UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

The goreh were not this bad back in the 1980s and 1990s. They have become more dumb, low IQ, uncouth and inferior since then. Notice how the non-whites/immigrants are working hard, running small businesses and being generally productive whilst the goreh are getting drunk, being thick, engaging in mindless violence and blaming all their ills on non-whites. The tide is changing. The immigrants/non-whites in the UK are becoming more intelligent and superior whereas the goreh are becoming more inferior and dumb.
🙂UK is in for another brexit type BS. Let these wignats sleep walk into destruction and somehow I don't feel sorry for them British as a whole.
even the gangouse ?

In all seriousness, yes ALL non-whites/immigrant groups in the uk are becoming more intelligent and superior compared to how they were in the 1980s/90s whereas the goreh are going in the opposite direction.
I do think Israel has been creating/supporting/nuturing the far right in Europe with a view of creating "like minded" goverments that see "it's way and view" of the world. This has lead to the rise of Islamaphia in Europe and North America.

For too long, the west has ignored Israel's role in creating this hate in the UK and the west, cannot ignore this for any longer.

They need to wake up and put an end to this. The riots show how far this rot has gone on. This is now affecting the economy in the UK, and the peace that we all love about the UK.

The Jews are fire lighting BUT they want controlled far right, as in far right against the middle east and pro Israel but not so far right where they go after the Jews

The Jews have fucked up, by the end everyone will hate and go after them


24 hours courts
Tough sentences
Military and MI5 tracking down ring leaders
Dawn raids
Mass arrests

Good. Let them destroy themselves.

They also lost major support after the mass looting of mobile phones, alcohol, trainers, petrol and so on.
Is it me or can the others based in the UK feel the change in the public atmosphere? I feel that the UK is heading in the direction of voluntary racial/religious segregation if it hasn't already.
How is this possible,from the posts of Pakistanis living in UK since last 2 decades,it seemed that they were comrades of RAMBO.
Kisi ki mazal nai ke inko kuch bole UK me.
Very strange.Must be Jews and Hindus

What are you on about you confused sanghi. 😆

They will make mince meat of you quick haha. You guys can't fight, we all know that.
Its all against the backdrop of that whole tragedy but, mentions Pk because of that whole 'grooming gang' thing from earlier.

I think he may have a deep dislike for all non native and white folk there.

Although, in other interviews he's mentioned growing up with Jamaican and Sikh neighbors etc..

Yes but he deliberately left out two major and the most recent incidents.
He hasn't got any ethnic friends. It's well known his close circle is all white. He has a few back in the old days such as 'Abdul the Pakistani', 'Gurmeet the Sikh', all gone. Blacks didn't like/trust him before, now they hate him after the mass attacks on black people.
The goreh were not this bad back in the 1980s and 1990s. They have become more dumb, low IQ, uncouth and inferior since then.

It's true they have become worse i .e. the lower end of the country. It's no surprise these areas have high poverty levels, high unemployment, crime and no prospects.
In a way the governments of the past have also contributed to this. Wealth should be spread around. The South and Midlands so no demos.
Is it me or can the others based in the UK feel the change in the public atmosphere? I feel that the UK is heading in the direction of voluntary racial/religious segregation if it hasn't already.
I have been saying this since yesterday. For many, this was a massive turning point in ethnic attitudes. Hence the siege mentality amongst Muslims now. We know we can't count on anyone else to look after local property and religious institutions. And the white people who were aiming to partake in peaceful protest yesterday, have been shown by the media that they have opposition by muslim groups.
The lines have been drawn, now it's a question of who the benefactors are.
How is this possible,from the posts of Pakistanis living in UK since last 2 decades,it seemed that they were comrades of RAMBO.
Kisi ki mazal nai ke inko kuch bole UK me.
Very strange.Must be Jews and Hindus

EXACTLY!........Which is why they resort to attacking non-whites 15 to 1. Which is why they do NOT DARE come to Pakistani areas to fight them 1 to 1. These goreh are rioting and vandalising their own goreh areas but I suppose your sanghi/rss/srila prabphuda WhatsApp group forgot to tell you that.
Is it me or can the others based in the UK feel the change in the public atmosphere? I feel that the UK is heading in the direction of voluntary racial/religious segregation if it hasn't already.

The North may do bro, but then it remains to be seen. Midlands and South are fine. One thing is that people move on fast in the UK.
The Jews are fire lighting BUT they want controlled far right, as in far right against the middle east and pro Israel but not so far right where they go after the Jews

The Jews have fucked up, by the end everyone will hate and go after them

Conservative Friends of Israel AND Labour Friends of Israel both wield unfathomable influence on UK politics. They aren't Tories and they aren't Labour-they are lobbying groups with direct ties to Israeli government and IDF Labour Friends of Israel director David Mencer has been promoted to Israeli government spokesperson, CFI and LFI aren't in the UK to help British people!.

GET Israeli settlers out of U.K. politics. And there’s no real surprise here, why the chosen people have been through out history got kicked out of every country they went too!!!
EXACTLY!........Which is why they resort to attacking non-whites 15 to 1. Which is why they do NOT DARE come to Pakistani areas to fight them 1 to 1. These goreh are rioting and vandalising their own goreh areas but I suppose your sanghi/rss/srila prabphuda WhatsApp group forgot to tell you that.

Let him support them.

"Hi I am frand of yours and we hating Muslims we giving phull sapport to you. Please don't be beating Hindus people, oh ok secular can beat up. But we is peaceful people. I watching Tommy videos all day and I agreeing so much, so much brother".

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