UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Tommy boy isn't your average racist. Tommy is like the Hindutva on Zionist payroll. Paid to sow disorder.
Tommy Boy is just a pawn playing his part.

There is a whole industry to explore...


What distinguishes Islamophobia from other forms of oppression is that there is an industry behind purveying anti-Muslim hate. An influential report in the US, Fear Inc. The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America (Ali et al. 2011), was the first to shine a light on “the Islamophobia network of so-called experts, academics, institutions, grassroots organizations, media outlets, and donors who manufacture, produce, distribute, and mainstream an irrational
fear of Islam and Muslims” (9). Lean’s (2017) study on the Islamophobia Industry further exposed the ideologies and tactics of the proponents of Islamophobia in the US from both the right and left of the political spectrum, religious and secular groups, as well as politicians and media personalities whose propaganda contributes to politicizing and legislating of fear of Muslims.

These studies were able to identify the key elements of the Islamophobia industry and identify major donors financing the promotion of anti-Muslim hate and propaganda in the United
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What's causing the Islamophobic riots across the UK, and why now?

1. The riots have been instigated by the Zionist asset Stephen Yaxley-Lennon ('Tommy Robinson'), who has been working for the State of Israel since 2009 as part of the so-called 'counterjihad' Islamophobia movement established by that state. When his organisation, the English Defence League, was incorporated in 2011, two years after its inception, it was named the English & Jewish Defence League. The Jewish Defence League, a Zionist terrorist organisation, has been a key part of violent Islamophobic street thuggery in the UK over the past decade.

2. Yaxley-Lennon is one of the most high-profile actors in the State of Israel's Online Influencers Programme in response to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. He and others, like Oli London, Noa Tishby, Hen Mazzig, Arsen Ostrovsky and Emily Schrader (and many others) are paid to distribute Zionist propaganda, of which pushing back against pro-Palestine protests and sowing Islamophobia are two important and interlinked aims.

3. The recent Islamophobic riots in the UK should be seen as the latest phase of the State of Israel's war on British Muslims, who it sees as originating the protest movement in the UK. These riots are designed to punish Muslims for their anti-Zionist sentiment after various other methods to suppress opposition to Zionism by the State of Israel have been thwarted. The State of Israel's attempts to use its assets and operatives in the British political and media class — such as Suella Braverman and Michael Gove — to thwart pro-Palestinian protests have failed. Zionist counter-protests have failed to mobilise significant numbers. Sporadic Zionist thuggery and the use of other assets — such as Iranian secularist extremists — have also failed to intimidate Muslims. So now the State of Israel is weaponising its cannon fodder on the white nationalist far-right, who have greater numbers than either Zionist street thugs or Iranian monarchists and secularist extremists.

4. Finally, there are also questions about which actor authored the idea that Muslims were responsible for the ostensible triggers for these events. MI6 and its assets (eg Paul Mason) are desperately trying to pretend this was a Russian disinfo op. But the original stories did not come from Russia. Where did they come from?

Please watch your posts. I had to take away some as they blasted an entire race/culture of people. Good and bad in all.

It's as bad as what Tommy and his band are doing.
Huge anti facist marches outnumbered the racist bastards tonight. This shit will get stamped out - the culprits will get long terms. Now they out to go after those that have encouraged this.
They need to know their words have consequences - Boris - Farage - Robinson -
Suella now have to be held to account
I can't understand how peaceful Oil protesters are in prison for 5 years yet the rioters are only getting 1-2 years. Quite often community sentences 🤔
I can't understand how peaceful Oil protesters are in prison for 5 years yet the rioters are only getting 1-2 years. Quite often community sentences 🤔

Time to go home, put this behind everyone and deprive the oxygen for the agitators

Do you not think there won't be another flare up?Its probable

The ante cannot keep going up
Time to go home, put this behind everyone and deprive the oxygen for the agitators

Do you not think there won't be another flare up?Its probable

The ante cannot keep going up

The real 2 tier policing in action in U.K.
The real 2 tier policing in action in U.K.

Because Gaza protests happened, for an actual world historical event, for something the UK is part of.... It's been maliciously twisted into being anti native

The northern natives were getting fcuked by the system long before October.

They will get screwed even more in the winter with rising prices.... If only there was not a war in the me 🙄

When you turn into a goblin mutant you cant think, just be mad

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