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Jan 16, 2013
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Feb 9, 2024
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I never pretended to be you. It is only after Doc kept assuming me to be Nilu for a hilariously long time I joked that I was Nilu. Then I clarified ki, "Main toh mazaak kar raha tha." Ask Doc how many times I told him that I am not Nilu.
You are the reason why nice kind guys become indifferent.

They should add you to that group.

Because you deserve to be part of it. You are obsessed with it.

@Sharma Ji please add him and his dear friend Jamahir.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2010
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All you need to do is unban me.

If you have the requisite gonads.

If you do not, then ... 😁

So I need to chose between gonads and brains....nice try :)

If it was for me, you wont get banned, infact no one. I dont ban people, I keep them and screw for ever.

Can unban you right away, but it wont serve any of your current purpose.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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So I need to chose between gonads and brains....nice try :)

If it was for me, you wont get banned, infact no one. I dont ban people, I keep them and screw for ever.

Can unban you right away, but it wont serve any of your current purpose.

You and waz seem to have gone to the same Admin school.

Tu rehn de. Tere tatte 2016 mein hi dekh liye the maine. I used to think you were one of the decent guys.

But empty ballsacs are not ... guys.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2010
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You and waz seem to have gone to the same Admin school.

Tu rehn de. Tere tatte 2016 mein hi dekh liye the maine. I used to think you were one of the decent guys.

But empty ballsacs are not ... guys.

Not sure what are you referring about 2016 doc or an action of mine, SF was not born, had left PDF and was active only on PakAffairs. Left DFI after AV fiasco and fall out with Singh back in 2013 or so. Every time, intent was engagement on principals and nothing else.

And I have never had any, repeat any, monetary interest in any forum I have been associated with.

Anyways, I still think you are a decent person. If feelings are not mutual, no point tagging me, I use these forums only to have one off connects with old timers I think are virtual friends by long association.

You want to dash at me, its OK. But I cant recollect or think of a reason, to be honest.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Of course I am a decent person. Even my enemies say that.

But you are a spineless senior member who was a sellout to noobs with financial clout to start a forum.

Sorry, but that is my opinion. And it is too late for you to change it now, years after the fact.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2010
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Of course I am a decent person. Even my enemies say that.

But you are a spineless senior member who was a sellout to noobs with financial clout to start a forum.

Sorry, but that is my opinion. And it is too late for you to change it now, years after the fact.

Be precise and open. Cant keep calling people spineless, while keep talking in wide references. Say it.

And please note, your opinion about me means nothing to me or anyone relevant in this world.

I wrote you once for sake of my father with terminal illness, just for an advise. Didnt get a response though, but the fact that I felt that I can write to you then, enough reason for me to not ignore your accusation and hear you out.

Not to respect you, but respect myself.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Be precise and open. Cant keep calling people spineless, while keep talking in wide references. Say it.

And please note, your opinion about me means nothing to me or anyone relevant in this world.

I wrote you once for sake of my father with terminal illness, just for an advise. Didnt get a response though, but the fact that I felt that I can write to you then, enough reason for me to not ignore your accusation and hear you out.

Not to respect you, but respect myself.

I never got any such email. I'm a doctor. You would have gotten a response.

Losing parents is tough. I lost both of mine these past 5 years.

I'm ending it here. Have said what I've said. I owe you no explanations.

Cheers, Doc


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2010
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I never got any such email. I'm a doctor. You would have gotten a response.

Losing parents is tough. I lost both of mine these past 5 years.

I'm ending it here. Have said what I've said. I owe you no explanations.

Cheers, Doc

Sent a followup on same chain just now. Not that I am accusing you, infact I tried to explain myself why you couldnt responded and be apologetic to you for asking.

My father is still here, no less than a wonder in words of Escorts hospital, with once LVEF 20% with Mitral valve regurgitation, cant do repair for old age.

You owe me no explanation, only accuses and abuse !! Bhagora with no tatte, who?

Anyways, take care and chill. You dont know much about me, my background, my purpose.

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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2016, jeebus.. you sure hold on to grudges, Doc.

anyway, I'm not privy to whatever your beef is but bygones hi kar do.. kya fayda to ghaseeto something that long, that too, on a forum.



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2010
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2016, jeebus.. you sure hold on to grudges, Doc.

anyway, I'm not privy to whatever your beef is but bygones hi kar do.. kya fayda to ghaseeto something that long, that too, on a forum.


I am on same boat as you, even I am not privy, all the time I thought we were friends with no benefits. lol

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