What's cooking between China and RSS - The Nation Wants To Know

A brief summary please for those of us who might not understand as well would be appreciated.

More shocking news coming in 😡

Cheers, Doc
A brief summary please for those of us who might not understand as well would be appreciated.

Its a breaking story. Still developing.

Give me some time buddy.

Apparently theres been a clandestine meeting with top Chinese officials and the RSS high command in Nagpur, the RSS Headquarters.

Cheers, Doc

Cheers, Doc
So what is happening in the shadows, and why are the Chinese diplomats visiting Nagpur and the HQ of the RSS. The RSS proclaims that it is not in politics, that it is in fact a social movement, so what is there for the Chinese to go and see, or talk about?
Just a while ago, Jaishankar was heard whining that we are a tiny economy, and can or should do nothing to offend a major economy. We should learn how to denigrate and run down our own military from the likes of Jaishankar.
But what was going on? Remember that between April and May 2020, China was constantly intruding. That brought us to the events of the 15th June, when 20 of our soldiers were martyred. That was also the occasion when Modi lied brazenly to the country, and said that no one had intruded. So that of course meant that in three consecutive Corps Commanders meetings between Indian and Chinese commanders, the Chinese have always blandly pointed out that it was the Indian prime minister himself, personally, who had certified that there had been no incursions.
Now what else did the Modi government do?
They took troops BACK from the points that they had recovered, and surrendered those to the Chinese proposed buffer zone, losing whatever recovery had been made by the Army at such a high cost.
Not just that.
This country has only given 21 PVCs, and one was to Major Shaitan Singh of the Kumaons. His memorial, made years before, and venerated by generations of soldiers, was also placed in the buffer zone, and the memorial dismantled by the Indian Army.
This information was given to the world not by the government in Delhi, but by the BJP legislator for the region, and by the jawans, who stated bluntly that they were no longer allowed to go where they had been allowed to patrol earlier. All that had been lost.
Now the information is that China is setting up border villages, but Modi's eyes are blinded with love and adulation for the Chinese. He ignores all this and builds up a $100 million trade deficit with China.
To fool you, the Indian public, they banned a few unimportant Chinese apps.
Meanwhile, Modi met with Xi Jin Ping 18 times these past few years. The last meeting was in South Africa, in 2023. We don't know what happened in that meeting, but immediately afterwards, the Chinese released another map claiming parts of our territory, and Modi was as quiet as a mouse. He talks about showing red eyes (= displaying anger [ed.]), but here we have him on a swing with Xi Jin Ping at Sabarmati; offering him coconut water at Mahabalipuram; and far from showing him red eyes, here he is, the only red thing about him being his shirt, fawning on the man.
This friendship is paid for by the country. If there is a threat to the country's integrity, the military will take care of things. What is the need to get the RSS involved? What role do they play? This is something that the PM has to explain, and that the RSS elements meeting the Chinese in Nagpur have to explain.

(this is an approximate translation, and has no pretensions to precise accuracy).
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Who is the RSS and what business do they have with China in ANY capacity?

Cheers, Doc

English subtitles.

Cheers, Doc

Cheers, Doc
Probably just media drama
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Wonder who these 11 guests are?


Cheers, Doc

Cheers, Doc

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