UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

The last part won't matter a whit to the recent saffron boatloads man. The rest of your post makes sense of course.

Will it did matter when the storm reached their doorstep. Most were hit in targeted strikes and the others left for the US and safer climbs. They started something and then hid among the peaceful Indian community who threw them out. Most of these men were fresh arrivals.
They did come out a bit, from what I saw.

But then it escalated and then it ended.

Btw, the second headline, prominent faith leaders in Preston 😂😂

Most people wouldn't understand the language they use, and shouting a few things in a circle of 9 isn't much. Muslims, aside Indian ones don't have a clue what they are on about and hence why they will say it.
The second video is kids dancing which they do on Krishna's birthday.

Things "might" have soured with the RSS after Tommy openly supported the Dal Khalsa and calls for the "freeing of Sikh political prisoners" ....

Cheers, Doc

He's a moron and has no clue what he's on about or what is going on. He'll say things to win favours.
The Sikhs can't stand him. There's a famous saying don't forget Gurdip Singh Chaggar. They know them too well. It's not a conincidence that many arrested were in their late 50's and 60's.
Most people wouldn't understand the language they use and shouting a few things in a circle of 9 isn't much. Most Muslims aside Indian ones don't have a clue what they are on about and hence why they will say it.
The second video is kids dancing which they do on Krishna's birthday.
There were other videos, people don't need much to be provoked about
In other words, an excuse not to visibly support 😂😂

Smart guys

Khalistan is non negotiable hot potato in India.

It has nothing to do with optics.
It's deeper than that. The traditional white nationalist stance recognises family units, hate LQBTQ, hate perversion etc. They lay the coming of all these ills at the feet of the Zions who have weakened British society.
To love them is an abomination regardless of how 'divided' they look in front of Muslims. For them you can't be 'half in' or in Tommy's case 10% in. The dude doesn't say a word about crime from other ethnics which irks them to no end.

That is because Tommy boy with a fake name is on Zionist payroll.
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Who is this Chris Blackburn.
There were other videos, people don't need much to be provoked about

Again they won't be doing their community any favours by indulging in it. Do post the other videos in another thread.
That is because Tommy boy with a fake name is on Zionist payroll.

Sitting in a £400 a night hotel whilst people were being locked up from 3-6 years each.
He didn't have the balls to start a fund for such folks.
The real nationalists are irate at him for this i.e. leading people up the garden path and then dumping them when they were being dragged out of their houses at 6am in their sleeping clothes.

A Bangladeshi shill.


Lage raho Al Jazeera "Chris Blackburn"

The weekend is here.

Cheers, Doc
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