US Naval shipyard update: 12 Burke destroyers under construction, will add 1,152 VLS cells to fleet over next 4 years

Ok Let us compare how many destroyers that US and China have added since 2020:

1. US - 6 Arleigh Burke

2. China - 24 total of Type-052D and Type-055

I am not even including the frigates that China is pumping out like hot cakes that US does not produce at all.

US needs to SERIOUSLY UP ITS GAME as otherwise China is going to leapfrog it within just 10 years, apart from aircraft carriers.
You acused them of having WMDs. And then forced them to allow "international observers (more like your CIA)" to inspect those weapons in secret military facilities of Iraq which it uses to protect its soverignity. And then they refused so you got a "trigger point" for war ? For God sake you are banning TikTok in "national defence" and you expected Iraq to give you a visit of their secret facilities ?

Today I accuse USA of having WMDs in fort Knox and area 51. Allow full international inspection (arranged by UN member states) of these two locations. Otherwise it will give the world reason to attack USA
First of all, you can try and attack the USA...I mean that's your perogative, I have no opinion on that.

On the other hand, this is not just US accusing Iraq have WMD, at least the 15 UNSC council member did think so as well (And that would include China and Russia), otherwise it wouldn't pass 1441 in a 15 for 0 against vote

I will say this again, if you want to discuss whether or not 1441 have any significant trigger clause that can call on this war, I could do that with you. But what I am asking HERE is that was not that Iraq have or have not any WMD are largely irrelevant for the issue of the legitimacy on this war. Even my wife, who is an international law lawyer and she think 1441 does not applies in this case (Hence the war is illegitimate) would have to agree to the point whether or not Iraq have WMD is not the casus belli. Their refusal is.

Now, if you are going to dance around the topic, then I probably have my answer already.
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On the other hand, this is not just US accusing Iraq have WMD, at least the 15 UNSC council member did think so as well (And that would include China and Russia), otherwise it wouldn't pass 1441 in a 15 for 0 against vote

Hello. Because they believed your intelligence mighty America and CIA.

First of all, you can try and attack the USA...I mean that's your perogative, I have no opinion on that

If world can't doesn't me you don't deserve it. USA has been running bombing campaigns throughout the globe against "terrorists" that it created itself.

Their refusal is.

You are just repeating yourself now.

You see, you did fcuked up. Agree to it and go on with your life. And enjoy that life for as long as you can. Because no empire lasted for ever. Every mighty empire saw downfall. I am not one of those chanting Marg Bar Amrika. But the shit that you do in name of democracy, freedom, and what not..... It destroyed the world in many many ways. A week ago your politicians said that ""even if China pick our constitution and implement it in China word by word and article by article. We will still find it to be an enemy. If you are taking our values, and you are succeeding. We have a problem. And we must contain china even if we have to push back it's population to poverty""

You see the problem here. .? I do agree to disengage because I can't hit my head with a wall again and again. No logic, no comparison, no international law have ever worked against USA because it carries a bigger stick with which it push countries to do it's dirty work in the name of alliances and coalitions. You refuse to treat Israel the same way you treated Iraq or treating Iran, because in your opinion it's irrelevant and don't help with the topic. You were found to Be shitting around as per your own declassified documents yet you refuse to accept those. There should always be a limit to hypocrisy, barbarism, and terrorism inflicted by USA upon world.
Hello. Because they believed your intelligence mighty America and CIA.

If world can't doesn't me you don't deserve it. USA has been running bombing campaigns throughout the globe against "terrorists" that it created itself.

You are just repeating yourself now.

You see, you did fcuked up. Agree to it and go on with your life. And enjoy that life for as long as you can. Because no empire lasted for ever. Every mighty empire saw downfall. I am not one of those chanting Marg Bar Amrika. But the shit that you do in name of democracy, freedom, and what not..... It destroyed the world in many many ways. A week ago your politicians said that ""even if China pick our constitution and implement it in China word by word and article by article. We will still find it to be an enemy. If you are taking our values, and you are succeeding. We have a problem. And we must contain china even if we have to push back it's population to poverty""

You see the problem here. .? I do agree to disengage because I can't hit my head with a wall again and again. No logic, no comparison, no international law have ever worked against USA because it carries a bigger stick with which it push countries to do it's dirty work in the name of alliances and coalitions. You refuse to treat Israel the same way you treated Iraq or treating Iran, because in your opinion it's irrelevant and don't help with the topic. You were found to Be shitting around as per your own declassified documents yet you refuse to accept those. There should always be a limit to hypocrisy, barbarism, and terrorism inflicted by USA upon world.
I am sorry, and I thought you were a reasonable person, that's why I ask you here as I don't engage much here as the quality of this forum had gone down and not really wanting to waste my time here.

But seems that I was either wrong to think so or you are not the same guy from the old forum, I mean, if you think this is a whole conspiracy and China and Russia would just buy what the CIA told them no question asked, then forget what I ask. And sorry if I wasted your time.
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I am sorry, and I thought you were a reasonable person, that's why I ask you here as I don't engage much here as the quality of this forum had gone down and not really wanting to waste my time here.

But seems that I was either wrong to think so or you are not the same guy from the old forum, I mean, if you think this is a whole conspiracy and China and Russia would just buy what the CIA told them no question asked, then forget what I ask. And sorry if I wasted your time.

Oh, I'm so sorry for not worshipping your (USA) every mistake and treating your (USA) nonsense like groundbreaking achievements

When you are fighting the world for 225 years out of your total 243+- years of independence, the world is not the problem. You are the problem

Oh, I'm so sorry for not worshipping your (USA) every mistake and treating your (USA) nonsense like groundbreaking achievements
Well, all I can say is your post reminded me why I don't want to rejoin this forum when the old one go down in the first place. I asked because I think you were a rational member, and will have a thoughtful discussion like I have with a lot of other people, however, I have no intention on going 20 pages on something that you are just going to say what you are going to say, which is not what I asked from the beginning.

As I said, I am going to leave it at that. Don't need to reply back, and I am not going to check this anyway
Ok Let us compare how many destroyers that US and China have added since 2020:

1. US - 6 Arleigh Burke

2. China - 24 total of Type-052D and Type-055

I am not even including the frigates that China is pumping out like hot cakes that US does not produce at all.

US needs to SERIOUSLY UP ITS GAME as otherwise China is going to leapfrog it within just 10 years, apart from aircraft carriers.

We are only 6 years from 2030.

Pretty sure that the USN gonna lose their LA class/Tico class/AB Flight 1 by that time.

The more than half of the Ohio class will also need to be phased out as the youngest boat gonna be 33 years old, and the oldest boat gonna be 54 years old.

With the current ship building capability of the US, it is going to be horrendous for the USN to face its PLAN rival in the 2030s.
We are only 6 years from 2030.

Pretty sure that the USN gonna lose their LA class/Tico class/AB Flight 1 by that time.

The more than half of the Ohio class will also need to be phased out as the youngest ship gonna be 33 years old, and the oldest ship gonna be 54 years old.

With the current ship building capability of the US, it is going to be horrendous for the USN to face its PLAN rival in the 2030s.

Yep once China has two Type-004 carriers operating with J-31s in the mid-2030s then the PLAAN will be the master of the Western Pacific.

Cannot see what the US has or will get that can go toe to toe with a couple of these carriers with Type-055 destroyers and Type-095 SSNs as escorts.
Yep once China has two Type-004 carriers operating with J-31s in the mid-2030s then the PLAAN will be the master of the Western Pacific.

Cannot see what the US has or will get that can go toe to toe with a couple of these carriers with Type-055 destroyers and Type-095 SSNs as escorts.

Yes, the CVN-20 & CVN-21 will be powered by the next-gen molten-salt nuclear reactor, and it gonna displace over 120,000 tonnes which will completely outclass the Gerald Ford class.

I think the CVN-20 will be commissioned before 2035, and the CVN-21 will be commissioned after 2035.

Before that, China will have the 300,000 tonnes 24000-TEU as the test bed for the molten-salt nuclear reactor.

Only USA brown nosers believe in USA
The rest of world seen the fiascos of USA Aegis Patriot defending the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia oil installations.

That the KSA bought after the hoo haas and razzmatazz given by USA
and seen the results very very clearly

The rest of the world also seen that clearly

supposed to defend against Mach 5s and 6s, but cannot defend against a handful of sub machs home made drones from Houthis.

Cannot find them or even knew they were there until they went bang bang bang bang

And if they did not go bang bang bang, USA will bluff the world that those sub mach slow poke missiles were not even there at all

New sales pitch? US makes the world’s ‘finest’ anti-air systems, but sometimes they just don’t work, Pompeo explains

Despite overlapping coverage of those Patriot and Aegis systems.





The American systems dunno where the slow poke missiles came from and if missiles did not go off with bangs leaving smoke and fire, might not even have existed at all


Saudi air defenses like Patriot & Aegis don’t match their advertised properties, unfit for real combat – Russian Army (MAP)

Actually, the biggest problem is that the Saudis bought the US Aegis system and it didn't work when the Houthis attacked the Saudis.

But it fired on all of them when Iran attacked Israel.

What is really in question now is whether the weapons sold by the US are being remotely controlled. That's the biggest thing that makes the world sick.
Well, all I can say is your post reminded me why I don't want to rejoin this forum when the old one go down in the first place. I asked because I think you were a rational member, and will have a thoughtful discussion like I have with a lot of other people, however, I have no intention on going 20 pages on something that you are just going to say what you are going to say, which is not what I asked from the beginning.

As I said, I am going to leave it at that. Don't need to reply back, and I am not going to check this anyway
He has purposely taken you off topic debating some other BS as chirese fanboys in here were getting slapped with facts by F-22 just let it go.

All these new ships by china with an aging/dying population and no ports to put them all. 😀
China will run into major issues in the 2040s and beyond. It’s great to build fast and looks great in the near term, but in 15-20 years from now? Thats a whole lot of ships reaching retirement age. Your logic of Chinas VLS count going up up and away for eternity is flawed.

And what China spends on defense as a percentage of GDP, that’s the public figure. US intelligence officials will tell you it’s much higher than that in reality.

Its not like china will suddenly retire all their frigates and destroyers around 2040s and will need replacements, they will build more powerful frigates, destroyers and submarines from 2030s to 2040s and beyond so will slowly replace the older fleets. Anything build in 2020s will last till 2050s, built In 2030s will last till 2060s.
China has at least 75 ships that will reach 30 year service lives by 2045. And that number rapidly increases by the early 2050s.

The PLAN is not immune to time.

They will build replacements during 2030s so it will not be a major issue, by 2045s most will be replaced already.
Iraq had WMDs, 5,000 chemical weapons found. WMD programs for decades.

They were right about Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They were right when they warned Iran and Russia about ISIS attacks prior to them this year.

I can go on and on

No they didn't. What a load of rubbish. Ex British soldiers are claiming we found no WMD, the UK government officials acknowledged they had no WMDs, Tony Blair was criticised and threatened to be jailed for lying.

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