US Politics

'Unbelievable narcissism': Trump botched Covid pandemic response for political points​

My disgust and mistrust of the mainstream media.

Trump's Republican nomination is all but guaranteed and I think he has far wider support than what the mainstream media acknowledges. The only hope for the establishment is legal hurdles to stop Trump. Biden is a lost cause.

As a Pakistani Muslims, the question is always, "How much worse can Trump be compared to Biden?" and Trump is certainly head and shoulders above Biden when it comes to US national interests.

When it comes to Palestine and Muslim issues, Trump is an unpredictable maverick but Biden is a 100% remote-controlled clay pigeon. The man does not have a single bone in his body that can resist the establishment.
I apologize for not having the time today, but I’ll make an effort to reply tomorrow.

‘The Five’: This could be the biggest free speech case in our lifetime​


WATCH: Chaos unfolds at southern border​


Congress avoids government shutdown, Speaker Johnson faces ouster threat​


US Senator Graham on Putin and Ukraine war after talks in Kyiv with President Zelenskyy​


The Deep State Is Kind of Awesome | NYT Opinion​


What Tennessee Can Tell Us About Our Extreme Politics​


Triggered Right-wingers CRYING About Workers Getting Raises​


Gov. Hochul to Republicans trying to control women's bodies: 'Just leave us alone!'​


Report: US authorizes multi-billion dollar weapons package for Israel | DW News​

It depends. I think North America has overall done an OK job in integration compared to Europe as Europe has a longer established duration of many nationstates and their conservatism/nationalisms (and thus relative unease to a notion of building by immigration, though Europe has made progress on this).

But there is an oppressor vs oppressed victimisation narrative that is really starting to take current in the US and Canada over last decade or so especially.....that is now making it easier to blame the collective population for your individual failings (or at least that which can be handled better at local level, like it used to be in say the US)....rather than working on and solving those individual failings with the opportunity you have in a developed society with good individual and property rights enshrined in rule of law.

This current deterioration readily can segment your own social conservatism of your origin (among other things you can opt for), you start harnessing that more....along with any socio-economic problem one may have alongside it. This starts an inner blame cycle which can perpetuate conspiracy theories and all kinds of things.

Some muslim immigrants veering towards heavyset islamism due to this is not unique (though not helped by state of world affairs this century so far for sure) broadly reflects the kind of social conservatism that is reactionary towards the failings of over-wrought "post-modern" social liberalism (that has made and doubled down on major politics of victimhood on identity with unsufficient push back from broader traditional liberal population).

How to imbue more personal accountability again into the nature of the social fabric is the multi-trillion dollar question in the US and West at large staring it this century. When society takes more accountability and responsibility at the individual level.....society gains confidence and cohesion....and ultimately exercises a strong counterforce on things like outsized government, media and so on.

Interesting line of thought worthy of discussion, but sadly off topic for this thread.

We can continue the convo in this thread at a more measured pace if you are interested @VCheng @_NOBODY_ et al.

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