall for simplistic rhetoric from those I suspect are in the pay of Zionists.

The very few far right I know today are all outstanding young men, building their careers and building close knit white communities and just want to be left alone.

They are racialists, not racists.

The word racist was coined by Jewish Bolsheviks back in the late 1920s to sow division among non whites and whites. Find a dictionary printed before then and the word racist does not exist.

The proper English word is racialist - one who is proud of one's ethnicity. Everyone should be proud of their heritage.

This is what I stressed during my years of White Nationalism. I often told others to avoid being hypocrites and let others be proud of their race and culture too.

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