1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

@DDG-80 Your reaction suggests that Pakistan already has SLBM or simply you didn't understand my post ?
Worked for Israel for a long time using the Popeye on their German subs.

But a different situation vis a vis India as they slowly deploy more defenses around their coastal areas.
Israel is operating in a bathtub with weak navies and their subs can operate as missile boats.
We operate in open oceans and our attack boats will be very busy in other tasks.
So its not comparable at all.
Yess sir….. I’m alive!

Wow! Good to have you on board, brother. It’s been a very long time.


I think old veterans should be given special markers/titles to identify them. @Waz
Wow! Good to have you on board, brother. It’s been a very long time.


I think old veterans should be given special markers/titles to identify them. @Waz
Yaar do teen banday from our very old gang in chi-raaq have sadly passed away. Here I’m goin back 20 odd years now. Can’t forget your own people. Last I heard….we all move onto better grazing grounds. However, never forget your motherland.

Nobody gives a damn about you except your own.
Israel is operating in a bathtub with weak navies and their subs can operate as missile boats.
We operate in open oceans and our attack boats will be very busy in other tasks.
So its not comparable at all.
Why not?
In terms of launching an offensive weapon the employment tactics will still be the same when it comes to procedures for undetected launch of CMs.
Because right now we don't have any Submarines which have VLS bigger enough to carry SLBM. Hopefully in future we would have Submarines whcih have VLS to carry dozens of cruise missiles and also submarines which have VLS to carry 8 to 10 MIRV equipped SLBM.
Thanks for knowledge wanted to know that we have any submarine that can carry SLBM got my answers.
You forget ballistic trajectory of a ballistic missiles which can easily be trackable and will intercepted by Indian ABM systems, SLCM are slow but they have several advantages over ballistic missiles
Bro both SLCM and SLBM has it advantages and disadvantages. But its my personal wish to have that capability to get in the umbrella of as many option available. and its nearly impossible to intercept SLBM nobody knows where submarime is let say it fires within 1000 km distance ands its MIRV equipped can not be stopped. The only disadvantage SLBM has less quantity more quality and expensive while SLCM more quantity less quality and cost effective. Thats what i think.
Bro both SLCM and SLBM has it advantages and disadvantages. But its my personal wish to have that capability to get in the umbrella of as many option available. and its nearly impossible to intercept SLBM nobody knows where submarime is let say it fires within 1000 km distance ands its MIRV equipped can not be stopped. The only disadvantage SLBM has less quantity more quality and expensive while SLCM more quantity less quality and cost effective. Thats what i think.
The opposite are true SLBM are easy to detect and interpret than cruise missiles, cruise missiles are are harder to detect and destroy because of their terrain hugging capability, and ballistic missiles don't have such qualities, SLCM has a qualities better than SLBM

And what about Indian hunter killer submarines looking for such short range SSBN and SLBM combos
Lot of people arguing that we need to have SLBM for a true nuclear triad.

Well, I say we are over-expecting on that bit.

There's not just cost & technicalities involved but more importantly a political angle towards it. We always tell the whole world that our nuclear program is in response to india only. Not a single other country has to worry. That's our agreed communication & policy with the west since we developed this capability. I remember General Kidwai talk on carnegie nuclear policy conference in the US. He was specifically asked if Pakistan nuclear weapons have to target only india then why you developed Shaheen-III which exceeds the mainland India, Kidwai said Pakistan will NOT develop missiles that has ranges beyond India as we don't need it, he explained that Shaheen-III has a range that can hit india's Anadaman / nicobar islands which have military bases.

The submarine with SLBM means there's no ambiguity at all, that means this submarine is built to carry nukes and as it is a mobile ocean based platform that means it can go anywhere on earth. It will unease & bother the powers that Pakistan is unfortunately dependent on. This can happen but not before we develop economic independence, i.e free from IMF and diverse economy.
Every nuclear power has that capability except pak and i think north korea and samar mubarakmand said in its interview. when we developed nasar missile west started calling me now why you did this. nasar is a tactical missle with range only within 100 km what threat was is giving to west and America. And recent ballistic missile sanctions what was that. So west and america will always try to undermine and sabotage pak nuclear program and missile program through sanctions. Range is just a excuse they give. Its should not deter us if we have the capability and finances we should go for it not now then in future.

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