UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Didn't watch beyond 10 seconds, revolting isn't strong enough, cannot watch humans not behaving like humans in this way

From what I could hear, they were UK born, not African unless we are not distinguishing between people born in the UK

So in a way it's more troubling, this is not one for blaming the foreigner.... these are her peers, neighbours maybe, fellow class mates.... But it ended up looking like a mass racial attack

School kids these days are indulging in savagery I am sure previous generations did not, I am sure every generation says this, but this looks really true

WHERE is the outrage and condemnation from Tommy Robinson and the other white racists??????.........because it was blacks beating up a white, the whites fully accept it and say nothing. IF a Muslim as so much coughs in the direction of a white person, there are calls for Muslim genocide and hyper-Islamaphobia. More proof that whites worship blacks and half-castes.
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@vsdoc @Sharma Ji @Dalit @PAKISTANFOREVER @Waz
@Davey Crockett @Musings

500 years too late for that one. indian hindus, sikhs etc ALREADY VEHMENTLY hate Islam and Muslims for the past 5 centuries AT LEAST.

This is more evidence that after the recent beatings the white racists got from the Pakistanis, the white racists are now looking for allies to physically fight the Muslims. What they don't realize is that if the white english racists can't beat the Pakistanis, there is NO WAY that the indian hindus/sikhs can either. Or perhaps they do not know but want to try to use the indian hindus/sikhs as wasted cannon fodder against the Pakistanis/Muslims. Who knows.
Good luck with that after all the videos surfaced with them attacking anyone non-white.
He himself has no issue with the said groups, his followers do. You can't control a gas of cholerine released into the environment.
The HSS which is the British arm of the Hindu RSS turned him down and made a public statement stating they wanted nothing to do with him. Imagine the Hindu right turning you down. Jewish groups have done the same.
They know full well that once his followers rid their shores of Islam they will be next.

Bro if they tried it, they would get destroyed the Pakistanis/Muslims. If the white racists got smashed up by Pakistanis/Muslims only a few weeks ago, there is NO WAY in hell these hindus/sikhs would stand a chance against us in a physically violent confrontation.
500 years too late for that one. indian

500 years too late for that one. indian hindus, sikhs etc ALREADY VEHMENTLY hate Islam and Muslims for the past 5 centuries AT LEAST.

This is more evidence that after the recent beatings the white racists got from the Pakistanis, the white racists are now looking for allies to physically fight the Muslims. What they don't realize is that if the white english racists can't beat the Pakistanis, there is NO WAY that the indian hindus/sikhs can either. Or perhaps they do not know but want to try to use the indian hindus/sikhs as wasted cannon fodder against the Pakistanis/Muslims. Who knows.

Indians are being no ones cannon fodder lol

not likely

You are totally misunderstanding the type of battle that's being waged

Tommy gets his game plan from think tanks, he spouts their language

This is about the perception and propaganda street battles create, that's why they need Hindus and Sikhs, to diversify the blame away

This news article confirms what we all knew anyway
Indians are being no ones cannon fodder lol

not likely

You are totally misunderstanding the type of battle that's being waged

Tommy gets his game plan from think tanks, he spouts their language

This is about the perception and propaganda street battles create, that's why they need Hindus and Sikhs, to diversify the blame away

This news article confirms what we all knew anyway

But these indian hindus/sikhs ALREADY hate Pakistanis/Muslims more than the whites do. So getting them on board won't do much. The UK indians will DEFINITELY not fight us. ALL it would do will show that the indians worship the white european race. Nothing else. It changes nothing.
Indians are being no ones cannon fodder lol

not likely

You are totally misunderstanding the type of battle that's being waged

Tommy gets his game plan from think tanks, he spouts their language

This is about the perception and propaganda street battles create, that's why they need Hindus and Sikhs, to diversify the blame away

This news article confirms what we all knew anyway

Just got off the trainer. 90 minutes of Zone 1 spinning.

Watching Patriots Day. Mark Wahlberg. On the Boston bombing.

Perpetrators were two half Chechen half Avar Muslim brothers.

Self radicalized, learning how to build pressure cooker bombs at home from an Al Qaeda Yemeni group magazine.

They wanted to kill infidels, and briefly contemplated a suicide bombing as wel, to avenge the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We are at war whether we like it ir not. Whether we want to live in peace or not.

How was dinner?

Cheers, Doc
But these indian hindus/sikhs ALREADY hate Pakistanis/Muslims more than the whites do. So getting them on board won't do much. The UK indians will DEFINITELY not fight us. ALL it would do will show that the indians worship the white european race. Nothing else. It changes nothing.
Yet how many of these Hindus or Sikhs turned up on a Tommy Street march or would openly support it despite the hate

They have been cultivated for ages it's not worked at all, barely

It's not because they are scared, it's because they have no intention of having a street fight in general, let alone for Tommy 😂

Because if you had more strategic brain cells you might consider that not needing to be in a street fight, or being compelled into one is the win
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Yet how many of these Hindus or Sikhs turned up on a Tommy Street march or would openly support it despite the hate

They have been cultivated for ages it's not worked at all, barely

It's not because they are scared, it's because they have no intention of having a street fight in general, let alone for Tommy 😂

Because if you had more strategic brain cells you might consider that not needing to be in a street fight, or being compelled into one is the win

EXACTLY!.......So it is a pointless gimmick whichever way you look at it.
Some people have what is known as selective stupidity. When they are so badly brainwashed and radicalised like many of Tommy's boys they don't realise they are the cannon fodder.
Some people have what is known as selective stupidity. When they are so badly brainwashed and radicalised like many of Tommy's boys they don't realise they are the cannon fodder.

I am still trying to figure out what these far right fools achieved after the crusade riots. What was the end goal? Many got beat up and jailed. All they are crying about is their imaginary two tier policing.
Just got off the trainer. 90 minutes of Zone 1 spinning.

Watching Patriots Day. Mark Wahlberg. On the Boston bombing.

Perpetrators were two half Chechen half Avar Muslim brothers.

Self radicalized, learning how to build pressure cooker bombs at home from an Al Qaeda Yemeni group magazine.

They wanted to kill infidels, and briefly contemplated a suicide bombing as wel, to avenge the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We are at war whether we like it ir not. Whether we want to live in peace or not.

How was dinner?

Cheers, Doc

Pilau rice, lamb korma.


I need the gym too
Bro if they tried it, they would get destroyed the Pakistanis/Muslims. If the white racists got smashed up by Pakistanis/Muslims only a few weeks ago, there is NO WAY in hell these hindus/sikhs would stand a chance against us in a physically violent confrontation.

Bro no one is down for that and people generally get along fine. Let's keep it that way. However that being said my great ancestors old saying is 'if you come with evil intentions we will fight till you are no more'.

DFM meets owner of bar destroyed in racist attack​

Abjan Acharya in a white tshirt and Emma Little-pengelly in a blue blazer and white top, outside fire damaged bar

Emma Little-Pengelly says racially-motivated crime has "no place" in Northern Ireland
Linzi Lima

A man whose business was destroyed by a fire in a racially-motivated hate crime said he feels he has "some hope'" after meeting the deputy first minister and local assembly members.

Emma Little-Pengelly, who visited Abjan Acharya at The Railway Bar in Newtownabbey this afternoon, said the attack was "absolutely unacceptable".

The deputy first minister said she wanted to send a "very clear message" that those affected have the full support of the executive and the DUP.

There is "no place for this" in Northern Ireland, she added.

'Thinking forward'​

Fire damaged exterior of a bar with muslims out spray painted on

The Railway Bar and Steam Dining eatery was set alight earlier this month
Mr Acharya said it has been a "total disaster" and that he has had "tough nights and tough days" following the attack.

He told BBC News NI that, on the evening following the attack, alcohol and other items were taken from the premises.

He said he has stayed away from the restaurant as he was "concerned for his safety" and needed to focus on his family.

Mr Archarya, who has lived in Northern Ireland for nearly 20 years, said he feels quite "low" after what happened.

Despite this, he is "thinking forward' and is motivated by the support that he has received from political representatives.

He is hopeful that the government will support local businesses in recovering from attacks such as this.
Abjan Acharya in a white tshirt stood outside a badly fire-damaged bar in Newtownabbey

Abjan Acharya had only taken over the business a few months ago
Joining the deputy first minister and offering their support were fellow DUP members and local MLAs Pam Cameron and Trevor Clarke.

Ms Little-Pengelly said it is important politicians show their full support and that they will do everything they can to support those business owners that are affected.

She said violence and disorder were always unacceptable.

The Northern Ireland Executive will be working "hand in hand" with the Police Service of Northern Ireland on the issue of racially-motivated crime, she added.
Mr Acharya in white tshirt and blue jeans looking at badly burned building

Mr Acharya said he feels he has "some hope" after meeting politicians
The Railway Bar and Steam Dining eatery in Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, was set alight at about 01.50 BST on 21 August.

Racist graffiti was also daubed on the walls.

Mr Acharya, who came to Northern Ireland from Nepal in 2006, said he had received good support from the community and there had been no indications the business was at risk.

The closure of the bar was announced on its Facebook page earlier this month.

"As a young Nepalese-British individual, born into a Hindu family, raised and educated in Belfast, I never imagined that my skin colour and religion would make us a target for such a hateful act," the post said.

"Our establishment, once a place of joy and community, has fallen victim to a devastating act of organised hate."
Fire damaged  bar in Newtownabbey

The closure of the bar was announced on its Facebook page


Just the thing I was writing about throughout the thread. Not many Muslims went here, dude had his entire bar/eatery burnt down.
Once it starts everyone gets engulfed.

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