1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

You have not needed to 2000 3000 km BMs against Pakistan, look width of Pakistan if you use Agni 2 against Pakistan than you're throwing away Agni 2 useless, against Pakistan Agni P is more useful than Agni 2
Well, AFAIK, most of India's strategic weapons land based weapons are based out of south India so 2000 to 3000 KM range might make sense.
Lol source, backup of your claim that Ababeel can carry 8 warheads? Don't live in your lala land And fantasy world Mr

Most probably Ababeel can carry only 3 warheads with pen aids and decoys
It's known to everyone. If you fail to check any news properly not my problem.
I dont get the fanciful notions people here are getting. Pakistan is getting loans from IMF, but people think its going to develop a any submarine from scratch, let alone an SSBN. Let it first have the means, and R&D capacity to develop an diesel submarine from scratch. Then graduate to SSN let alone an SSBN. THEN we can talk about an SSBN

And SLBM is not necessarily needed to counter the threats from India, SLBM can intercept quite easily by Indian layered ABM systems
There AD will not even intercept 50 percent. You are over exaggerating it. Every one after Israel iran conflict are bringing same equation to our conflict which is totally different.
I dont get the fanciful notions people here are getting. Pakistan is getting loans from IMF, but people think its going to develop a any submarine from scratch, let alone an SSBN. Let it first have the means, and R&D capacity to develop an diesel submarine from scratch. Then graduate to SSN let alone an SSBN. THEN we can talk about an SSBN
Defense budget has separate allocation it has nothing to do with imf. IMF program is for whole economy it is not for only defense purpose. It has limited impact on defense procurement and project not totally. We have a habit of mixing different things together. Budget is coming will see if there is a increase or decrease you will get your answers. These types of project SSBN and SLBM are not made overnight you have to invest on it over a longer period of time not like to invest all in one day. hangoor class submarines are coming with TOT which looks like navy is also looking in same direction and to be self sufficient in making conventional subs and you can also check program of jinnah class pak first home made frigate program which is official and currently happening. You can debate that the sensors radars will be borrowed... Etc.
Less dollar? What are you talking about? We are bankrupt in various departments, and why you don't try to understand SLBM is more easy target to Indian ABM systems than SLCM
So the all 3 domains of pakistan army are being operated by dua.
Lol source, backup of your claim that Ababeel can carry 8 warheads? Don't live in your lala land And fantasy world Mr

Most probably Ababeel can carry only 3 warheads with pen aids and decoys
Lol source, backup of your claim that Ababeel can carry 8 warheads? Don't live in your lala land And fantasy world Mr

Most probably Ababeel can carry only 3 warheads with pen aids and decoys
Now i get it you are one of them who finds something bad about everything if there are no 8 war heads then there is no evidence of 3 also. SPD told anything about it.
SSBN whenever comes will come from China. Or maybe a joint venture with Turkey. Not developing on our own. Even if tomorrow a miracle happens and Pakistan military budget jumps to 88 billion dollars still developing an SSBN completely on our own will be a stupid move
MIRV equipped SLBM have more chances of going through. Specially if it's around 8 warheads in SLBM
Every one knows that. thats why it one of highly sophisticated tech. And has financial constraints to make it for us but then it is fruitful at the same level.
It's known to everyone. If you fail to check any news properly not my problem.
Ah, you knows nothing about mirv capability it is MRBM not ICBM only Russian all liquid ICBM R-36 Satan can carry 8 to 10 warheads with pen aids and decoys in the world because liquid motor can lift more weight than solid fuel and all solid ICBM cannot able carry 8 warheads that's includes American minuteman ICBM carried only 3 warheads and US/RUSSIAN and Chinese solid fuel SLBMs are are only able to carry 4 to 6 warheads because of low IsP ratio of the solid fuel motor, do you know what is IsP dude

Ababeel is not able to carry 8 warheads for 2 reasons first booster is solid fuel which haven't the capability lift heavier bus, do you know what's the bus? Because of low IsP lifting capability and solid fuel engine which is 1 on the booster for cheap built

And second power to weight ratio is lower than most MRBMs because hybrid nature of the Ababeel

On all liquid soviet era r-36 ICBM can carry 8 to 10 warheads because large throw weight of the bus which is 8000 lbs because of massive first stage liquid fuel rocket engines, even US minuteman and Russian Topol and Chinese DF-41 can't able to carry 8 to 10 warheads because solid fuel rocket motor which has low IsP compared to all liquid ballistic missiles which cannot carry larger and heavier bus and have low throw weight than liquid fuel rocket engine

So your conspiracy theory that Ababeel is able to carry 8 warheads is ridiculous and absurd and not technically possible or you can give me the source of your claim

Stop living in your fantasy world and wet dreams that Ababeel can carry 8 warheads
There AD will not even intercept 50 percent. You are over exaggerating it. Every one after Israel iran conflict are bringing same equation to our conflict which is totally different.
Most of it will being intercepted few will go through but have even less chance because they have layered ABM systems and and only 7+ confirmed hits by Iranian BMs on Israel out of 110 BMs fired by Iran rest of Iranian ballistic missiles (103) were intercepted by coalition ships in the region as well as Arrow 2/3 ABM systems
It's MRBMs not ICBM due to hybrid nature of Ababeel solid +liquid fuel it can't able to carry more than 3 warheads

Look at my post # 295 I technically explained why Ababeel can't able to carry more than 3 warheads
There is no domination because Pakistan has very limited capabilities limited to some TELs and aircrafts. It is missing an entire leg of deterrance. Besides, India has a functional BMD.

You Indians are delusional. This is from the third party source:

Alarmists estimate that by 2025, Pakistan will become the third-largest nuclear weapon power, leapfrogging ahead of France, China, and the United Kingdom, behind only the United States and Russia

Couple that with Pakistan nuclear missile force (except Ghauri which is in semi decom state) has got fully functional, all terrain, mobile and offroad, transporter erector launchers (TEL). This gives Pakistan second strike capability on land. India do not have this. All Indian tests are done from wheeler Island, same place, same method. I have not come across a single Indian test where the missile was launch from a desolate terrain, mimicking the actual war scenario. Safe to say, that Indian missiles will be launched from specific locations and bases, which can be easily wiped out in first strike. Hence, its more pressing need for India to have a sea based second strike capability, which btw, its hasn't attained yet.

Indian BDM! LOL . You think you are better then collective Israeli/Yanks/NATO? second gen Iranian missiles made mockery of all missiles defences, Imagine what Pakistani missiles will do!
The issue for Pakistan is India economy prediction for 2050 is around 40Trillion PPP and Pakistan is 4 Trillion PPP, current India has 14 Trillion v Pakistan 1.4 Trillion. India will use its economic power to build a powerful military, especially strategic force, they will end up with alot of aircraft carriers, nuclear ballistic missile submarines and Pakistan will struggle to keep up. Today we need Nuclear Ballistic missile submarines but we cannot afford it and this is why our navy went instead for 8 submarines, an excellent decision looking at our situation. The future will be India will have 3x powerful military than Pakistan, if we have 12 Submarines they will have 36, if we have 500 fighter jets India will have 1500. I would say mid 2030s Pakistan could look at nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines but no matter what we will establish a minimum deterrence to defend Pakistan.
it can, but is there a will to fight ? India is good with covert ops through RAW, head to head, i still have to see indians proving their mettle.. Pakistanis have to be really verse in terms to morale for india to win, otherwise, i dont forsee India ever winning against Pakistan.
Prove me wrong using the history. Its not in their DNA.
All Indian land based missiles are mobile-based and deployed on Transporter Erector Launchers for rapid deployment and flexibility in positioning.
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Thats TATA truck , you cant offroad with this. Besides, check the rail tracks! Its the same place, wheeler island, all the times! :ROFLMAO: lol

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