1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

You know the pattern. He brings in F-16 in submarine, I bring in 71 in 2024. It goes no where. So better idea is not to respond to such emotive posts. Out of topic and out of context posts seldom help.
Ok but if you able to intercept our slow moving cruise missiles fired by SSK than why USA also uses slow moving SLCM (tomahawk) from its SSGN (Virginia class)?
Ok but if you able to intercept our slow moving cruise missiles fired by SSK than why USA also uses slow moving SLCM (tomahawk) from its SSGN (Virginia class)?
Its a question of kind of mission and purpose. For strategic purpose, USA relies on SSBNs. Most of US nuclear warheads deployed on subs are on SSBNs. For tactical purposes (mostly non nuclear warheads), they use subsonic cruise missiles on subs like Virginia -- which is a SSN with a VLS to launch cruise missiles.
Its a question of kind of mission and purpose. For strategic purpose, USA relies on SSBNs. Most of US nuclear warheads deployed on subs are on SSBNs. For tactical purposes (mostly non nuclear warheads), they use subsonic cruise missiles.
No tomahawk can also be equipped with nukes
You know the pattern. He brings in F-16 in submarine, I bring in 71 in 2024. It goes no where. So better idea is not to respond to such emotive posts. Out of topic and out of context posts seldom help.
If you're able to intercept our SLCM than we are also able to intercept your supersonic and subsonic cruise missiles
If you're able to intercept our SLCM than we are also able to intercept your supersonic and subsonic cruise missiles

India does not deploy nuclear weapons on cruise missiles, AFAIK. If not for anything, then to avoid confusion.

Only strategic Indian missiles (Agni series mostly and K-series) carry nuclear warheads.

India does not deploy nuclear weapons on cruise missiles, AFAIK. If not for anything, then to avoid confusion.

Only strategic Indian missiles (Agni series mostly and K-series) carry nuclear warheads.
So we have also the some capability to intercept your short range ballistic missiles like Agni 1 Perethivi and parhar etc etc
So we have also the some capability to intercept your short range ballistic missiles like Agni 1 Perethivi and parhar etc etc
I doubt that but anyways, Agni 1 and Prithvi are no longer missiles that India relies on. Prithvi takes too long to be readied and Agni I not really accurate and has lesser ranger of merely 1200 KM.

Prahaar is more of a battlefield missile and I doubt it will ever get a nuclear warhead given its low throw weight.

It will be mostly Agni-P and Agni-II for Pakistan. Agni-II is very manuverable, I doubt it will be easily intercepted without a dedicated BMD system. These are MRBMs with upto 2000-3000 KM range.
You know the pattern. He brings in F-16 in submarine, I bring in 71 in 2024. It goes no where. So better idea is not to respond to such emotive posts. Out of topic and out of context posts seldom help.

That's a lamest excuse ever to run away when you are literally caught with your pants down LOL!. YOU talked about airforce and BVR missiles in a topic related with submarines, didn' you? I can make a fuss about it but I am no loser like you. Everyone here knows you are running away with a lamest excuse ever. Even a 5 yr old kid can understand that point is 100% related to tell you that satellites can't detect everything. Only in 1 out of 100 instances it may be able to "detect" anything (if lucky). You have zero valid arguments. Its important to EXPLAIN people like you with reference and IMPROVE your world view. The world is not a video game. You should be thankful to such posts that enlightens you. Real world examples are necessary. Warfare discussion can be completed without understanding of a lot of things.

Forget everything lame boy. Forget even about destroying all of Pakistan's launchers in a first strike. You tell me WHY the super power United States is unable to destroy launchers of the Houthis? OR you will throw another excuse to run away by saying why bring Houthis into submarine topic. LOL! This way you got unlimited supply of excuses kiddo.
If you're able to intercept our SLCM than we are also able to intercept your supersonic and subsonic cruise missiles

Bro, Only a delusional indian in fantasy world believes in such nonsense that SLCM launched from a SSP (that can be anywhere ) can be intercepted. I mean yes, maybe 1 out of 100 instances if they are lucky to have any credible weapon system within range at that specific time. But in real world scenario, Indian military would be focusing on LOC. Even the LOC is too huge. We saw how stand-off weapons from old mirages went unchallenged at height of indian air alert in 2019. That was even over LOC, supposedly most protected air-defense regions. and This delusional indian think that entire indian coastline is somehow protected LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
I doubt that but anyways, Agni 1 and Prithvi are no longer missiles that India relies on. Prithvi takes too long to be readied and Agni I not really accurate and has lesser ranger of merely 1200 KM.

Prahaar is more of a battlefield missile and I doubt it will ever get a nuclear warhead given its low throw weight.

It will be mostly Agni-P and Agni-II for Pakistan. Agni-II is very manuverable, I doubt it will be easily intercepted without a dedicated BMD system. These are MRBMs with upto 2000-3000 KM range.
You have not needed to 2000 3000 km BMs against Pakistan, look width of Pakistan if you use Agni 2 against Pakistan than you're throwing away Agni 2 useless, against Pakistan Agni P is more useful than Agni 2
It will be mostly Agni-P and Agni-II for Pakistan. Agni-II is very manuverable, I doubt it will be easily intercepted without a dedicated BMD system. These are MRBMs with upto 2000-3000 KM range.

Indian air-defenses if concentrate to a specific point then they maybe able to secure it. Like I mentioned earlier, if you concentrate entire Indian air-defense to defend Delhi then maybe you will be able to protect it. But still it won't be impregnable. It still would be vulnerable. While rest of entire india would be free pass. Crazy in this time of information some delusional person think that a country as big as india with mediocre level of technology can actually defend its airspace and coastline.

Just try to understand and use your mind for once that indian coastline is 7,500 km long. Think of a humongous ocean in front of it. Forget india, There's nothing exists on this planet that can make such long coastline defendable from CM attacks. Your assets would be only covering about 1-2% of that entirety. The deterrance of the bigger countries is always attack capabilities. You can only defend a specific locations that's all.
No need to invest on the SLBM and SSBN tech if we have much cheaper and more effective ways to neutralize Indian targets, SSK +SLCM , if we develop 2500 to 3000 km SLCM than no need to develop SLBM and SSBN which is time consuming and super expensive projects and Pakistan currently lacks political stability and economy, you're acting like a 4 year old kid which knows nothing on defense technology and military doctrine
Bro looks like you took it
No need to invest on the SLBM and SSBN tech if we have much cheaper and more effective ways to neutralize Indian targets, SSK +SLCM , if we develop 2500 to 3000 km SLCM than no need to develop SLBM and SSBN which is time consuming and super expensive projects and Pakistan currently lacks political stability and economy, you're acting like a 4 year old kid which knows nothing on defense technology and military doctrine
Bro looks like you took it your heart. Correct me on facts. You told it took 24 years to make nuclear bomb which was totally wrong. Then you introduced new theory SLBM is more complex than nuclear program. Then you are giving optimistic number of SLCM ranges even shaheen 3 has 2750km quoted. your statements tells how much you know about tech and military doctrine and i never said i am totally correct or knows everything or I am an expert.
The issue for Pakistan is India economy prediction for 2050 is around 40Trillion PPP and Pakistan is 4 Trillion PPP, current India has 14 Trillion v Pakistan 1.4 Trillion. India will use its economic power to build a powerful military, especially strategic force, they will end up with alot of aircraft carriers, nuclear ballistic missile submarines and Pakistan will struggle to keep up. Today we need Nuclear Ballistic missile submarines but we cannot afford it and this is why our navy went instead for 8 submarines, an excellent decision looking at our situation. The future will be India will have 3x powerful military than Pakistan, if we have 12 Submarines they will have 36, if we have 500 fighter jets India will have 1500. I would say mid 2030s Pakistan could look at nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines but no matter what we will establish a minimum deterrence to defend Pakistan.
Same point poor economic situation is long term direct threat to national security. Which will widen the gap between two powers over the time. And the problem is nobody is thinking about it. I also expect SLBM capability in after mid 2035 and its the same point i am telling everyone no matter what national security amd territorial integrity can not be compromised.

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