UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Remember Sunak almost in tears when is daughters were racially abused. THEN it became a different ball game. The problem is these bastards attempt to change their names attitude and believe they will be assimilated. No you thick twats - you are brown - you will always be brown and you can never change that.
How many times have you heard - "you're all right mate - its those others that are the problem".

Brownies never learn you can talk, eat, breathe, and shit like them, hell, even have a dog like them and walk him every day and pick up his shit, but you can never be one of them. They are tolerating you only because they need your skill sets; beyond that, they have no use for brownies. Had we only learned to develop and defend our homelands back home, there wouldn't have been a need for migration looking for greener pastures on the other side of the fence.

Sunak just had to learn the hard way, and it was well deserved, even if it was his daughter.
I have been visiting every known White Nationalist forum and no one is advocating this.

Someone needs to look into who is behind all this. I suspect agent provocateurs.

When hatred is spread then some people just loose it. The amount of hatred and disinformation being spread leads to these type of actions.
The government, past and present, are primarily to blame.

I used to be fairly well known in the White Nationalist circles years ago. Lost count on the number of young men who's lives have been ruined by making threats they cannot carry out online. By the time they reach out to me, they are either in prison or on their way there.

Many are very bright, and know something is very wrong in our Western nations. Instead of taking the time to learn history, they often fall for simplistic rhetoric from those I suspect are in the pay of Zionists.

The very few far right I know today are all outstanding young men, building their careers and building close knit white communities and just want to be left alone.

They are racialists, not racists.

The word racist was coined by Jewish Bolsheviks back in the late 1920s to sow division among non whites and whites. Find a dictionary printed before then and the word racist does not exist.

The proper English word is racialist - one who is proud of one's ethnicity. Everyone should be proud of their heritage.

This is what I stressed during my years of White Nationalism. I often told others to avoid being hypocrites and let others be proud of their race and culture too.

Quran chapter 49 verse 13

O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.
Remember Sunak almost in tears when is daughters were racially abused. THEN it became a different ball game. The problem is these bastards attempt to change their names attitude and believe they will be assimilated. No you thick twats - you are brown - you will always be brown and you can never change that.
How many times have you heard - "you're all right mate - its those others that are the problem".

suank's eyes were bulging when he heard the reform guy call him a P**i and after his daughter's got racial abuse. Yes, he looked like he was about to start crying. I think at that moment, he realised that he could NEVER become white european no matter how hard he tried and no matter how hard he worshipped the goreh. It was definitely a moment of clarity.
Brownies never learn you can talk, eat, breathe, and shit like them, hell, even have a dog like them and walk him every day and pick up his shit, but you can never be one of them. They are tolerating you only because they need your skill sets; beyond that, they have no use for brownies. Had we only learned to develop and defend our homelands back home, there wouldn't have been a need for migration looking for greener pastures on the other side of the fence.

Sunak just had to learn the hard way, and it was well deserved, even if it was his daughter.

Not all "brownies". Pakistanis by and large DO NOT imitate the goreh. In fact out of all the non-whites, we stick to our language, culture, heritage and religion the most. That's what the goreh are always crying about.
I have been visiting every known White Nationalist forum and no one is advocating this.

Someone needs to look into who is behind all this. I suspect agent provocateurs.

Tommy boy isn't your average racist. Tommy is like the Hindutva on Zionist payroll. Paid to sow disorder.
You can tell that they are uneducated, do not have good jobs, have no money and have 0 prospects of success in life. Their faces also reveal signs of heavy drinking and smoking. These are the people a certain non-white group worships.

Absolutely. No future. Absolutely worthless gutter. Who would want these thugs even as workers? They look like criminals because they are criminals.

Just a bunch of haters that first hated the EU and chose for Brexit. When Brexit didn't restore British empire glory the thugs are now aiming their illiterate wrath against minorities. Just ordinary criminal thugs.

In a way, I'm happy these riots are happening. It shows the true face of these people. Their illusion of equality and humanity has now been broken. They have been shown to be hypocrites they really are. The non-whites who were appeasing the racists have been exposed as the retards they are. These riots also show how far the white english have fallen.
In a way, I'm happy these riots are happening. It shows the true face of these people. Their illusion of equality and humanity has now been broken. They have been shown to be hypocrites they really are. The non-whites who were appeasing the racists have been exposed as the retards they are. These riots also show how far the white english have fallen.

It has embarrassed Britain badly. The new government is immediately called to action. The white victim narrative has been shredded to pieces. Tommy boy on vacation whilst his terrorists are looting and destroying British cities. It is a comedy show.
It is absolutely falling apart for the far right Tommy gang. Most civilised people are challenging their entire campaign.

Brownies never learn you can talk, eat, breathe, and shit like them, hell, even have a dog like them and walk him every day and pick up his shit, but you can never be one of them. They are tolerating you only because they need your skill sets; beyond that, they have no use for brownies. Had we only learned to develop and defend our homelands back home, there wouldn't have been a need for migration looking for greener pastures on the other side of the fence.

Sunak just had to learn the hard way, and it was well deserved, even if it was his daughter.

They won't be happy with us until we abandon Islam, start drinking, use English sounding names, start wiping our arse with tissue (only)and send our parents to care homes to be forgotten about. Even then, they'll just about tolerate us like they do Middle class black uncle Tom's.

I'm sure there is a verse in the Quran mentioning this nature of theirs....anyone care to find it?

We need to work hard, be productive members of society and stick to our core values. Unfortunately there are too many of us that have been left behind and that must change....

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