US imposes sanctions on suppliers to Pakistan’s ballistic missile programme

I'm also quietly confident about our missiles

The MIRV capabilities and the maneuverable ballistic missiles made to go through AD, I think we are well prepared for our enemies

Our biggest problem as always is economic and money, not only do we need NUMBERS built up but also the funding to keep going

For too long we have scratched around for funding to support vital national defense programs, as a an emergency we need to sort the economy out

I'm also scratching my head about ATGMs, I know we have a massive stockpile of B.Ss, and some kornets and the American wire guided system I can't recall the name
But we need to either develop ourselves or just buy with TOT a Chinese or Turkish fire and forget system, that we can mass produce

Either they are happy with what Baktier shikan can do with our own plans in place or it's a financial issue

Thank you sir for sharing

I would find it hard it to believe Pak would be so far behind in a key area in it's neighbourhood
When you consider the sheer dominance of AIPAC, ADL, and similar pro Israel lobbies and their effects on Washington’s policy not just vis-à-vis Israel but also Israel’s regional opponents, it’s a wonder how Pakistan hasn’t been as adversely affected by the sheer potential of a properly functioning pro-India lobby group. They have the geopolitical and economic clout, a fairly united expat community, and they plenty of cash both within India and abroad to bring it to bear against us. I feel like we’ll not be prepared for when this happens and we’ll be as usual caught with our pants down. That’s without even mentioning the damage done by our hands by the likes of the OBL incident, our relations with the taliban in the past, and the occasional terror incident or attempt linked to our kind.

We often find stories of Pakistani diplomats in action in washington and other capitals in the past, playing critical roles in diplomatic outreach at crucial points in our history. Now we’re of little strategic value, no longer needed for any wars, of less and less economic relevance and more a bailout-prone financial liability. It feels as though we will muddle through what’s thrown at us in the future and diminish at every point unless there’s some internal upheaval in Pakistan.
What you write has lots of merit its only time when the indian lobby becomes so influencial it will become a headache for Pak. But one big difference with israel its also a religious reason US politicians support them so much especially the rapture loonies.
Thank you sir for sharing

I would find it hard it to believe Pak would be so far behind in a key area in it's neighbourhood
Yaar ye jo Scalp/ Storm shadow hae, it is consistently beating anything air defense that Russia has. This is also that one weapon which consistently breaches Syrian defenses.

Russians can't see it for some reason and Nato now unveiling its mass use deep inside Russia.

I believe its RAM coated/ polymer body is radio transparent. And its terrain hugging/ high subsonic flight profile not only makes it invisible, but unstoppable.

Iranians get roughly 20% of their drones/ missiles thru the worlds most advanced defense net, and this they barely manage to do after a generation of being in this business/ specialization. Can you imagine where other countries stand in this game? I bet you money, all the middle east/ South Asia cannot even wage war against a premiere power like Israel. They just can't! Conventional military's will fail against Israel.
Sometimes the master must punish the dog.

The beauty of having a dog however; it will remain loyal no matter what.
Missiles, drones and air defense seems to be where war is headed

If anything, I don't think JF17 is a bad option for many air forces or a JF17 like plane that is more affordable, has a quick turnaround time and can be back in the air very quickly
Their is still space for conventional weapons

Pakistan needs to continue it's missile development
We have two superb partners in Turkey and China that can support drone development
We have a mountain load of Bakhtar shikans but I think we now need more modern atgms, their has been talking about this
Our air defense is better then before and it's growing but we need to increase our coverage and systems
All these third tier countries got no standing. Everybody knows man. India, Pakistan or even China can’t fight Israel. GCC are jokers!

Who’s left bhai?

EU?…….what a joker toady the EU is……pffftt…….
All these third tier countries got no standing. Everybody knows man. India, Pakistan or even China can’t fight Israel. GCC are jokers!

Who’s left bhai?

EU?…….what a joker toady the EU is……pffftt…….

Israel is tiny, Israel has been fighting militia and irregular forces for decades

It's a U.S protectorate, and that's why it survives, with the U.S it's nothing

If Egypt really decided to go after Israel without the threat of the USA, Israel would be toast

Israel can't even handle Hamas and Hezbollah

It's all good having jets and missiles etc BUT if you nation is tiny and you have no depth, then you have NOWHERE TO HIDE
Israel is tiny, Israel has been fighting militia and irregular forces for decades

It's a U.S protectorate, and that's why it survives, with the U.S it's nothing

If Egypt really decided to go after Israel without the threat of the USA, Israel would be toast

Israel can't even handle Hamas and Hezbollah

It's all good having jets and missiles etc BUT if you nation is tiny and you have no depth, then you have NOWHERE TO HIDE

Israel has been exposed very badly. Without US support it is going to be the end of Israel.
China is treaty bound as well as MTCR bound to prevent proliferation of Nukes and missile tech.

These treaty's mean nothing, the U.S and western allies disregard international law all the time

It's reached the point it's become stupid for the rest of the world to be subject to laws and treaties the white west refuses to accept themselves
China is treaty bound as well as MTCR bound to prevent proliferation of Nukes and missile tech.

Well, the US is also bound by international law not to provide Israel with offensive weapons that kill innocent Palestinians. The US fails to follow what it preaches.

Dude, we give a big middle finger to anyone who opposes China Pakistan defence cooperation. This will only intensify cooperation between China and Pakistan. Thanks for reminding us though. Reminders are always appreciated.
Well, the US is also bound by international law not to provide Israel with offensive weapons that kill innocent Palestinians. The US fails to follow what it preaches.

Dude, we give a big middle finger to anyone who opposes China Pakistan defence cooperation. This will only intensify cooperation between China and Pakistan. Thanks for reminding us though. Reminders are always appreciated.
Which international law? There are no laws that restrict US in providing weapons to Israel. Like man they have QME with Israel that allows US to sell most advanced weapons to Israel to keep up with other ME countries.

When the Qataris were acquiring advanced jets the US provided Israel with F-35s. That besides, the most advanced jets in your arsenal are F16s right? The US can afford to play this game. Heck even you will happily get those newer F16s if and when the US sells them to you.
Israel has been exposed very badly. Without US support it is going to be the end of Israel.
I’m getting tired of Iran not wrapping up this nonsense quicker. I understand it’s not easy to do this, but we are all running outta patience.

If they need volunteers bhai Laakhon are willing to go, but Iran gotta allow this free for all. They hold the key to get this done right.

Wrap this up quick.
I’m getting tired of Iran not wrapping up this nonsense quicker. I understand it’s not easy to do this, but we are all running outta patience.

If they need volunteers bhai Laakhon are willing to go, but Iran gotta allow this free for all. They hold the key to get this done right.

Wrap this up quick.

Why do you assume Iran has as it's aim direct confrontation with Israel to that extent

Come on man think, irans aim is self preservation, breathing space and more integration with the world, national interest from nationalists

They are ok with allowing Gaza to happen if it supports their national defence

So read this

Why do you assume Iran has as it's aim direct confrontation with Israel to that extent

Come on man think, irans aim is self preservation, breathing space and more integration with the world, national interest from nationalists

They are ok with allowing Gaza to happen if it supports their national defence

So read this

Bhai we need to stop this ‘qatle-aam’ going on for 1 year now. I know it’s very hard going against the Zionists and no Muslim country can pull this off except Iran. So we need to support them here not look at belittling their efforts.

The writing is on the wall. Israel is not going to survive this.
Bhai we need to stop this ‘qatle-aam’ going on for 1 year now. I know it’s very hard going against the Zionists and no Muslim country can pull this off except Iran. So we need to support them here not look at belittling their efforts.

The writing is on the wall. Israel is not going to survive this.

My next question when I hear this is how does a country actually and mechanically disintegrate, when did it last happen?

I get silence

I am not belittling Iran, they are looking after Iran

They did not look after Gaza, no one did

You talk like this hasn't happened

Therefore when you say you are getting tired of Iran not doing x y z you may continue to remain tired if you do not consider their national aims, that's it

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