US Politics

We can continue the convo in this thread at a more measured pace if you are interested @VCheng @_NOBODY_ et al.

Sorry to jump in but your post reads like book, chapter and verse from the standard Hindutva playbook, albeit dressed up in fancier verbiage. (I am not accusing you of Hindutva.).

In the West, this is the refrain of the privileged white male snowflakes, in India it is the standard accusation that Muslims exploit the innate niceness of Hindus.

The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle because, as always, individuals on both sides indulge in extreme behavior: there are no easy answers.

Western liberalism has chosen to err on the side which has less institutional power. Thus, since institutional power belongs to white males in the West, it is incumbent upon them to ensure the rights of minorities. Some minority individuals will inevitably exploit it but the attempt to generalize and paint entire subgroups with stereotypes is vehemently rejected by Western liberalism.
The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle because, as always, individuals on both sides indulge in extreme behavior: there are no easy answers.

Already addressed that in my earlier post. The creep of identity politics of the left in the US is noticeable given the earlier situation when this was not as much the case, but that also means its not going to intersect with collective populations as a whole either whatever stage its currently at.

The dangers of extreme social conservatism (reactionary or intrinsic) are fully found in Hindutva as well....just like islamism. That manifesting in North America depends on several other factors which are different to other minorities in say the US....i.e the grievance existing for it and where that lies in the so called "intersectional alliance" project being attempted in the long run now by the left.

It is multi-variate driven issue.....but weaponising identity politics (which used to be a factor found more on the right) is broader theme that the US will have to address. There are no easy answers here as it is complicated issue....simply stating first principles and the value of those principles in building up what the left takes for granted and tries to undermine now, is not going to be enough.....there is unfortunately only so much you can do with deadset ingrates. That goes for the extremists on the right as well.

The classical liberals and centrists will have to speak up lot more, given they are key bridge....and that is starting to happen more and more. Just watch this decade play out for starters.

Western liberalism has chosen to err on the side which has less institutional power. Thus, since institutional power belongs to white males in the West, it is incumbent upon them to ensure the rights of minorities. Some minority individuals will inevitably exploit it but the attempt to generalize and paint entire subgroups with stereotypes is explicitly rejected by Western liberalism.

Rights are invested in the individual. This is the key foundational liberal principle in the West....a realisation achieved at great cost.

Its the literal reason why Martin Luther King mentioned content of character over colour of skin (and always marching behind the US flag)....and why that sits in direct contrast to what say someone like Ibram X Kendi says on the matter today.

The neo-marxist trap wants to harness colour of skin and other immutable characteristics that stray well away from classical or traditional liberalism for a reason....and stray away from original marxism (which had this has economic class struggle, regardless of immutable characteristic).

This is all an agenda traditional liberals are growing weary of. I have talked to them fairly extensively (being one myself), they are not onboard with an agenda that wants to address any racism with counter-racism.....where the zero sum narrative is that those with less power (assigned as so collectively by the neo-marxist leaders) are automatically right about everything and those with more, automatically wrong about everything.

There is just right and wrong (and the conveyance of this to sacrosanct individual rights to be enshrined in the republic system, and never up for a populist vote and a signficant counterforce to any populist coercion that builds up upstream to it)....we talk about that openly without attributing that to any immutable characteristic. Period.

The longer this dalliance the left has with the far left in developed world goes on, the more harm and counterforce will be inflicted as reality is deadset against it and reality always wins in the end. The US has existed and invested in things far longer term than the current spate of ~10 year add to earlier 10 year troubles it saw through.
identity politics

I agree with you that identity politics is a curse that divides a nation. However, in the interest of fairness, it is important to note the justification for identity politics as articulated by its defenders.

When an individual faces discrimination or harassment because of their ethnicity, gender, etc., then it is logical, indeed imperative, that they would find other individuals in the same situation to garner collective bargaining strength. This is no different than workers' unions, the only differentiator being what is the group's unifying factor.

Rights are invested in the individual. This is the key foundational liberal principle in the West....a realisation achieved at great cost.

Indeed, the core focus of Western liberalism is individual rights but the ideology is mature enough to realize that, in the real world, such rights are bestowed, protected and enforced by institutions. Thus it becomes imperative to keep those institutions under constant focus of accountability.

The whole debate here is whether powerful subgroups have hijacked the institutions to deviate from the ideals of Western liberalism.

Its the literal reason why Martin Luther King mentioned content of character over colour of skin (and always marching behind the US flag)....and why that sits in direct contrast to what say someone like Ibram X Kendi says on the matter today.

Well, that's a whole subject by itself and there is a divergent view of history which I find amusing and interesting.

MLK was preferred by the white establishment over Malcolm X precisely because he was an ineffective, non-threat to them. Where Malcolm X demanded his rights "by any means necessary", MLK was obsequious and accepted the supremacy of the white establishment. All he could do was wish and hope and pray that the whites would pretty please find it in their hearts to spare some pity for the African Americans and give them more rights.

The white establishment and press were terrified of their worst nightmare, the angry awakened black man, and eagerly promoted MLK over Malcolm X as the voice of the African Americans. In the end, whatever MLK achieved was only what LBJ was prepared to offer.

The neo-marxist trap wants to harness colour of skin and other immutable characteristics that stray well away from classical or traditional liberalism for a reason....and stray away from original marxism (which had this has economic class struggle, regardless of immutable characteristic).

People will form a collective over whatever characteristic makes them vulnerable to inferior treatment. Whether it's color of skin, gender, ethnicity, or working status, it's all the same.

an agenda that wants to address any racism with counter-racism

Indeed, as I mentioned previously, any ideology will be hijacked by extremists on both sides. That is human nature and one can hope that the broader populace finds a middle ground in the long run.

There is just right and wrong (and the conveyance of this to sacrosanct individual rights to be enshrined in the republic system, and never up for a populist vote and a signficant counterforce to any populist coercion that builds up upstream to it).

That is why the US Constitution and the Magna Carta are two of the most important documents in modern history. Every country should adopt such protections and America is all the better for having its Constitution.

The problem, as always, is that laws are enforced by institutions and, ultimately, by humans, so accountability is paramount. Developed countries are closer to the ideals of Western liberalism because they generally have more robust mechanisms for accountability compared to developing countries.

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I agree with you that identity politics is a curse that divides a nation. However, in the interest of fairness, it is important to note the justification for identity politics as articulated by its defenders.

When an individual faces discrimination or harassment because of their ethnicity, gender, etc., then it is logical, indeed imperative, that they would find other individuals in the same situation to garner collective bargaining strength. This is no different than workers' unions, the only differentiator being what is the group's unifying factor.

Indeed, the core focus of Western liberalism is individual rights but the ideology is mature enough to realize that, in the real world, such rights are bestowed, protected and enforced by institutions. Thus it becomes imperative to keep those institutions under constant focus of accountability.

The whole debate here is whether powerful subgroups have hijacked the institutions to deviate from the ideals of Western liberalism.

Well, that's a whole subject by itself and there is a divergent view of history which I find amusing and interesting.

MLK was preferred by the white establishment over Malcolm X precisely because he was an ineffective, non-threat to them. Where Malcolm X demanded his rights "by any means necessary", MLK was obsequious and accepted the supremacy of the white establishment. All he could do was wish and hope and pray that the whites would pretty please find it in their hearts to spare some pity for the African Americans and give them more rights.

The white establishment and press were terrified of their worst nightmare, the angry awakened black man, and eagerly promoted MLK over Malcolm X as the voice of the African Americans. In the end, whatever MLK achieved was only what LBJ was prepared to offer.

People will form a collective over whatever characteristic makes them vulnerable to inferior treatment. Whether it's color of skin, gender, ethnicity, or working status, it's all the same.

Indeed, as I mentioned previously, any ideology will be hijacked by extremists on both sides. That is human nature and one can hope that the broader populace finds a middle ground in the long run.

That is why the US Constitution and the Magna Carta are two of the most important documents in modern history. Every country should adopt such protections and America is all the better for having its Constitution.

The problem, as always, is that laws are enforced by institutions and, ultimately, by humans, so accountability is paramount. Developed countries are closer to the ideals of Western liberalism because they generally have more robust mechanisms for accountability compared to developing countries.

I'll reply a bit later in week. Really swamped with other stuff. Its interesting stuff to get into.
I'll reply a bit later in week. Really swamped with other stuff. Its interesting stuff to get into.

All good although, if you are willing, it would be more interesting to focus the identity politics debate to women's rights.

That's because the media has made it easy to generalize and stereotype other groups but it's hard to stereotype women as a gender. Another facet is that everyone has at least one woman blood relative (their mother) and possibly others whose welfare and equal rights they hopefully value, so it's hard to treat them as 'the other'.

Private payrolls increased by 184,000 in March, better than expected, ADP says

Jeff Cox APR 3 2024
  • Companies added 184,000 workers on the month, an increase from the upwardly revised February gain of 155,000, according to payrolls processing firm ADP.
  • In addition to the strong employment pickup, ADP reported that wages for workers who stayed in their jobs increased 5.1% from a year ago
Private sector job growth expanded in March at its fastest pace since July 2023, indicating continuing buoyance in the U.S. labor market, payrolls processing firm ADP reported Wednesday.

Companies added 184,000 workers on the month, an increase from the upwardly revised February gain of 155,000, which also was the Dow Jones estimate for March.

In addition to the strong employment pickup, ADP reported that wages for workers who stayed in their jobs increased 5.1% from a year ago, the same rate as February after showing a steady easing going well back into 2023. Those switching jobs saw gains of 10%, also higher than in previous months.

“March was surprising not just for the pay gains, but the sectors that recorded them,” said ADP’s chief economist, Nela Richardson. “Inflation has been cooling, but our data shows pay is heating up in both goods and services.”

Job gains were fairly broad-based, led by leisure and hospitality with 63,000. Other sectors showing significant increases included construction (33,000), trade, transportation and utilities (29,000), and education and health services (17,000). Professional and business services saw a loss of 8,000.

Services-related industries accounted for 142,000 of the total, with goods providing the rest. ADP, whose survey is based on payroll data analysis of more than 25 million workers, does not track government jobs.

Most of the growth came from companies that employ more than 50 workers, with small businesses adding just 16,000 to the total. From a regional standpoint, the South saw the biggest gains, adding 91,000 workers.

The ADP estimate serves as a precursor to the Labor Department’s nonfarm payrolls survey, set to be released Friday, though the numbers often diverge sharply. The department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported job growth of 275,000 in February, or 120,000 more than even ADP’s revised figure. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones expect the March count to show growth of 200,000.

Solid payroll growth along with improving inflation has allowed the Federal Reserve to be patient in its approach to easing monetary policy. Central bank officials expect to start cutting interest rates later this year but have said in recent days that they haven’t seen enough evidence yet that inflation is on a sustained path lower to begin reductions.
My disgust and mistrust of the mainstream media.

Trump's Republican nomination is all but guaranteed and I think he has far wider support than what the mainstream media acknowledges. The only hope for the establishment is legal hurdles to stop Trump. Biden is a lost cause.

As a Pakistani Muslims, the question is always, "How much worse can Trump be compared to Biden?" and Trump is certainly head and shoulders above Biden when it comes to US national interests.

When it comes to Palestine and Muslim issues, Trump is an unpredictable maverick but Biden is a 100% remote-controlled clay pigeon. The man does not have a single bone in his body that can resist the establishment.
Although he may exhibit erratic behavior and be seen as a maverick in general, his attitude towards Muslims is distinctively different. The man is a Islamophobic racist. It baffles my mind why are you and many others here making excuses for him? Please specify.

Biden has made significant contributions to the American-Muslim community. Thus far, his bear hug diplomacy with Netanyahu has not succeeded. Biden has been horrible for Palestinians, but Trump would be even worse.

U.S. Economy Added 303,000 Jobs in March​

U.S. employers added a seasonally adjusted 303,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department reported on Friday, significantly more than the 200,000 economists expected. The unemployment rate slipped to 3.8%, versus February’s 3.9%, in line with expectations. Read more

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Trump’s corruption knows no bounds.

Trump takes over Republican National Committee and gets his crony Michael Whatley to serve as party’s new chairman, and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, to serve as the co-chair in anonymous votes.

Biden has been horrible for Palestinians, but Trump would be even worse.

Both Trump and Biden are bad for the Muslim world so the question comes down to who is better for America?

The answer hands down is Trump.
Runaway illegal immigration is killing America.

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A LOT Of Americans Say Violence Is Needed To 'Restore' The Country #TYT


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