US IQ falls

Hawaii (with the highest percentage of Asian and Chinese population) is near the bottom of the IQ list…somewhere near 95. But the state with the highest IQ has the least amount of Asian population.

I just happen to be in an amusement park in New Hampshire (the state rated #1 highest) right now and the percentage of Asians I see walking around is close to zero.
Coincide with the fact that only the dumbest Asians go to America

Average IQ around the world​

Lazy people

Don't want to do math
Don't want to write now, invented Chat GPT
Don't want to create art now

It is down fall for sure ...

Google has destroyed humanity making it lazy

Now created Artificial Intelligence , to make people more dumb

I think if we go back 150 years back , we find humans were so creative , they were writing amazing Books, epic books

Humans were doing Math , really advance match just using their mind and the black board. The stuff they theorized and hypothesized was absolutely stunning

If you look at their Math work it looks like Alien Tech ...

Last 150 Years
  • Electricity was invented
  • Cameras taking photos
  • Flying , first time in Human History
  • Theories about Physics etc
  • Medicine research etc

However last 30 years, it feels like Humanity is going in reverse , becoming Dumber and machines are getting smarter

"The world is now Owned by CORPORATIONS" The human is not source of knowledge

They CORPORATIONS are creating world where they control all knowledge and Humans are merely there like Lab Rats to follow their will. Influence over their minds with Social media and news
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Hawaii (with the highest percentage of Asian and Chinese population) is near the bottom of the IQ list…somewhere near 95. But the state with the highest IQ has the least amount of Asian population.
Only Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Singaporeans of all the Asians have high average IQ.

Lol, Ethnic Chinese only comprises about 4.7% of Hawaii's total population, obviously insignificant to affect the overall average IQ of Hawaii population.

Hawai'i has the highest percentage of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) in the United States (US). According to 2020 US Census Bureau estimates, there are 400 000 NHPI (alone or in combination) in Hawai'i, making up 28% of the population. 11.1% of the total population is Hispanic. Native Hawaiians (IQ 87), Pacific Islanders (IQ 85). Latinos at IQ 89.

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Last 150 Years
  • Electricity was invented
  • Cameras taking photos
  • Flying , first time in Human History
  • Theories about Physics etc
  • Medicine research etc

However last 30 years, it feels like Humanity is going in reverse , becoming Dumber and machines are getting smarter
I think you should add refrigeration to that list as it has changed the way food is now grown tremendously. Instead of nearby fields food can be shipped from far away alleviating starvation.

Certainly groundbreaking achievements that benefit all of mankind have been lacking lately. So far a computer hasn't been able to conjure up anything either.
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Only Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Singaporeans of all the Asians have high average IQ.

Lol, Ethnic Chinese only comprises about 4.7% of Hawaii's total population, obviously insignificant to affect the overall average IQ of Hawaii population.

Hawai'i has the highest percentage of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) in the United States (US). According to 2020 US Census Bureau estimates, there are 400 000 NHPI (alone or in combination) in Hawai'i, making up 28% of the population. 11.1% of the total population is Hispanic. Native Hawaiians (IQ 87), Pacific Islanders (IQ 85). Latinos at IQ 89.

In our State of Hawaii, there were 342,095 people in the Filipino “race alone or in combination” group. This group was the 2nd largest “race alone or in combination” group and made up about 25 percent of Hawaii's population.

THE World Population Review website recently ranked the Philippines at 111 among 199 countries, with an average intelligence quotient (IQ) of 81.64.
In our State of Hawaii, there were 342,095 people in the Filipino “race alone or in combination” group. This group was the 2nd largest “race alone or in combination” group and made up about 25 percent of Hawaii's population.

THE World Population Review website recently ranked the Philippines at 111 among 199 countries, with an average intelligence quotient (IQ) of 81.64.
You're aware that there are many more reliable tests and competitions out there than the ones on World Population Review, right? One thing to consider with these tests is that we often don't know the sample size of participants or their demographics. Are they targeting regular people or students? If they are students, how committed are they to their education? And where are these participants from, urban or rural areas, developing or developed countries? Plus, how frequently and consistently are these tests conducted? What kind of tests do these participants usually take?

And no, Filipinos do not have an average of 81 IQ.
You're aware that there are many more reliable tests and competitions out there than the ones on World Population Review, right? One thing to consider with these tests is that we often don't know the sample size of participants or their demographics. Are they targeting regular people or students? If they are students, how committed are they to their education? And where are these participants from, urban or rural areas, developing or developed countries? Plus, how frequently and consistently are these tests conducted? What kind of tests do these participants usually take?

And no, Filipinos do not have an average of 81 IQ.
Thats one test. Different tests have somewhat variations of IQ scores. One other report puts Filipino at 87. If you have problem with this particular test, thats your choice. Considering how irrational the Filipino gov and Macro are trying so hard to provoke and fight China in SCS and other areas constantly recently in order to be a loyal puppet of US, these people are no doubt morons with such IQ not far fetched.
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