
Ohh you keep posting these bike ride videos
Do you own a bike??

I have a meteor 350 and sometimes I take it to the ghats
Not for years now but I have friends who are pretty big into riding.. I'm in the market for one atm, maybe around diwali.. lets see. Most likely something from the RE roster. The meteor is under srs consideration, ticks all the boxes for me.

You in Mumbai / Pune ?
@Sharma Ji

Why did you report me? What did I ever do to you?
Bros you be spamming that thread, man.

To the extent where everyone else' posts get buried in 3 pages of your stuff.. why don't you just post like 5 vids or whatever in 1 post, as opposed to 5 new ones.. slightly spammy behavior, that 🤨

Do that in the Ukraine or Gaza thread lol

but fine.. @Musings .. pls unban superboy if he agrees to not flood it. :P
Trump is surprisingly ok with some form of socialism, this is where he breaks the mould of the traditional republican, and why a LOT of Bernie bros (of all people !) voted for him and not crooked Hillary back in 16.

I hope he wins, cacklin' kamala is such a super bitch.. her's will be the Hillary Presidency that was averted.. wars abroad, and probably cause a lot of chaos back home in her USA.

I don;t get these Americans and their obsession with identity politics.. a lot of those morons will be voting for her just because she a woman, a black and brown childless one no less.. woop dee doo 🥳

americans really are chutias

they should vote for cap'n Tremendous and make their country great again !
cackling Kamala is da favored kutti bro!……trump sahb in serious trouble cuz he got a big gob on him and the establishment dead set against him.

He’s goin lose come November and it’s gonna be more conspiracy and corruption allegations and riff raff.

The remaining American patriots will then understand that they’re no better off than most Russians or Iranians…….😝
cackling Kamala is da favored kutti bro!……trump sahb in serious trouble cuz he got a big gob on him and the establishment dead set against him.

He’s goin lose come November and it’s gonna be more conspiracy and corruption allegations and riff raff.

The remaining American patriots will then understand that they’re no better off than most Russians or Iranians…….😝
it appears I been unbanned, how nice !

world needs Trump, bhai

he gon' stop all the wars and not start new ones.. banda anti interventionist hai, that's a good thing
it appears I been unbanned, how nice !

world needs Trump, bhai

he gon' stop all the wars and not start new ones.. banda anti interventionist hai, that's a good thing
What nonsense? Even if he comes, he’s goin do as told. Are you kidding?

The US has a huge elite establishment
What nonsense? Even if he comes, he’s goin do as told. Are you kidding?

The US has a huge elite establishment
They do, and they're scared of him because he's his own man and won't listen to them if he doesn't feel right about their ideas.

Tabhi toh.. all these "never trump" republicans

but their awam/janta, a lot of them anyway, want Trump !
only the juice got him by the balls

and that, I guess spells very bad news for the anti Israel/pro Hamas folk
its possible, very possible he'll enable Bibi and phase 1 of the Zionists' greater Israel plan.

west bank people set on boats on the dead sea and kicked into Jordan

and arm twist/bribe Sisi to take in the Gazans

Trump views all these as real estate deals

Kashmir ka pta nahi kya karega, the madman :LOL:

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