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Feb 9, 2024
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Ban was a Mod action. I reported the offensive words, which I hope are banned.

Dont act cute. You know exactly what you doing with Ra ul, Bianca, Sonja, Maino, Vinci, etc.

No different to what Trumpians did to Obama in the US.

If these only Ra ul is banned for now.

Cheers, Doc


Rahul is a British citizen as disclosed by Shri Subramanian Swamy. Why doesn't Modi take action against him?

When Rahul was caught with cocaine in the US, Atal ji came to his rescue.

Which proves my point they are all the same


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Parsis spell their surnames in different ways. Even in the same family. Even between brothers. Our surnames are less than 300 years old in most cases. So we are not overly hung up on them. We took on these surnames after the British came and made a rule about family names, with a middle name that of the father. Till then Parsis followed ancestral Persian clan names. Which were abandoned eventually around the same time the Parsis en masse migrated from rural Gujarat to Mumbai. So Modi or Mody are the same. Sethna or Setna. Gandhy or Ghandy or Gandhi.

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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His father, and his brothers, spelled it as Ghandy. He spelled it as Gandhi.
but of Parsi/Christian stock, right ?

he trying to pull wool over everyone's eyes by pretending to be dharmi.

kyon itna shrouded in mystery and obfuscation

daal mein kuch toh kaala hai


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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but of Parsi/Christian stock, right ?

he trying to pull wool over everyone's eyes by pretending to be dharmi.

kyon itna shrouded in mystery and obfuscation

daal mein kuch toh kaala hai

How can he be Parsi when he never had his Navjote? And neither did his dad?

His grand dad got married publicly under Hindu Pheras to Indira.

The Parsi ceremony was small and private. Family and friends only.

Kaalik tere zehan mein hai.

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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How can he be Parsi when he never had his Navjote? And neither did his dad?

His grand dad got married publicly under Hindu Pheras to Indira.

The Parsi ceremony was small and private. Family and friends only.

Kaalik tere zehan mein hai.
Atheist type hai, that's what I think.. or maybe agnostic would be a better descriptor.

Dharmi toh kisi angle se nahi hai, can barely speak Hindi, pretty sure Gujarati bhi nahi bolta hai. Does he speak Italian ?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Atheist type hai, that's what I think.. or maybe agnostic would be a better descriptor.

Dharmi toh kisi angle se nahi hai, can barely speak Hindi, pretty sure Gujarati bhi nahi bolta hai. Does he speak Italian ?

Agnostic probably. Though Sonia like a typical Italian matriarch keeps a strong connect with the Parsi side of the family, I do not think Rahul is an iota culturally a Parsi. His father definitely was. Not him.

We have very strict rules of blood. So he definitely is not Parsi. I can't speak for you guys. You have to decide if he's Hindu or not.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Traffic is one thing.

Quality of members and discourse a while different thing.

All i told you was that Iran in a straight up fight would outlast you and butcher you as a country. I based that not on my blood loyalties but both your past military histories, your capabilities, and your social metrics and economies.

Rescue Ranger threw a fit. If you did not ban me someone sure as hell did.

What are you Admin for if your writ does not run here?

So please, dont give me this I never ban anyone copout. I was banned. I did not like it. I think you guys are going way overboard on the policing and this time outing and banning. Let there be free and open discourse. This is a forum. Not the real world.

Most of you Pakistanis are expats. If we really wanted to be rude, we would point out to you that there isnt really much of Pakistan left.

But 15 years on we have rehashed that so many times that its not fun anymore. But its unfair that you turn a blind eye to Sanghis getting the treatment but not yourselves.

Baaki as I told you this forum or the previous one has long since lost relevance in our lives. We are here for a bit of time pass and fun and light discussion tu tu mai mai and old forum friends. Nothing more. You ban, we continue elsewhere. Its all chill.

Wow, stinging.

The irony is when the Iranians are involved in an active fight against Israel you are not around.
Very good point, and fair point

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Agnostic probably. Though Sonia like a typical Italian matriarch keeps a strong connect with the Parsi side of the family, I do not think Rahul is an iota culturally a Parsi. His father definitely was. Not him.

We have very strict rules of blood. So he definitely is not Parsi. I can't speak for you guys. You have to decide if he's Hindu or not.
We can be dharmi and not believe in god, Hinduism is all over the place. Its not rigid like the Abrahamic ones or, as you say, Zoroastrianism.

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Running on fumes, I'ma catch some Amriki politics and call it a night

good night, doc. :sleep:


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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We can be dharmi and not believe in god, Hinduism is all over the place. Its not rigid like the Abrahamic ones or, as you say, Zoroastrianism.

Thats because you have become a amalgam of the original pure Vedic form you carried over from us. And mixed with the local deities and theologies. Over the next few thousand years of the Puranic age. Otherwise at the core you are as rigid on faith, blood, conversion, purity of the womb, and impure alien blood. You personally are a adharmi free love Hippie. Good night.

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