US Naval shipyard update: 12 Burke destroyers under construction, will add 1,152 VLS cells to fleet over next 4 years

Considering that all Ticonderoga-class ships will be retired by 2027, the U.S. Navy's VLS will not increase by 1,152, but decrease by about 400.
The US shipbuilding plan predicts that the Battle Force will decrease by 2030 to a minimum level to begin growing after the year 2030. With the decommissioning of all Ticonderoga, the addition of 12 Burke Flight IIIs predicts the decrease to 434 VLS .

The gap between the number of launchers between the PLAN and USN could begin to balance between 2025-2030.
That very thinking is hubris. There are no qualified military experts who have been quoted as saying anything like that anymore. Rather, the least controversial comments have been that the US Navy needs to up its game. The most dire comments have been that the US Navy will be defeated in detail in the South China Sea. In Deatil.

That means that China now has the anti-satelite capabilities to over come the US capabilities. Their missile guidance radar is now superior to yours, and they have the world's best anti-ship missile launched from a plane.Longer range, and higher avoidance. Their ships carry much more ordnance than yours, and have a very short re=supply line. The scenario is likely to see the US Navy depleting their stores in the first 1-3 days of fighting, with your carrier groups heavily damaged or sunk. The Arleigh Burkes willbe prime targets that will be overwhelmed. They simply don't have enough defensive armament and there are not enough of them. Disabe two or three US destroyers or a Ticoderoga cruiser, and the carrier is extremely vulnerable.
Assuming you are talking to me.

I would say your logic is flawed. That's like saying why the army need sniper anymore when you are going to get your arse kicked by a platoon of rifleman looking for you. While that assertion is true because you probably would have around 20 rounds if you are a sniper and single up the line you most likely going to get killed if you are facing a platoon alone.

but then that's just it, that's an assumption and an assertion. You failed to account for 2 things.

1.) All engagement is dynamic, you don't expect things to go your way.

I mean it's very easy to say Chinese missile has longer range, China has Anti-Satellite Capabilities to counter the US, and they have a shorter supply line (That is only assuming the war is fought near China) and so on, but to achieve all that, is that even possible? Take Anti-Satellite technology as an example, first question I will ask is can they shoot down all 40 GPS satellite to begin with? With some of them are non-LOS to each other. And then the second question I would ask is what technology that will overcome? And the third question I would ask is how does that even work? I mean are you sure every military hardware we had depends on GPS to function to be able to have that assumption? I can tell you this, having a few Navy cousin and toured a few AB Class CIC, they go EMCON when they engage, and that mean they don't receive or transmit any radio/energy signature, so they won't actually use GPS to fight. As for guidance system, every weapon platform has redundant fire control and guidance system, which mean even in the event of GPS going down, it wouldn't have any or only have minimal impact.

2.) You are looking a war individually, not as a whole.

This going back to my sniper analogy, why you need a sniper/marksman anyway when a platoon of riflemen can just throw shit at you? You failed to account that is just one part of a battlefield, you are specifically looking at the small corner where you go 1 on 1, and then apply an assumption over it, and then you proclaim the result.

That's not how war is fought tho. You have to consider a lot of different factors, how or what was in the AO? Were you spotted? Were they spotted? We aren't talking about a Chinese destroyer chasing down a Zumwalt, and outgun him, if this is the case, then you can insert any ship in this event and the result would be the same. But if you have to look at the way your enemy counter you. It's a lot easier to say what you just said than having to do it. I mean sure, we are all going to be king of battle if your job is solely look at the line up your target and shoot shit.
That very thinking is hubris. There are no qualified military experts who have been quoted as saying anything like that anymore. Rather, the least controversial comments have been that the US Navy needs to up its game. The most dire comments have been that the US Navy will be defeated in detail in the South China Sea. In Deatil.

That means that China now has the anti-satelite capabilities to over come the US capabilities. Their missile guidance radar is now superior to yours, and they have the world's best anti-ship missile launched from a plane.Longer range, and higher avoidance. Their ships carry much more ordnance than yours, and have a very short re=supply line. The scenario is likely to see the US Navy depleting their stores in the first 1-3 days of fighting, with your carrier groups heavily damaged or sunk. The Arleigh Burkes willbe prime targets that will be overwhelmed. They simply don't have enough defensive armament and there are not enough of them. Disabe two or three US destroyers or a Ticoderoga cruiser, and the carrier is extremely vulnerable.

What a ridiculous post, the USN has almost 2.5X the VLS cells of the PLAN and our naval aviation and undersea capabilities are decades ahead of the Chinese.

An there’s not a more advanced antiship missile on the planet than LRASM.

The US shipbuilding plan predicts that the Battle Force will decrease by 2030 to a minimum level to begin growing after the year 2030. With the decommissioning of all Ticonderoga, the addition of 12 Burke Flight IIIs predicts the decrease to 434 VLS .

The gap between the number of launchers between the PLAN and USN could begin to balance between 2025-2030.
This is based on the fact that the U.S. Navy broke the previous tradition of retiring after 35 years of service and forcibly extended the service life of the Burke-class. In fact, at least 14 Burke-class ships put into service even earlier than the Ticonderoga-class ships that will be retired in 2027。
This is based on the fact that the U.S. Navy broke the previous tradition of retiring after 35 years of service and forcibly extended the service life of the Burke-class. In fact, at least 14 Burke-class ships put into service even earlier than the Ticonderoga-class ships that will be retired in 2027。


Here is the USNs battle force posture through 2040. There will be a dip in VLS cells in the next few years with the retirement of the Ticons and 4 Ohio cruise missile subs.

But VLS cells will start to ramp significantly into the 2030s as Burke’s are being pumped out, the Constellation frigates come online, and the Block V Virginias are being mass produced with 40 VLS payload modules.
This is based on the fact that the U.S. Navy broke the previous tradition of retiring after 35 years of service and forcibly extended the service life of the Burke-class. In fact, at least 14 Burke-class ships put into service even earlier than the Ticonderoga-class ships that will be retired in 2027。
That's wrong info bud.

First of all, none of the Arleigh Burke were build BEFORE Ticonderoga, the earliest is DDG-51, which was built in 1989 and commissioned in 1991 while the first Ticoderoga was build on Jan 1980 and the last one (CG-73) were build in 1991.

On the other hand, the Navy alredy extended the first 10 AB Class DDG for another 5, the Arleigh Burke was scheduled to be retired in 2026, now bumped to 2031

And also, US are building Constellation Class Frigate and 20 of them with the first set to be in service in 2029
View attachment 49337

Here is the USNs battle force posture through 2040. There will be a dip in VLS cells in the next few years with the retirement of the Ticons and 4 Ohio cruise missile subs.

But VLS cells will start to ramp significantly into the 2030s as Burke’s are being pumped out, the Constellation frigates come online, and the Block V Virginias are being mass produced with 40 VLS payload modules.
The premise is that these plans can really be completed on time. As we all know, in the past 10 years, from Ford-class aircraft carriers, Columbia-class nuclear submarines, Virginia-class submarines to Constellation-class frigates, no important project has met the expected schedule.

USN VLS capacity:

By 2040, the USN is projected to have over 11,000 VLS cells, and even the alternative plan would be around 10,500.
The premise is that these plans can really be completed on time. As we all know, in the past 10 years, from Ford-class aircraft carriers, Columbia-class nuclear submarines, Virginia-class submarines to Constellation-class frigates, no important project has met the expected schedule.

CVN-79 will deliver next year and CVN-80 is under construction. Columbia is on track for 2027, at least a dozen Virginias under construction and 3 set to deliver this year. The Constellations will start delivering before 2030.

China could double its Type 55 fleet, and add another 30 52Ds TODAY and China would still trail USN VLS cells by almost 3,000.

And the Chinese here can stop acting as if the PLAN will be immune to ship retirements in the coming 10-20 years.
View attachment 49356

USN VLS capacity:

By 2040, the USN is projected to have over 11,000 VLS cells, and even the alternative plan would be around 10,500.
Currently, the Chinese Navy has about 4,500 VLS on surface warships built after 2005, and the average annual increase in the last 10 years is 460.
This means that the number of VLS on surface warships will reach about 12,000 in 2040, excluding underwater submarines.
CVN-79 will deliver next year and CVN-80 is under construction. Columbia is on track for 2027, at least a dozen Virginias under construction and 3 set to deliver this year. The Constellations will start delivering before 2030.

China could double its Type 55 fleet, and add another 30 52Ds TODAY and China would still trail USN VLS cells by almost 3,000.

And the Chinese here can stop acting as if the PLAN will be immune to ship retirements in the coming 10-20 years.
In fact, China does not have any main battleships that will be retired in the next 10 to 20 years. Please note that the first construction time of 055 was 2014, and the first construction time of 052D was 2012.

With 13 ships delivered in the past 10 years, I have serious doubts that three Virginias will be delivered this year.
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Currently, the Chinese Navy has about 4,500 VLS on surface warships built after 2005, and the average annual increase in the last 10 years is 460.
This means that the number of VLS on surface warships will reach about 12,000 in 2040, excluding underwater submarines.

Averages mean nothing, it’s easy to build fast when you have little capability. Now China has to maintain those ships. That costs a lot of money.

You can’t apply that same average to 15-20 years from now.

An by that time Type 52 hulls will be nearing 30 year service lives. Type 54 frigates and 52 destroyers will begin mass retirement.
In fact, China does not have any main battleships that will be retired in the next 10 to 20 years. Please note that the first construction time of 055 was 2014, and the first construction time of 052D was 2012.

With 13 ships delivered in the past 10 years, I have serious doubts that three Virginias will be delivered this year.


3 Virginias this year, SSN 796 has already delivered
Averages mean nothing, it’s easy to build fast when you have little capability. Now China has to maintain those ships. That costs a lot of money.

You can’t apply that same average to 15-20 years from now.

An by that time Type 52 hulls will be nearing 30 year service lives. Type 54 frigates and 52 destroyers will begin mass retirement.
When the TYPE 52 hulls will be nearing 30 year service lives, how many Burke-class ships should be retired?
Why worry about China's inability to maintain its military when China's military spending accounts for 1.62% of its GDP and the United States's is 2.9%?
These are hypersonic boost glide missiles with 3,000+km range.

View attachment 49326

Then USA must tango with China ASAP

Or the world will know the standard set by AEGIS and Patriot in KSA still maintained by F35s and MACs
showing USA undisputed proficencies in coining cute cute names

and likely in many many other countries and regions, such as in the Red Sea where a USA carrier was clobbered by a DIY home made Houthi missile.


And as demonstrated so clearly in KSA the Aegis and Patriot systems defending Saudi a joke as the Aegis and Patriot cannot even detect a few sub Mach cruise missiles not to talk of taking them down. Even to now, no one sure where those came from and who flown them. Despite overlapping coverage of those Patriot and Aegis systems.




The American systems dunno where the slow poke missiles came from and if missiles did not go off with bangs leaving smoke and fire, might not even have existed at all


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