US Naval shipyard update: 12 Burke destroyers under construction, will add 1,152 VLS cells to fleet over next 4 years

Sorry if I am blunt but I don't believe them after Iraq's WMDs

Only USA brown nosers believe in USA
The rest of world seen the fiascos of USA Aegis Patriot defending the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia oil installations.

That the KSA bought after the hoo haas and razzmatazz given by USA
and seen the results very very clearly

The rest of the world also seen that clearly

supposed to defend against Mach 5s and 6s, but cannot defend against a handful of sub machs home made drones from Houthis.

Cannot find them or even knew they were there until they went bang bang bang bang

And if they did not go bang bang bang, USA will bluff the world that those sub mach slow poke missiles were not even there at all

New sales pitch? US makes the world’s ‘finest’ anti-air systems, but sometimes they just don’t work, Pompeo explains

Despite overlapping coverage of those Patriot and Aegis systems.





The American systems dunno where the slow poke missiles came from and if missiles did not go off with bangs leaving smoke and fire, might not even have existed at all


Saudi air defenses like Patriot & Aegis don’t match their advertised properties, unfit for real combat – Russian Army (MAP)
دو منٹ کے اندر ایرانیو/چینو/روسیو نی ارلی برک ڈسٹرائرز کو تباہ کر دینا ہے.....
Sorry if I am blunt but I don't believe them after Iraq's WMDs

Iraq had WMDs, 5,000 chemical weapons found. WMD programs for decades.

They were right about Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They were right when they warned Iran and Russia about ISIS attacks prior to them this year.

I can go on and on
Iraq had WMDs, 5,000 chemical weapons found. WMD programs for decades.

They were right about Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They were right when they warned Iran and Russia about ISIS attacks prior to them this year.

I can go on and on
Just like nukes they have, we don't believe US lying
Iraq had WMDs, 5,000 chemical weapons found. WMD programs for decades

And how many bombs did USA and allies drop on Iraq to "prevent" Saddam from causing destruction on Iraq soil ? Wikipedia says 30,000 but I am sure it's much larger number.

So you went there and told Iraqis that Their president wants to kill them and you are there to protect them from their president bombing but they have to suffer 6 times the supposed number of bombs Saddam have in his inventory.
Good good

They were right about Russian invasion of Ukraine

When you go to russian backyard and try to enlist their neighbours in NATO when you have clearly signed declarations with USSR and Russia that NATO will not be expanded. What else do you expect ?

They were right when they warned Iran and Russia about ISIS attacks prior to them this year

Of course if 80% of the ISIS leadership somehow released from Guantanamo bay and is suddenly appeared on mainstream leading fighters with modern weapons which god knows how they acquired because initially they didnt had the oil wells to finance their campaigns.

I am sure you would have known earlier because if you didn't , that would be bad planning at your (CIA) end.

I can go on and on

You will only embarrass yourself. If you are upto going on and on, do tell how CIA admitted to dethrone Iran's elected government which led to takeover by Khumeni and Islamist forces in Iran. Also put a spot light on CIA drug cartels, it's mendling with other countries elected governments and removing them by bribing opposition leaders and military dictators.
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Sorry if I am blunt but I don't believe them after Iraq's WMDs
Correct me if I was wrong, but wasn't the issue for casus belli for Iraq war is not that Iraq "HAD" WMD, but whether the refusal of demand from UN weapon inspector enough to trigger a war?

The fact that whether or not they have WMD does not really matter if this is the casus belli, because they refused to let the Weapon Inspector to check on their site freely. They may not have them, but we wouldn't know, because they don't let us see.
Correct me if I was wrong, but wasn't the issue for casus belli for Iraq war is not that Iraq "HAD" WMD, but whether the refusal of demand from UN weapon inspector enough to trigger a war?

The fact that whether or not they have WMD does not really matter if this is the casus belli, because they refused to let the Weapon Inspector to check on their site freely. They may not have them, but we wouldn't know, because they don't let us see.

Israel refuses to have Atomic bomb and do not allow IAEA to inspect their sites. It is also not a signatory OF NPT. I am sure Atomic bomb is worse than chemical weapons and BTW Israel was found to be using chemical weapons on Gaza.

will it receive same treatment ?

They may not have them, but we wouldn't know, because they don't let us see.

So you accept that your intelligence report may have been wrong. Which was proved to be wrong after all. Iraq having same weapons as Israel if warrant an attack, attack Israel also.
Israel refuses to have Atomic bomb and do not allow IAEA to inspect their sites. It is also not a signatory OF NPT. I am sure Atomic bomb is worse than chemical weapons and BTW Israel was found to be using chemical weapons on Gaza.

will it receive same treatment ?

That is not answering my question tho.

I mean there are no resolution to bound the IAEA activities. Again, my question is, was it NOT the case whether or not Iraq have WMD lead to the war is the issue here, but it was Blix report on Dec 19, 2002 stating that Iraq

"During the period 1991–1998, Iraq submitted many declarations called full, final and complete. Regrettably, much in these declarations proved inaccurate or incomplete or was unsupported or contradicted by evidence. In such cases, no confidence can arise that proscribed programmes or items have been eliminated"

I mean, we could debate if 1441 have an automatic trigger clause like the US or UK argue, but bringing in a third party option here honestly don't do much in this discussion.
So you accept that your intelligence report may have been wrong. Which was proved to be wrong after all. Iraq having same weapons as Israel if warrant an attack, attack Israel also.
It not the issue whether or not the intelligence report is wrong. First of all, NO INTELLIGENCE REPORT IS 100% correct, if it does, then we won't even need to have weapon inspection and resolution 1441 to begin with. I worked in intelligence; I know first hand.

I am saying the wasn't the casus belli was that Iraq non-compliance of UN Weapon inspection is the trigger for war, not whether or not they have WMD?
Of course it doesn't, because it catches hypocrisy.
Not sure how it would work when we are applying a logic to things that had not yet happened. I mean, I would say calling US hypocrite when there is a binding resolution for Israel to be inspected and no action was done is probably more appropriate than simply on what we think it would happen, if that ever happens

But this does not help with the discussion, do you agree?
I am saying the wasn't the casus belli was that Iraq non-compliance of UN Weapon inspection is the trigger for war, not whether or not they have WMD?

You acused them of having WMDs. And then forced them to allow "international observers (more like your CIA)" to inspect those weapons in secret military facilities of Iraq which it uses to protect its soverignity. And then they refused so you got a "trigger point" for war ? For God sake you are banning TikTok in "national defence" and you expected Iraq to give you a visit of their secret facilities ?

Today I accuse USA of having WMDs in fort Knox and area 51. Allow full international inspection (arranged by UN member states) of these two locations. Otherwise it will give the world reason to attack USA

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