US Politics

This Free Speech article was written 24 years ago:

The Corrupters​

(ILLUSTRATION: Peter Sichrovsky, author of Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families)

by Dr. William L. Pierce

MAY I be cynical for a few minutes? I hope you don’t mind, but with the great democratic ritual of choosing a new President coming up in just a few days now, I can’t resist the urge to make a few cynical comments.

Of course, it’s not just the current Presidential campaign which is the cause for my cynicism. Have you been watching the senatorial campaign in New York? Have you noticed how Mrs. Clinton and the Republican candidate, Rick Lazio, have been falling over one another in their eagerness to apply their lips to the posterior of the Jewish vote?

You certainly have seen what’s been going on in Palestine during the past few weeks. Even on American television, which always censors out the most atrocious behavior of the Jews and tries to present the news in the light most favorable to them, the basic pattern has been clear enough: Palestinians have been throwing rocks at the Jews, and the Jews have been shooting and killing Palestinians. Nearly all of those killed over there have been Palestinians. The Jewish news media over here portray the conflict as “Israelis responding to Palestinian violence,” in the sense of cops responding to robbers, but it’s clear to anyone with eyes and a brain where most of the violence is coming from.

And it’s clear how the violence got started again. The most hated Jewish politician over there, Ariel Sharon, deliberately provoked it. When he was in the Israeli military, Sharon used to send his troops into Palestinian villages and refugee camps to butcher unarmed civilians. That sort of behavior helped win him the votes of the raving-mad Orthodox Jews, who bob their heads up and down while praying at the “Wailing Wall” for their tribal god Yahweh to kill all the Gentiles and turn the world over to them, as he promised them 3,000 years ago.

Sharon is no longer an active-duty Israeli general, but he still knows how to win Jewish votes. He showed up at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem back at the beginning of the month with a huge contingent of armed bodyguards and Jewish secret police thugs, who chased away the Moslems who were praying in the mosque there. He swaggered around a bit, expressed his contempt for Moslems in general and Palestinians in particular, and left, but that was enough to infuriate Palestinians and provoke Palestinian boys into throwing rocks at Jewish soldiers, who responded by shooting them dead. Sharon’s popularity among religious Jews immediately shot up.

During the fighting a Lebanese militia took three Jewish soldiers as prisoners, and the Jewish media over here immediately began talking about “kidnapped” Jews. When armed soldiers are captured by an opposing armed force in a combat situation, the proper term is “prisoners of war,” not “kidnap victims,” but the people who put the spin on our news figured “kidnap victims” would be more likely to get sympathy from Americans. They want us to feel sorry for the Israeli soldiers who are shooting Palestinian children rather than for the children who are being shot.

Well, all of that’s a pretty transparent situation, and, even if it keeps the couch potatoes fooled, certainly both Mr. Lazio and Mrs. Clinton are smart enough to see through it. They understand what’s going on over there in Palestine. They know who the aggressors are; they know who the thieves, the butchers, the torturers, the child killers are. And yet they both grovel for the votes of the Jews over here, who support the activities of the Jews in Palestine. They pretend to believe whatever the Jews tell them. They pretend to be indignant when the United Nations asks the Jews to stop killing Palestinian children. They pretend to believe that the Jews are inoffensive and innocent and are being picked on by wicked Palestinians.

And, really, Rick Lazio and Hillary Clinton are not atypical. The fact that these two are campaigning in New York brings the Jewish issue to the fore in their campaign, of course, but the truth of the matter is that every politician in Washington also would grovel for Jewish votes in the same way. The whole system has become corrupt in its very essence.

Now, I’ll tell you what I was thinking about while watching a recent Lazio-Clinton debate. Of course, I felt a certain sense of shame, of embarrassment. Neither Rick Lazio nor Hillary Clinton is a Jew. They are, unfortunately, a part of our people. We are responsible for them. But — and this is the important point — the Jews are responsible in a very general sort of way, for the fact that people so lacking in character and integrity are political candidates, and that one of them will end up in the U.S. Senate.

We always have had both bad and good men and women among our own people. We always have had crooks and swindlers and con men and liars and traitors. We have had manipulators and fast-buck artists and lawyers and child molesters among our own people. But it wasn’t often that we chose the fast-buck artists and the swindlers to govern us and make our laws. At least, we were less likely to choose such people before we let the Jews take over our news and entertainment media and begin controlling the opinions and attitudes of the lemmings, of the electorate. Before that, not every candidate for public office was a crook.

One other thing for which we ourselves are responsible is having a type of government which is a natural breeding ground for con men and liars. The Jews didn’t do that to us. In fact, all Jews were banned from Britain during the period when the parliamentary form of government developed there, during the 14th, 15th, 16th, and first half of the 17th century. Edward I sent them all packing in 1290, because they were causing too much dissension and were involved in too much mischief in his kingdom, and it was more than 350 years later when Oliver Cromwell, deranged by a Puritan infatuation with the Old Testament, permitted them to start trickling back in. And, of course, the rat’s nest of a system we have in Washington now grew out of the English parliamentary system.

And so we cannot blame the Jews for the fact that we have many fools and many knaves among our own people, and we cannot blame them for the fact that we have a system of government which is so susceptible to corruption: a system in which fools are allowed to vote and knaves are allowed to hold office. So this weakness, this susceptibility to manipulation and corruption, was inherent in us even without the intervention of the Jews. But you know, the Jews have an amazing talent for sniffing out weaknesses in others and then figuring how to turn those weaknesses to their own advantage.

And really, that is what makes the Jews special. That is what has made them more hated than any other race by all the peoples among whom they have dwelled throughout recorded history. Jews aren’t hated just because they think they’re God’s chosen people. There are other tribes which also have delusions of grandeur. The Chinese, for example, believe that they are racially superior to the other Asiatic peoples around them. And perhaps they are, but who cares, except the Chinese?

And the Jews aren’t hated just because they shoot Palestinian children or go on throat-cutting rampages in refugee camps. Other tribes also have murderous reputations: the Turks, for example. And the Jews aren’t hated just because there are even more fast-buck artists among them than among us, or because they have stickier fingers than most. The Gypsies have a similar reputation, and although no one wants to have Gypsies around, they don’t often inspire the intense hatred that Jews do.

Jews are hated, first and foremost, because they are corrupters. They are hated, by those who are aware of what they are doing, because they involve us in their dirty business. They are hated because, instead of doing their own dirty work, like the Chinese or the Turks or the Gypsies, they deceive and manipulate us into doing it for them. They get us to support them in their murder of Palestinian children. They make us pay for it, they make us supply the weapons, and they make our government express approval of it.

The Chinese or the Turks or the Gypsies may endanger our property or our security or our economic well-being, but the Jews endanger our souls. Other aliens exploit us only externally; the Jews, like an especially insidious disease organism, get inside us and change the way we think and behave in order to make us easier prey for them to exploit.

A few days ago someone sent me an excerpt from a Jewish book published in 1988 by Basic Books in New York. The title is Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families. It was written by a Jew in Germany, Peter Sichrovsky, and it is in effect a survey of the extent to which the compulsory brainwashing program imposed on Germans after the Second World War has been successful. It consists of the transcripts of a series of interviews with young Germans conducted by the Jew. Unfortunately, the brainwashing program has been very successful, and between the lines of the book one can read the author’s gloating over the Jews’ accomplishment in making young Germans hate their parents and grandparents and feel guilty for being German, although in typically Jewish fashion he complains that the Germans don’t feel guilty enough.

It was Jews, of course, who designed the truly satanic, soul-destroying programs of so-called “denazification” and “reeducation” which were imposed on the German people. It has been at Jewish insistence that laws have been enacted in Germany and Austria making it a penal offense to contradict or even question any detail of the Jewish “Holocaust” story or to suggest that the Jews themselves were in any way to blame for their lack of popularity in Germany before the war. Making it illegal to oppose the brainwashing has been a factor in its effectiveness, of course. Locking people up for reading the “wrong” sort of books or listening to the “wrong” sort of music helps to keep other Germans in line. Banning political parties in Germany that fail to follow the Jewish party line helps too. And all of this has made it a little easier, no doubt, to suck the 70 billion or so dollars in reparations the Jews have extracted from the Germans since the war.

But this uniquely Jewish mode of parasitism has robbed the Germans of infinitely more than money. It has corrupted their souls — and deliberately so. In the old days when someone won a war he collected tribute from the conquered nation. He made them pay. But he didn’t meddle with their souls. He didn’t try to corrupt them spiritually. He left them free to be themselves, to feel and think whatever they wanted, so long as they paid the tribute demanded of them. But with the Jews, corrupting the victim is the main thing. And they are uniquely equipped for corruption by having a faculty for deception that is so far above that of any other people that it really must be considered different in kind as well as in degree.

In the book I just cited, Born Guilty, the Jewish author Sichrovsky writes:
It is no accident that I, a Jew, someone not burdened by past guilt, should have tackled the question of how these descendants of the perpetrators came to terms with the problem.
The arrogance of that statement — “I, a Jew, someone not burdened by past guilt” — is really breathtaking. Sichrovsky, like most Jews, accepts the idea of collective guilt, of racial guilt passed from one generation to the next: “Your Nazi grandparents persecuted us Jews, so you owe us!” Which is to say, the Jews accept the idea of other races being guilty; they certainly don’t accept the idea of their own guilt. You know, one of the principal reasons the Germans didn’t like Jews and wanted them out of Germany in the 1930s was based on the Jews’ support of communism, on the Jews’ espousal of the doctrine of their fellow Jew, Marx. The Germans knew what the Jews were doing to the Ukrainians and the Russians under communism, and they didn’t want the Jews doing it to them too. They knew that the communists were implementing the Jewish doctrine of egalitarianism — they were equalizing Ukraine and Russia — by murdering wholesale the best Ukrainians and the best Russians. The Germans knew about the mass executions being carried out in Russia by the communists. They knew about the death camps, the slave-labor camps. They knew who were running these death camps. They knew who the commissars were. And believe me, Sichrovsky knows too — and yet he piously writes, “I, a Jew, someone not burdened by past guilt. . . .”

Pious fraud: that is something for which they have a unique talent. The chief actor in the pious fraud racket in the United States is the professional “survivor” Elie Wiesel. Wiesel gets $25,000 plus expenses each time he consents to lay a little collective guilt on a Gentile audience, and he does it fairly often. With a sad — really a mournful — expression on his terribly Jewish face, he spins his fairy tales about how those awful Nazis persecuted and mistreated him and all of the other innocent, inoffensive, sensitive, caring Jews: people not burdened by past guilt. And he never cracks a smile or shows a trace of embarrassment. And the hypnotized idiots in his audience lap it all up. Wiesel is a corrupter of souls. And he is only one of many.

For decades the most influential and revered Orthodox Jew in New York was Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson: the so-called Lubavitcher Rebbe and hereditary leader of the Chabad movement. Every politician in New York, Jew or Gentile, genuflected to the good rabbi. Schneerson died in 1992, but Hillary and Rick and the rest still pay tribute to him, expressing admiration for his wisdom and his piety. As a matter of fact, throughout his career Schneerson preached the hatred of all non-Jews that is inherent in Judaism. Other Orthodox Jews, such as Al Gore’s vice-presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman, are reticent about the more invidious aspects of their religion; in fact, they will simply lie to you about it if you question them. But Rabbi Schneerson wasn’t reticent at all. He spelled it out for his followers in his lectures and his writings. He taught that non-Jews are sub-human, that they are like cattle, created by the Jewish god Yahweh only to serve the Jews. He taught this explicitly, openly, over a period of many years.

I’ll quote directly from one of Rabbi Schneerson’s lectures. This is taken from a book of his lectures published in Israel in 1965. The English title of the book is Gatherings of Conversations:
This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of a member of any other nation of the world . . . . The Jewish body looks as if it were in substance similar to the bodies of non-Jews, but . . . the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look, and superficial quality. The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews. . . . Their bodies are in vain. . . . An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist. A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul comes from holiness.
And there’s much, much more in the same vein, although reading Rabbi Schneerson’s lectures is not easy. Like the Talmud, they are full of hair-splitting, lawyer-like quibbling and references to obscure authorities. If you spend much time reading the Talmud and ask yourself what kind of people could be governed by such a strange religion, you’ll likely come to the same conclusion both Rabbi Schneerson and I have come to: the Jews and we really are completely different species.

The Jews of the New York Times and all of the other Jews covered for Schneerson, of course. No one ever denounced his teaching or called him a “hater.” Instead, he always was praised as a sort of living saint. And as I said, the Gentile politicians like Hillary Clinton and Rick Lazio, who really know better, still genuflect whenever his name is mentioned. And the Jews play right along. What contempt they must have for us! How easy it is to deceive us!

And how easy it is to bleed us! When a U.S. Navy destroyer, the USS Cole, was attacked in the Red Sea last week and nearly 20 American sailors were killed, not one government official was willing to place the blame where it belonged. Mr. Clinton’s Jewish secretary of defense was on television promising that he would search to the ends of the earth to find and punish the people responsible for the attack.

Hey, Mr. Cohen! You don’t have to search that far to find those responsible for the deaths of our sailors. The Jews have been murdering Palestinian children for the past three weeks, with the support of your government. The Jews have been firing rockets into Palestinian apartment buildings from helicopter gun ships supplied to Israel by your Defense Department. Last week 70 U.S. senators signed a resolution of support for this sort of Jewish behavior. That was the Senate of which you used to be a member before you became Secretary of Defense. It was you who sent the USS Cole into harm’s way in order to maintain a blockade of Iraq: a blockade which in no way serves American interests but which is demanded by Jews because Iraq is an enemy of Israel. Mr. Clinton came on television and said that our ship wasn’t on a hostile mission. You certainly understand, Mr. Cohen, even if Mr. Clinton doesn’t, that blockading another country with a warship is a hostile action: it is an act of war. Did you really expect all of the non-Jewish people of the Middle East being victimized by the United States acting on behalf of the Jews to simply sit on their hands forever and let themselves continue to be victimized?

No, you really didn’t expect that, did you, Mr. Cohen? You knew that eventually the victims of your government’s policies would fight back. But you didn’t really care, so long as Jews didn’t get killed. You and your fellow Jews, both in this country and in Israel, are responsible for the attack on the USS Cole, and you know it. But still you go on television and refer to the attack as an act of terrorism and the attackers as cowards. Two brave men stand at attention as they willingly sacrifice their lives in order to strike a blow for their people in the only way they can, and you call them cowards and terrorists!

Ah, Mr. Cohen, you and your fellow Jews really do have contempt for our intelligence, don’t you? One of these days we will make you understand that there are a few of us who aren’t lemmings, a few of us who can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears and figure things out for ourselves. That will be the day when we begin settling the score with those who have been deceiving and corrupting and bleeding our people for so long.

* * *

Source: Free Speech magazine, November 2000, Volume VI, Number 11
What a whiny bunch of snowflakes. 😂

Trump's campaign is criticizing Fox News for releasing polling this week that showed him trailing Kamala in three critical Sun Belt states: Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. She is only one point behind Trump in North Carolina. Previous Fox News polls showed Biden losing Trump in all four states.


Why Netanyahu Is Panicked at the Prospect of a Harris Presidency | Opinion

Aug 28, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shares two important characteristics with former President Donald Trump: like Trump, Netanyahu is narcissistic, incapable of empathy for others who considers his personal interests and political survival to be of paramount importance, and, also like Trump, he desperately wants Trump to win the forthcoming presidential election in order for him to have a hope of staying out of jail.

That is pretty much all we need to know to explain Netanyahu's behavior some two months before the said election.

Trump's motivation is hardly breaking news. Most Americans—even hardcore MAGA activists who idolize Trump—understand that Trump's legal difficulties will either increase or decrease exponentially depending on who takes the oath of office next Jan. 21 as the 47th president of the United States. One scenario: he lives in the White House for another four years; the other involves at a minimum heavy fines and quite possibly an orange prison uniform.

What many observers outside Israel don't realize, however, is that Trump's Mini-Me Netanyahu is in the exact same boat.

Except that Netanyahu's situation is even more precarious than Trump's.

Netanyahu's present political situation is exemplified by the banana peel syndrome: he has one foot in political oblivion and the other on a banana peel.

Like Trump, Netanyahu is under multiple criminal indictments and his various trials are ongoing. These trials would accelerate with bullet train speed were he to be forced out of office anytime soon.

Which brings into play the Nov. 5 presidential election.

Netanyahu has good reason to believe that fellow autocrat Trump will have little interest in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which perforce means bringing the present Israel-Hamas war in Gaza to some sort of end. One of Trump's principal advisers when it comes to Israel is former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman who supports ultranationalist Jewish claims to the West Bank and opposes a two-state solution, that is to say, any form of statehood for the Palestinians, ever.

The financial support of one of Trump's mega-donors, billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Miriam Adelson, the widow of Macau casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, is reportedly conditioned on Trump allowing Israel to annex the West Bank combined with U.S. recognition of Israel's sovereignty over all of that territory. To say that this is the utopian dream of not just Netanyahu but the entire coterie of right-wing extremists propping up his government would be the understatement of the year. Such a development, which goes counter to U.S. policy under multiple Democratic and Republican administrations, would also bring any prospect of not just Israeli-Palestinian peace but of Israeli-Palestinian coexistence to a screeching halt.

All of which explains why Netanyahu does not want an agreement for any kind of ceasefire in the Hamas-Israel war and the return of those hostages taken captive by Hamas on Oct. 7 who are still alive. He knows that the day after such an agreement is reached, he will be unable to withstand calls for new elections, which he could well lose.

How else could one explain his callous comments to the families of the hostages? He trivialized the Oct. 7 pogrom by saying, as recorded on a leaked audio, that "during the Holocaust, they committed 'October 7' 4,500 times every single day." As far as he was concerned, he told the anguished families, his professed concern for what he called "the future of the State of Israel" trumped rescuing the hostages.

Last month, Netanyahu reportedly said at a cabinet meeting that Israel need not be anxious to reach a deal because "The hostages are suffering but they are not dying." Tell that to the families of the dead hostages whose bodies have been recovered.

What Netanyahu has successfully accomplished so far is to run out the clock.

By all rights, he should have been forced to resign immediately after Oct. 7 when his responsibility for that day's carnage was evident.

After all, he had allowed Hamas to be funded to the tune of billions of dollars since becoming prime minister in 2009, a position he has held ever since with the exception of one year when he was out of power. And it was Netanyahu who allowed the security of the kibbutzim and towns on the Israel-Gaza border to be compromised by shifting military units to the West Bank at the insistence of his fascisti-like coalition partners. And it was he who believed that by allowing Hamas to control Gaza, he would be able to continue avoiding talking with the Palestinian Authority about any kind of political path forward.

And yet, Netanyahu, like Trump, is psychologically, perhaps congenitally, incapable of ever admitting that he might, just might, have made a mistake. As far as Netanyahu is concerned, everyone else is responsible for anything and everything that went wrong on Oct. 7 and since, but never him.

And so, Netanyahu can be expected to continue trying to manipulate the world as he has done with an unfortunate degree of success over the course of the past 11 months. Except that he knows that Vice President Kamala Harris has his number. She is a former prosecutor, after all, and just as she has dealt with the likes of Donald Trump, she has bested antagonists who were far more sophisticated and less transparent than Netanyahu.

Harris made clear in her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention that, "I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. Including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival."

This is why Netanyahu must be panicking at this very moment. In many ways, Harris must be his worst nightmare. He realizes, I'm sure, that while she is very much a friend and supporter of Israel, she is neither in his pocket nor a pushover—which he probably considers Trump to be in light of their past history.

And this is why Netanyahu is panicked at the prospect of a Harris presidency. She is certain not to allow him to continue running roughshod at the expense of the majority of Israelis who want him gone and the non-Hamas-supporting Palestinians who see no hope for any future while he is in control.

Menachem Z. Rosensaft is adjunct professor of law at Cornell Law School and lecturer-in-law at Columbia Law School. He is the author of the forthcoming Burning Psalms: Confronting Adonai after Auschwitz (Ben Yehuda Press, 2025).


Shocking Online Manifesto Reveals Project 2025’s Link to a Coordinated ‘Christian Nationalism Project’​

“The Statement on Christian Nationalism” seeks to implement a Scripture-based system of government whereby Christ-ordained “civil magistrates” exercise authority over the American public.

Approximately 100 right-wing organizations have signed onto Project 2025, an expansive plan for controlling (and in some cases dismantling) federal agencies in the event that Trump or another Republican wins the presidential election this year. Many of these organizations are led by Christian fundamentalist political operatives, suggesting that they may use the plan to force all Americans to submit to their extreme religious beliefs.

The Bucks County Beacon has just found explosive new evidence that seems to validate this concern.

The Beacon’s discovery follows an earlier report by Politico journalist Heidi Przybyla, which tied the Center for Renewing America (CFRA), an official Project 2025 partner, to an internal memo expressly listing “Christian Nationalism” as a priority for a second Trump term.

WOW: Zuckerberg Says Biden Admin PRESSURED FACEBOOK To Censor Hunter Biden Laptop​

Polls serve as a barometer of public opinion, yet they should not be mistaken for definitive outcomes. Engaging in the democratic process requires active participation beyond mere speculation. Voting, donating to causes, and grassroots efforts such as door-knocking are essential to translating poll results into tangible political action.

ABC-IPSOS poll shows Harris leading Trump, 52 - 46%

Harris leads Trump by 27 points among eligible Latinos in new polling
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China-linked ‘Spamouflage’ network mimics Americans online to sway US political debate

Updated 9:56 AM PDT, September 3, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — When he first emerged on social media, the user known as Harlan claimed to be a New Yorker and an Army veteran who supported Donald Trump for president. Harlan said he was 29, and his profile picture showed a smiling, handsome young man.

A few months later, Harlan underwent a transformation. Now, he claimed to be 31 and from Florida.

New research into Chinese disinformation networks targeting American voters shows Harlan’s claims were as fictitious as his profile picture, which analysts think was created using artificial intelligence.

As voters prepare to cast their ballots this fall, China has been making its own plans, cultivating networks of fake social media users designed to mimic Americans. Whoever or wherever he really is, Harlan is a small part of a larger effort by U.S. adversaries to use social media to influence and upend America’s political debate.

The account was traced back to Spamouflage, a Chinese disinformation group, by analysts at Graphika, a New York-based firm that tracks online networks. Known to online researchers for several years, Spamouflage earned its moniker through its habit of spreading large amounts of seemingly unrelated content alongside disinformation.

“One of the world’s largest covert online influence operations — an operation run by Chinese state actors — has become more aggressive in its efforts to infiltrate and to sway U.S. political conversations ahead of the election,” Jack Stubbs, Graphika’s chief intelligence officer, told The Associated Press.

Intelligence and national security officials have said that Russia, China and Iran have all mounted online influence operations targeting U.S. voters ahead of the November election. Russia remains the top threat, intelligence officials say, even as Iran has become more aggressive in recent months, covertly supporting U.S. protests against the war in Gaza and attempting to hack into the email systems of the two presidential candidates.

China, however, has taken a more cautious, nuanced approach. Beijing sees little advantage in supporting one presidential candidate over the other, intelligence analysts say. Instead, China’s disinformation efforts focus on campaign issues particularly important to Beijing — such as American policy toward Taiwan — while seeking to undermine confidence in elections, voting and the U.S. in general.

Officials have said it’s a longer-term effort that will continue well past Election Day as China and other authoritarian nations try to use the internet to erode support for democracy.

Chinese Embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu rejected Graphika’s findings as full of “prejudice and malicious speculation” and said that “China has no intention and will not interfere” in the election.

X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, suspended several of the accounts linked to the Spamouflage network after questions were raised about their authenticity. The company did not respond to questions about the reasons for the suspensions, or whether they were connected to Graphika’s report.

TikTok also removed accounts linked to Spamouflage, including Harlan’s. Read more

Congress TO GRILL Andrew Cuomo On Fatal Nursing Home COVID Policy​

Polling 'Nostradamus' predicts a Kamala Harris victory in the US presidential election. (y)

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Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian operation, US says

Updated 11:12 AM PDT, September 5, 2024
NEW YORK (AP) — They have millions of followers online. They have been major players in right-wing political discourse since Donald Trump was president. And they worked unknowingly for a company that was a front for a Russian influence operation, U.S. prosecutors say.

An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.

In addition to marking the third straight presidential election in which U.S. authorities have unveiled politically charged details about Russia’s attempted interference in U.S. politics, an indictment indicates how Moscow may be attempting to capitalize on the skyrocketing popularity of right-wing podcasters, livestreamers and other content creators who have found successful careers on social media in the years since Trump was in office.

The U.S. Justice Department doesn’t allege any wrongdoing by the influencers, some of whom it says were given false information about the source of the company’s funding. Instead, it accuses two employees of RT, a Russian state media company, of funneling nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based content creation company for Russia-friendly content.

After the indictments were announced, both Pool and Johnson issued statements on social media, which Rubin retweeted, saying they were victims of the alleged crimes and had done nothing wrong.

“We still do not know what is true as these are only allegations,” Pool said. “Putin is a scumbag.”

In his post, Johnson wrote that he had been asked a year ago to provide content to a “media startup.” He said his lawyers negotiated a “standard, arms length deal, which was later terminated.”

Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva are charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. They are at large, and it was not immediately clear if they had lawyers.

U.S. officials have previously warned of Russia’s use of unwitting Americans to further influence operations in the 2024 election, but Wednesday’s indictment is the most detailed description of those efforts to date.

At a forum on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to suggest jokingly that he would support Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming U.S. election. Intelligence officials have said Moscow has a preference for Trump.

Putin authorized influence operations to help Trump in the 2020 election, while his 2016 campaign benefited from hacking by Russian intelligence officers and a covert social media effort, according to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials. Read more

Kamala Harris sucks. I'm backing Donald. Her polls are tanking after Mark Zuckerberg exposed her for censoring freedom of speech in violation of second amendment of the US constitution.

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