WHAT compels a mob to burn someone to death?

There are 2 issues.
The intent of the OP and what is desire and motive is. We both are articulate enough to decipher what he is trying to achieve.
The other is the acceptance of Pakistani hearts not realising that depriving hope of economic strife and success by successive governments have left a void. That void allows Joe average to look for a boogeyman to satisfy his own inadequacies and that’s the minorities.
Desperately sad but true IMO
We know his history - but at the end I have no relationship with what Israel is doing to what the gist of the article is. Israel is already laid bare in ways no amount of paid media, verbal gymnastics or their favorite approach of shifting goalposts will hide.

That being said, the article states a truth that is also impossible to hide or dilute. We should not provide attention To the Israeli issue or even link it to Pakistani extremism issue.

One is a banana republic with extreme poverty and lack of education which fits the article’s causes.

The other is this self proclaimed land of enlightenment and do no evil highly educated masses who openly talk of the EXACT talk track their ancestors faced from the horrible regime in Europe.

Pakistan has precedent and social problems that provide extremist nurture - Paradise on earth and self proclaimed chosen ones say they have none - and so are completely unrelated nor worth dragging in regardless of who the messenger is.
Interesting Punjab has more blasphemy killings than KP and Balochistan normalized for population
The punjab and it’s culture commonly known to outsiders is the sikh punjabis, unfortunately more than half was divided by British and given to Pakistan.

That region doesn’t represent punjab any more, its mostly islamic.

Case in point, try speaking punjabi in Pakistan, you are automatically labeled paindu(uneducated villager), people are encouraged to speak indian urdu to fit into the educated masses. Sad.
The punjab and it’s culture commonly known to outsiders is the sikh punjabis, unfortunately more than half was divided by British and given to Pakistan.

That region doesn’t represent punjab any more, its mostly islamic.

Case in point, try speaking punjabi in Pakistan, you are automatically labeled paindu(uneducated villager), people are encouraged to speak indian urdu to fit into the educated masses. Sad.
NRI making his best attempt at flaming while sounding like ignorant idiot
Yet - the article is NOT WRITTEN BY THE OP.
So what technically he has proven - is the jist of the article.

Immediate extremist response attacking the OP without the context and then online “mob justice” in anti Israel aspects completely ignoring the truth in the article w.r.t Pakistan which was written by a Pakistani and published in a Pakistani paper.
Doesn't matter who wrote what, what matter is who is the messenger who bring the news, you don't send Mussalima's to deliver a message because they are liars by their natures. Pakistani's know their country very well, we are not raising flags of only Democrazy or human rights champions or paradise for "other" religious minorities nor most moral Army, we know our faults and although we have not work on them nor ever will, but I will still call out a Zionist who trying to pretends to only post an Article about religious intolerance to prove a point when in their own country we see religious intolerance in worse ways imaginable, I would even call out Americans too... in case you miss it, recently a Jewish women tries to drown 2 underage Children after racially profiling them in a pool... Bastian of liberty and freedom/tolerance my foot... one thing the Gaza conflict does good is that it remove the veils from many disgusting faces including individuals and nations.
The intent of the OP and what is desire and motive is.

People who fail to realize when they are being twirled around someone's finger will never be able to steer their own destiny.

The issue of blasphemy has been debated for years, even decades. We had countless threads in the old forum, with zero results. These articles are just a past-time for the usual suspects to feel sanctimonious and superior to the unwashed masses.

We all know that this issue is not about Islam. The root case is the lawlessness which permeates all of society and rears its head in various forms from religious extremism to ethnic strife to socioeconomic crimes.
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We all know that this issue is not about Islam. The root case is the lawlessness which permeates all of society and rears its head in various forms from religious extremism to ethnic strife to socioeconomic crimes.
So...what is to be done?
So...what is to be done?

Imran Khan articulated the basic problem: the only way a corrupt ruler can survive/thrive is by corrupting the whole system. The Pakistani power structure, both civilian and military, thrives on the current setup where the legal system is a toy for the elite. It is hard to see a peaceful evolution out of this mess, which only leaves revolution as the alternative.

The military has the iron grip and has shown brutal willingness to use it to maintain power. Maybe we get lucky and a military ruler with a conscience emerges?

At this point, all we have is wishful thinking.
Imran Khan articulated the basic problem: the only way a corrupt ruler can survive/thrive is by corrupting the whole system. The Pakistani power structure, both civilian and military, thrives on the current setup where the legal system is a toy for the elite. It is hard to see a peaceful evolution out of this mess, which only leaves revolution as the alternative.

The military has the iron grip and has shown brutal willingness to use it to maintain power. Maybe we get lucky and a military ruler with a conscience emerges?

At this point, all we have is wishful thinking.
"Wishful thinking." You have a plan?
"Wishful thinking." You have a plan?

I know what needs to be done in an age of mass media but lack the resources as an individual to execute any plan.

The situation is complicated by the interconnectivity of the modern world and the fact that the brutal regime in Pakistan is supported by powerful, wealthy foreign interests. When the regime imprisoned, brutalized and executed journalists, there was hardly a peep from the Western media or governments. When it killed civilian protestors, similarly, not much noise beyond the ritualistic hand wringing.

The modern world is very interconnected which makes it harder for a single country to break free and chart its own course. It can be done but it's much harder.
humans are tribal.
if the tribe does something stupid, all the human group follows it.

common perception of good/evil is relative what someone thinks their group think about it.

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