UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

The Gazans and Palestinians can tell you EXACTLY what the so-called Ummah is worth and how helpful they have been.

You know it's true. Which is why you can't answer any of my questions but continue to repeat the same mantra.
Don't worry.
Muslims understand.
Don't worry.
Muslims understand.

Don't get me wrong, IF the Ummah was a viable option now I would wholeheartedly support it but it's not. Especially because of Arab betrayal of the Palestinians to the israelis and the west. IF you really care about the Ummah, FIRST let's make Pakistan a very strong, powerful, advanced and prosperous nation. Then and ONLY then could we think about forming a genuine, united Ummah.
The UK race riots have had a silver lining. They have strengthened and united the Pakistani and Muslim communities across the UK as we face a common enemy. Not including indians, all other ethnic minorities have somewhat united against the common racist enemy. There is a sense amongst the Pakistani and Muslim communities in the UK, that we need to be more educated, more productive, more successful, more united and better at self-defence against physical violence from racists.

More and more Muslim ladies are taking up self-defence classes:

Don't get me wrong, IF the Ummah was a viable option now I would wholeheartedly support it but it's not. Especially because of Arab betrayal of the Palestinians to the israelis and the west. IF you really care about the Ummah, FIRST let's make Pakistan a very strong, powerful, advanced and prosperous nation. Then and ONLY then could we think about forming a genuine, united Ummah.

WHAT THE HELL is wrong with these so called "Muslim" Arabs? Have the jews/israelis F**KED their women and produced offspring that are zionists who worship israel?
The UK race riots have had a silver lining. They have strengthened and united the Pakistani and Muslim communities across the UK as we face a common enemy. Not including indians, all other ethnic minorities have somewhat united against the common racist enemy. There is a sense amongst the Pakistani and Muslim communities in the UK, that we need to be more educated, more productive, more successful, more united and better at self-defence against physical violence from racists.

More and more Muslim ladies are taking up self-defence classes:

They have united the ummah in Britain.
For those of you wondering why the racists weren't protesting or rampaging this week like they promised to do so was because they got a SEVERE beating by Pakistanis and a few other non-Pakistani Muslims a week before. They were thoroughly destroyed and thrashed. They got abused by UK Pakistanis. These racist white english hooligans will never forget Pakistani danda.................:cool:
They have united the ummah in Britain.

True but that is not enough. We need to ultimately make Pakistan strong, advanced and powerful and then and only then can we unite the other Muslim nations.
Scandinavia until recently was mono racial.

vast in size relative to a population of a few million, has a technologically advanced cohesive society where everyone abides by common principles of societal good and everyone is willing to pay higher taxes in return for honest utilisation of tax money and services AND AND net societal good, including lets say esg

Being Scandinavian means understanding there is a common collective good and responsibility and you pay into the system and abode by it.

Good luck bringing that into South Asia in this millennium where the majority of the population is seen as human waste not worthy of time or care or investment.

God favours a just society even if it is non Muslim, that's what the Muslim world refuses to get

Scandinavia wasnt always like that.
But it was always a society where trustfulness and honesty was the main mesurestick of individuals. The worst thing you can say to a Norwegian is that you dont have trust in his words and actions. Such individuals will be socially frozen out from the community regardless of their wealth and power. Interestingly The Prophet was nicknamed «Al Amin» - The Trustworthy.

Scandinavian societies embody the main principles of Islamic ethics. Norway is more islamic than all of worlds muslim countries.
Scandinavia wasnt always like that.
But it was always a society where trustfulness and honesty was the main mesurestick of individuals. The worst thing you can say to a Norwegian is that you dont have trust in his words and actions. Such individuals will be socially frozen out from the community regardless of their wealth and power. Interestingly The Prophet was nicknamed «Al Amin» - The Trustworthy.

Scandinavian societies embody the main principles of Islamic ethics. Norway is more islamic than all of worlds muslim countries.

Yes, high trust societies are where you have one ethnicity in general, from observation

Like Japan,China even or some South Indian states

So that tells you something

Also, the disgust at out of group behaviour goes back looooongggg, the theory is to the ice age where anyone who was a scumbag might cost the group their survival, with scarcity of resources and the need to rely on your group.

Hence you might say it's a genetic trait, engrained from millennia.

What is south Asia other than the amalgamation and tapestry of everyone who has passed the through and settled their tribe.

Scandinavia replicated can only ever be a north star that's seen in the distance for south Asia.

South Asia needs a different solution.
Yes, high trust societies are where you have one ethnicity in general, from observation

Like Japan,China even or some South Indian states

So that tells you something

Also, the disgust at out of group behaviour goes back looooongggg, the theory is to the ice age where anyone who was a scumbag might cost the group their survival, with scarcity of resources and the need to rely on your group.

Hence you might say it's a genetic trait, engrained from millennia.

What is south Asia other than the amalgamation and tapestry of everyone who has passed the through and settled their tribe.

Scandinavia replicated can only ever be a north star that's seen in the distance for south Asia.

South Asia needs a different solution.

Last week, the UK Pakistani community was very united and trusting of one another when we beat the hell out of, thrashed and utterly humiliated the white racists. The racists will never forget Pakistani danda.
You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out who Robinson works for. The sad part is, the people who follow him are useful idiots and he knows it.

Don't worry, these racists have gone quiet since last week when they got a lot of Pakistani danda.
Don't worry, these racists have gone quiet since last week when they got a lot of Pakistani danda.

I hope average poor white person who are blinded by Tommy’s hate now realise what they done and why Pakistanis gave them a good hiding.

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