US Politics

Shapiro would be the right choice. But neither he nor another promising candidate will enter an election that has already been lost just a few months before it takes place.
Promising candidates won't join in not because GOP has already won, again, if GOP is so have this in the bag, they won't challenge Harris ticket replacing Biden, because if they challenge it, even if they don't really care about it, it will look like they do

The reason they don't engage is whichever dem taking over this dumpster fire will be a political suicide, a one and done kind of deal, much like whoever taking over from Boris Johnson (and later Liz Truss) is going to be a onetime prime minister. That's why big name like Ben Walace or James Cleverly weren't interested in the contention of Tory leader back then, that's the same here with the Democratic nominee. The best bet for any Dem (Not just Harris) is for them to sell this as a Changeover Presidency, the president that turn things over, which was supposed to be happening in Biden first term, which mean whoever going to be in on the next one, either will be blame for stuff that happened before, if this was a Dem presidency, or things that going to happen next If that is a GOP presidency. The only difference is, Trump would care less, that's his second term, he is done if he won, unless he is planning a military takeover like the one he had planned in 2020 (Only now the SCOTUS said it's absolutely Okay to do that), he is going to be done anyway so that wouldn't really matter to him.
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Gutfeld: Biden shows proof of life as he emerges from isolation​


Kamala was not my first choice. However, I will support her over felon Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda. Ultimately, the decision to support her over Trump transcends individual preferences; it embodies a collective responsibility to safeguard democratic institutions. While initial endorsements might differ based on ideological purity or personal affinity towards specific candidates, the urgency of the current political climate necessitates strategic voting decisions. Hence, supporting Harris is not merely about preference but reflects an overarching commitment to countering divisive rhetoric and policies represented by Trump.

His Project 2025 agenda raises concerns regarding its potential implications for democracy and civil rights. The project seeks to consolidate power in ways reminiscent of authoritarian regimes. Therefore, while Harris may not embody every voter's ideal candidate profile, her alignment with democratic principles renders her preferable when juxtaposed with Trump’s controversial platform.
View attachment 56347

Kamala was not my first choice. However, I will support her over felon Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda. Ultimately, the decision to support her over Trump transcends individual preferences; it embodies a collective responsibility to safeguard democratic institutions. While initial endorsements might differ based on ideological purity or personal affinity towards specific candidates, the urgency of the current political climate necessitates strategic voting decisions. Hence, supporting Harris is not merely about preference but reflects an overarching commitment to countering divisive rhetoric and policies represented by Trump.

His Project 2025 agenda raises concerns regarding its potential implications for democracy and civil rights. The project seeks to consolidate power in ways reminiscent of authoritarian regimes. Therefore, while Harris may not embody every voter's ideal candidate profile, her alignment with democratic principles renders her preferable when juxtaposed with Trump’s controversial platform.
I don't think Harris is anyone first choice. Biden campaign screwed the pooch here.

If only Biden did what he said in 2020 campaign, that him being a transitional president, he should have bow out long before Dem primary and look for a better candidate, and he didn't and won the primary. Now whoever taking charge now will be known as the quick one just to defeat Trump (The anyone but him/her kind of candidate), instead of their ability, policy and vision. That's why I said previously if Dem win, this President will be a one and done, and he/she (most likely a she now) will be blame for this Biden saga and being replace by the next candidate come 2028 election.

@vsdoc he's speaking out the side of his mouth, clear signs that the man had a stroke ?
Why are you speaking out of the corner of your pink sari again?

Navy members' COVID vaccine case against Biden administration is settled​


USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history​

July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history

Paul Craig Roberts

Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States?

One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation is the rich are electing their own self-interests.

But are they? The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Does this serve rich liberals’ interests beyond providing them with a servant class?

The main benefactors are sexual perverts and immigrant-invaders.

Do rich liberals prefer their genes not to be passed on because their transgendered kids are unable to procreate and are made infertile by Covid vaccines and a variety of testosterone-inhibitors that leave even young men unable to have a natural erection?

Their politics suggest that the interests of the rich liberals diverge from their heirs, the future of their country, and their self-respect. Everything with which the rich liberals are involved–Diversity, equity, and inclusion, global warming, globalism, the WEA’s Great Reset–undermines their commitment to their country. Rich liberals see America as a resource to be used in behalf of “larger agendas.”

So where does America’s leadership class come from?

It comes from the Jews. The Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew. The Secretary of State is a Jew. The Secretary of Homeland Security is a Jew. Finance, media, Hollywood and entertainment are in the hands of Jews. As Netanyahu told Congress yesterday, every Jew is a Zionist, a defender of Israel. And every American who is not a defender of Israel is an anti-semite. John V. Whitbeck describes the total humiliation of “Proud America” on its knees kissing Netanyahu’s feet. A totally conquered country whose obeisance is shown with 58 standing ovations.

In America today the remaining patriots are “Trump deplorables.” They are despised by the elite and the left-wing and regarded as white supremacists, threats to democracy, and insurrectionists. The FBI puts their names on watch lists and brings false charges against those who attended the January 6 Trump rally.

The Democrats having moved Biden out of the picture are set to steal the November election. Democrats in the swing states have legalized and institutionalized the theft mechanisms they used to steal the 2020 and 2022 national elections. For example, the Democrat state Supreme Court in Wisconsin overturned the ban on drop boxes, thus making it possible for invalid ballots to become part of the vote count. A large number of such practices that enable electoral fraud are now legal in the swing states.

Democrats could not steal the election with Biden as candidate as no one would believe he won. Biden was moved out of the way. Now polls are being rigged showing Kamala leading Trump by 3 points. The rigged polls create public believability of a Kamala win. If the Democrats did not intend to steal the election, they would not have legalized the theft mechanisms in the swing states.

The public accepted the last two stolen national elections and will accept a third. A people this insouciant have no chance of preserving their liberty and the accountability of government. Considering American insouciance, one wonders if the voting public and the Republican Party realize that if the Democrats take the election with so much going for Trump, the result will be to solidify the Uni-Party. The Republican establishment will conclude that the only way the party can compete with Democrats is to better represent the interests of the ruling elite. Henceforth there would be no more Trumps. “Representative Democracy” would only represent the ruling elite.

If Trump is elected despite the Democrats’ intent to steal the election, what can he do? Can he find people willing to accept the risks of helping him to reconstruct America? Can such people get confirmed in office by the Senate? Can Trump survive another four years of media, FBI, CIA attacks, and can his appointees? Can Trump survive assassination? Most certainly Trump cannot rely on Secret Service protection.

It is clear that America is split more decisively than it was by tariffs that led to the so-called “Civil War.” All relations in American society have been damaged by the liberal-left. Feminism has made women unsupportive and even hostile to men. Consequently, men cannot trust women. Families, the basis of society, are weakened. Men’s testosterone levels have dropped so much that you can’t even get into a fight in a redneck bar.

The Republicans point to Kamala’s warchest provided by rich American liberals and ask their working class supporters to help fund Trump’s election. The mismatch of resources between Democrat billionaires and Republican working class “deplorables” is extraordinary. But note that for both parties the election is a matter of who has the most money.

This is the sign of a country that is finished, over and done with.

One Nation Under Fraud Clearly Visible, With Bribery And Corruption For All..

How Michigan explains American politics​

Kamala’s presidential campaign released its first official video, set to Beyonce’s 2016 “Freedom” from her smash hit album Lemonade. She is reintroducing herself to voters as a presidential contender, contrasting her record and tone with Trump and his criminal record.


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