USA thinks china to make Gwader their naval port

From Gwader the Chinese navy secure their trade routes from suez to malacca and back to south china sea so you can see why they want control of the port

What do people think about the Pak military elite saying to USA we need your alliance more than China

And the part about the generals having substantial personal assets in UK London and USA which can be seized at any time

Does this compromise Pak strategic autonomy... especially with USA and India being strategic partners now against china

Another report on Pakistan's double game with china and USA
Very dangerous...

It wants a foot in both camps to get support but china and USA at the same time
USA and India are not strategic partners.

USA supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to confront India.
Lol opposite is true dude India is the strategic partner of USA to confront and conceal China, live in reality dude not in your utopia lol
Lol opposite is true dude India is the strategic partner of USA to confront and conceal China, live in reality dude not in your utopia lol

India is the non partner in confrontation of China
I have been saying for months that Pakistan is giving up vital strategic land to china in exchange for weapons like j10 soon J31 and submarines .. There is no way the Pakistanis can afford the loan payments

For china having their own naval.base in gwader with Chinese security is god send and massive strategic issue for USA and India and the entire Persian gulf
And you think we give a fvck what USA thinks?

China is an ally of Pakistan, and we will do our best to help the Chinese as much as possible.
I have been saying for months that Pakistan is giving up vital strategic land to china in exchange for weapons like j10 soon J31 and submarines .. There is no way the Pakistanis can afford the loan payments

For china having their own naval.base in gwader with Chinese security is god send and massive strategic issue for USA and India and the entire Persian gulf
I would be happy to give these to them ..... For free. It's in Pakistan national interest to have PLAN in indian ocean, sitting at the mouth of Persian gulf. Unfortunately, I don't think the news is factual.
So it's alright for USA to have an overseas bases around 800! but not the likes of China ??. Double standards there.
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