Vietnam-China relationship at deepest, most comprehensive and substantive level ever

The war with China was useless, totally avoidable, very unfortunate event, avoidable same for the war with the US and Cambodia. Honestly I don’t want to indulge the past. That brings nothing good.
Here root of the conflict. The Vietnamese resentment towards China goes back in much older days in the 1950s. During the Geneva peace negotiation where the fate of Vietnam was decided the Chinese colluded with the French, with the western power. Pham van Dong, then the government chief of North Vietnam. The Vietnamese were very angry, feeling betrayed.

Hey, the Soviet Union also agreed to the Geneva agreement on Vietnam, and I don't see Vietnamese ever have any complaint or resentment about Soviets on that, lol. If anything, Soviet Union should had more responsibility in the agreement. Vietnam was also unhappy too about China during the Vietnam war complaining that China wasn't giving Vietnam enough aids and help. Yeah, you Vietnamese just like to blame your misfortunes on China, not starting in the 1950s but for thousands of years, lol. Chinese are not born to owe you Vietnamese eh.
Hey, the Soviet Union also agreed to the Geneva agreement on Vietnam, and I don't see Vietnamese ever have any complaint or resentment about Soviets on that, lol. If anything, Soviet Union should had more responsibility in the agreement. Vietnam was also unhappy too about China during the Vietnam war complaining that China wasn't giving Vietnam enough aids and help. Yeah, you Vietnamese just like to blame your misfortunes on China, not starting in the 1950s but for thousands of years, lol. Chinese are not born to owe you Vietnamese eh.
Pham considered western or foreign powers working together is nothing special however the Chinese collusion with them to harm Vietnam is seen the worst betrayal ever. That’s something the Vietnamese did not participate. That causes bitterness you can hear his voice. Because of this Vietnam was cut into 2 half’s that’s the road to 3 another wars with US, China and Cambodia. history. Let’s move on. Of course without China help we are finished too. As I said Vietnam survival depends on China. Even if we go to hell
Pham considered western or foreign powers working together is nothing special however the Chinese collusion with them to harm Vietnam is seen the worst betrayal ever. That’s something the Vietnamese did not participate. That causes bitterness you can hear his voice. Because of this Vietnam was cut into 2 half’s that’s the road to 3 another wars with US, China and Cambodia. history. Let’s move on. Of course without China help we are finished too. As I said Vietnam survival depends on China. Even if we go to hell
I don't think China could have stopped the division of Vietnam in Geneva since the West and Soviet Union insisted or agreed to. The West, America and France, were determined to have a presence in Vietnam and SEA at large by controlling South Vietnam to deter Communist China and Vietnam, they wouldn't give up easily as shown in the American-Vietnam war later. China just went along on the agreement.

When China was fighting civil war from 1947-1949, both Stalin and US that mediated between the two Chinese parties wanted China to be divided into North China and South China between the Chinese Communists and Chinese KMT along the Yangtze river, Stalin even told Mao that PLA not to cross the Yangtze river, but Mao would have none of it. Soviet Union and US even made Chinese province Mongolia independent from China at the time and later Soviet army occupied Mongolia. They did the same to Vietnam later, what Communist North Vietnam army could have done was march all the way to Saigon at the time if it thought it was strong enough and the West dared not to intervene militarily as China did earlier in its case, and Vietnamese should stop blaming China, China has no obligation to fulfill all your Vietnamese wishes.
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I don't think China could have stopped the division of Vietnam in Geneva since the West and Soviet Union insisted or agreed to. The West, America and France, were determined to have a presence in Vietnam and SEA at large by controlling South Vietnam to deter Communist China and Vietnam, they wouldn't give up easily as shown in the American-Vietnam war later. China just went along on the agreement.

When China was fighting civil war from 1947-1949, both Stalin and US that mediated between the two Chinese parties wanted China to be divided into North China and South China between the Chinese Communists and Chinese KMT along the Yangtze river, Stalin even told Mao that PLA not to cross the Yangtze river, but Mao would have none of it. Soviet Union and US even made Chinese province Mongolia independent from China at the time and later Soviet army occupied Mongolia. They did the same to Vietnam later, what Communist North Vietnam army could have done was march all the way to Saigon at the time if it thought it was strong enough and the West dared not to intervene militarily as China did earlier in its case, and Vietnamese should stop blaming China, China has no obligation to fulfill all your Vietnamese wishes.
Well, if you look from other mountain then the grass on other side is greener. Of course China has other strategic interest than Vietnam. That’s normal. The Vietnamese then at that time belonged to old school they were much aligned with old Qing government. Today different. The Vietnamese are now smarter.
As for controlling the South. There was a race who would seize the power. The Vietminh attempted the takeover. but there was the British army.

Of course the Vietnamese know you better anyone else on earth. We even know what you dream of at night. However always interesting to learn how other nations view China. I know what Germans or French people think about China. Russia is a Chinese colony I say it multiple times in another thread. Russia is of limited use. But Russia is one of only 2 countries that can contain Chinese military. the other is US military. interesting to learn what the Russians think of China. Then we can adapt a strategy.

I am always for close cooperation between Vietnam and China. The more the better. we are not stupid though. a minimum of military is necessary to maintain a deterrent.
Now you are hoarding hundreds of thousands of troops on the Cambodian border, which is less like seeking cooperation with China and more like preparing to declare war on China.

You are indeed one of the countries that know China best. In the same way, we know you, and we know what you want. The question is what are you offering in exchange?

Stop talking about the US, we could care less about Vietnam and the US at all when China's Laos high speed rail line and Cambodian canal are successfully constructed, but you can see what kind of an end the US can give you.

btw: Your understanding of the relationship between China and Russia is completely wrong. Russia is not a Chinese colony. We also oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Especially when Russia let the four East Ukrainian regions vote for independence, that seriously harmed China's interests. Imagine how we would have handled Taiwan if it had also voted for independence? So there is absolutely no way we can recognize Russia's claim of sovereignty over the territory of Eastern Ukraine.
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Now you are hoarding hundreds of thousands of troops on the Cambodian border, which is less like seeking cooperation with China and more like preparing to declare war on China.

You are indeed one of the countries that know China best. In the same way, we know you, and we know what you want. The question is what are you offering in exchange?

Stop talking about the US, we could care less about Vietnam and the US at all when China's Laos high speed rail line and Cambodian canal are successfully constructed, but you can see what kind of an end the US can give you.
Hundreds of thousands? But no pictures, no anything? Only your words here? Such huge troop concentration would be seen from space. There should be hundreds if not thousands of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, planes or not? You are a dreamer.
Now you are hoarding hundreds of thousands of troops on the Cambodian border, which is less like seeking cooperation with China and more like preparing to declare war on China.
That's really serious, to threaten Cambodia and China on the construction of the canal, and maybe looking for conflict with China.
That's really serious, to threaten Cambodia and China on the construction of the canal, and maybe looking for conflict with China.
Fake news by Ccp
If you look at the most popular media in Vietnam “Vietnam Express”, the Cambodian canal is one of the news in the past. Nobody in Vietnam is interested of the Khmers want to go bankrupt today or tomorrow. The top news of today is a new Vietnam fish sause in the US.

Vietnamese startup's fish sauce hits US shelves

Old Fishing Village fish sauce bottles (R) are seen on the shelves of a retail outlet in the U.S. Photo obtained by VnExpress
That's really serious, to threaten Cambodia and China on the construction of the canal, and maybe looking for conflict with China.
Tô Lâm is from the military, and he can be a crazy hardliner.

the PLA temporarily sent a fleet of destroyers and 700 marines to Cambodia, and that suggests that the situation on the ground has been very forbidding.
Fake news by Ccp
If you look at the most popular media in Vietnam “Vietnam Express”, the Cambodian canal is one of the news in the past. Nobody in Vietnam is interested of the Khmers want to go bankrupt today or tomorrow. The top news of today is a new Vietnam fish sause in the US.

Vietnamese startup's fish sauce hits US shelves's fish sauce hits US shelves

Old Fishing Village fish sauce bottles (R) are seen on the shelves of a retail outlet in the U.S. Photo obtained by VnExpress
This kind secret military action news not likely to be reported in Vietnam if it is true.
This kind secret military action news not likely to be reported in Vietnam if it is true.
Super secret, nobody knows it, except a random unknown poster on Pakistan defense
Super secret, nobody knows it, except a random unknown poster on Pakistan defense
You can google what location in Vietnam's 9th Theater is conducting military exercises right now.
At that time the war against Cambodia was unavoidable. I don’t know if there was a chance to have an agreement with China.

Showing hollywood scripted narrative?

Its NOT about PPooty, all about VN messing thousands of troops in Cambodia ready to slaughter into Thailand, Laos, Mynmar, then
MY finally SG.
Spawer of ASEAN 💃on soviet steroids.

Now VN switch from oranges to American copium ... manufacturing.Spower:nana:
Guess what CN can vanish VN wet dreams
instantly:rofl: like in 1979...
You can google what location in Vietnam's 9th Theater is conducting military exercises right now.
I did google. The last exercise by the 9th army is conducted in 2023. It was a small unit, infantry size. Hardly seen as any aggressive posture.
I think you suffer some sort of anxiety.


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