US Politics

Trump is MIA while Harris and Walz sweep the nation. There is a distinct disparity in campaign effort between Kamala and Trump. While Harris is currently on a multi-state tour, visiting critical battlegrounds such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, Trump's schedule is noticeably light, with only one rally in Montana. This dramatic difference recalls the 2020 campaign, when Trump blasted Joe Biden for allegedly campaigning from his basement. However, unlike 2020, Trump now appears less active, frequently electing to golf or stay home.

Kamala's poll numbers have improved dramatically in just two weeks:

Following Biden's withdrawal and endorsement of Harris as the Democratic nominee, she has emerged as the front-runner in a number of polls.

Harris is at 45.2 percent, 1.8 percentage points ahead of Trump's 43.4 percent, according to polling aggregator 538.

She is also ahead in polling aggregator RealClearPolitics, Harris leads Trump by 47.4 percentage points, with 46.9 percent.

In a sign of her momentum, the election handicapper Cook Political Report shifted its rating for Arizona, Georgia and Nevada from leaning Republican to toss up states.

According to the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll, Kamala leads in four states, Trump in two, and they are tied in one state:

Kamala was interrupted by chants of “Free, Free Palestine!” At her Arizona rally, she stopped, then paused to address them.

“Here’s the thing: we are all in here together,” she said, adding that the thousands of people in attendance were there in support of democracy, “which includes respecting the voices that I think we are hearing from.”

“I have been clear: now is the time to get a cease-fire deal and get the hostage deal done. Now is the time. And the president and I are working around the clock every day to get that cease-fire deal done and bring the hostages home. So, I respect your voices, but we are here to now talk about this race in 2024.”

Republican Mayor of Mesa, Arizona, John Giles, just announced his support for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.


Harris leads Trump by 4 points in 3 battleground states in NYT/Siena College polls:

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Trump spiritual adviser says he asked her what God thought about presidential run

Paula White-Cain says she told Trump that run for the White House would come at a ‘price’

White-Cain, who previously served as Trump’s spiritual adviser and helped lead the Evangelical advisory board during his presidency in 2016, made the remarks during the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference at the Washington Hilton, telling the audience that her first conversation with the former president was long before he even started thinking about politics.

Trump “began to repeat to me almost verbatim the three sermons’ Value of Vision,’” she recalled.

“At the end of it, he said, ‘You have the it factor.’ And I said, ‘Oh sir, we call that the anointing,’” White-Cain added.

“At that point, I really felt that the Lord said, ‘show him who I am. So for 24 years, I’ve been in his life and have had the great privilege of really being his pastor.”

White-Cain went on to reveal that Trump first began considering a career in politics in 2011 when he reached out to her and told her he didn’t “like the way this country is going” and that he was thinking of running for president.

“I told him what I thought,” she said. “And then he turned around, and he said, ‘Well, what does God say?’”

White-Cain then prayed with dozens of her friends before delivering an answer to Trump.

“I said, ‘Sir … you’re going to be president one day.’”

But that wouldn’t come without its costs, she said she warned Trump. “I hate the price that you’re going to pay,” she allegedly told him.

She concluded that her prediction was correct, reflecting on the “price this man, his family and … many of us have paid.”

Pastor Paula White, left, and other faith leaders pray with President Donald Trump, center, during a rally for evangelical supporters at the King Jesus International Ministry church, Friday, Jan. 3, 2020 (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Trump is currently involved in a number of legal cases. He denies all charges against him.

White-Cain was among those who decried Trump’s recent conviction on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, repeating the baseless claim made by the former president that charges were brought against him for political reasons.

In May, she tweeted that the day Trump was convicted was “a sad day for all Americans as we watched firsthand the judicial system weaponized to go after President Trump for political gain.”

“May God bless you, my long time friend, President Trump, and may God bless all of us who stand for righteousness!” she added.

As well as using her Road to Majority summit speech to discuss her relationship with Trump, White-Cain also used it to slam President Biden - whom she has been critical of in the past.

During her speech, she lamented the current state of affairs in the United States, claiming religious freedom is “under attack as never before ever in our lifetime,” pointing to 18 pro-life policies enacted by the Trump administration as well as “over 12 religious liberty and freedom” policies during his first year in office that were overturned by Biden.

White-Cain concluded her address by describing the ideology of the Biden administration as “against God, against our faith” and vowing to the audience that “we will put a stop to it come November.”

Why Stand with Israel?

Paula White Ministries and Pastor Paula White-Cain have a long, successful history of supporting Israel and God’s Chosen people. Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should place a high value on the Jewish people because God has. In the Bible, in Genesis 12:3, the Lord reminds us of the covenant He made with Abraham when He said:

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

This relates not only to the Jewish people but also to the nation of Israel. And in this pivotal moment in human history, we are called to STAND with ISRAEL! This isn’t about politics; this is about living in harmony with the WORD of God!


As Senior Advisor to President Trump of Faith and Opportunity Initiative, Pastor Paula worked closely with faith leaders and the Trump administration in helping move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the bringing together of three Abrahamic religions to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue with the signing of the Abrahamic Accords in 2020 by representatives from Bahrain, Emirates, Israel, and the United States, recognition of Israel’s biblical sovereignty in the Golan Heights, signing an executive order that recognizes “anti-Zionism” as “antisemitism,” and so much more!

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Kamala's impressive rallies in key swing states continue. People came out in Las Vegas, Nevada to attend her rally, despite the 106° heat.

Her rallies in battleground states have underscored her pivotal role in the Democratic Party's electoral strategy. As the first female VP and a woman of color, she represents a significant shift in American political representation. Her ability to galvanize support among diverse voter demographics has been particularly evident in key states that are crucial for electoral success.

These rallies not only serve as platforms for policy discussion but also as opportunities to energize grassroots movements, thereby reinforcing party unity.

So far, I am really impressed.

I question whether Trump adheres to the principles and beliefs of Christianity, as his actions and statements suggest a disposition towards racism, deceit, fraudulence, dishonesty, and manipulation. This behavior is in direct opposition to the core principles of Christianity, which prioritize love, acceptance, and generosity towards every person.

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