1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

No, that have minimal chances, every technology from China is not available for Pakistan
Correct, unless we can offer the same of the same magnitude or level considering our country is still backward and not very developed.
If the purpose is to launch nuclear weapons, China's Type 032 submarine seems to be very suitable. This provides a concealed and hard-to-find method of nuclear weapons.
6,000-ton class, capable of carrying 6 cruise missiles VLS, and 3 CSS-N-14 large VLS with a range of 8,000km

First we need to develop SSBN to carry SLBM and it will be the long period of project, if we will develop 2,500 to 3,000 range SLCM then no need to develop SLBM and SSBN
2500 3000 range SLCM sounds little bit optimistic specially keeping in mind deep strikes and beating defense shield at subsonic speed. Only SLBM can be solution in my opinion and i think if i am not wrong some are using MIRV SLBM for nuclear strike . It can be a game changer
2500 3000 range SLCM sounds little bit optimistic specially keeping in mind deep strikes and beating defense shield at subsonic speed. Only SLBM can be solution in my opinion and i think if i am not wrong some are using MIRV SLBM for nuclear strike . It can be a game changer
You forget ballistic trajectory of a ballistic missiles which can easily be trackable and will intercepted by Indian ABM systems, SLCM are slow but they have several advantages over ballistic missiles
Why it has taken that long to launch since the agreement signed.
Same thoughts why pak didnot developed slbm instead of slcm true nuclear triad will be through slbm
Because right now we don't have any Submarines which have VLS bigger enough to carry SLBM. Hopefully in future we would have Submarines whcih have VLS to carry dozens of cruise missiles and also submarines which have VLS to carry 8 to 10 MIRV equipped SLBM.
Indian SSBNs have vertical launch tubes.
A vertical launched cruise if ever developed can be fired from those.
Those VLS for now can carry and fire ballistic missiles.
Lot of people arguing that we need to have SLBM for a true nuclear triad.

Well, I say we are over-expecting on that bit.

There's not just cost & technicalities involved but more importantly a political angle towards it. We always tell the whole world that our nuclear program is in response to india only. Not a single other country has to worry. That's our agreed communication & policy with the west since we developed this capability. I remember General Kidwai talk on carnegie nuclear policy conference in the US. He was specifically asked if Pakistan nuclear weapons have to target only india then why you developed Shaheen-III which exceeds the mainland India, Kidwai said Pakistan will NOT develop missiles that has ranges beyond India as we don't need it, he explained that Shaheen-III has a range that can hit india's Anadaman / nicobar islands which have military bases.

The submarine with SLBM means there's no ambiguity at all, that means this submarine is built to carry nukes and as it is a mobile ocean based platform that means it can go anywhere on earth. It will unease & bother the powers that Pakistan is unfortunately dependent on. This can happen but not before we develop economic independence, i.e free from IMF and diverse economy.
Oh ye to taqreeban kilo sub hae gee.......Which is great actually. :unsure:(y)
Oh ye to taqreeban kilo sub hae gee.......Which is great actually. :unsure:(y)

Are you the “oh bhens” guy on the old pakistanidefenceforum of the early 2000s? Sorry but your name seems familiar.
Pakistan was rumored to be working on a submarine nuclear reactor program in the early 2000s per Munira credible sources but for some reason, that program went nowhere after Musharraf.

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