1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

The opposite are true SLBM are easy to detect and interpret than cruise missiles, cruise missiles are are harder to detect and destroy because of their terrain hugging capability, and ballistic missiles don't have such qualities, SLCM has a qualities better than SLBM

And what about Indian hunter killer submarines looking for such short range SSBN and SLBM combosbro

The opposite are true SLBM are easy to detect and interpret than cruise missiles, cruise missiles are are harder to detect and destroy because of their terrain hugging capability, and ballistic missiles don't have such qualities, SLCM has a qualities better than SLBM

And what about Indian hunter killer submarines looking for such short range SSBN and SLBM combos
Not want to indulge in any long debate. Always willing to learn from every one. but i want to ask how many SLBM are intercepted in full fledge war between to armies having nearly similar capabilities. As war as hunter killer submarines what are tactics about. if your adversary has better equipment or tech you develop tactics to beat it or bring the same equipment or tech to restore the balance of power. you make sure enemies does not deter from your ambition and you deliver your task/mission atleast on same level if not more.
@Quwa i wonder, after the retirement of the Agosta's, whether we could see serious work/research on a Pakistani reactor.

I specify post retirement agosta specifically due to the MESMA modules.

The French have basically given us the rest of the 'loop'- the part missing being the reactor core- MESMA functionally works in basically the same principle as the nuke boats work, steam turbine spinning etc for power gen, but using ethanol and oxygen for combustion and not a reactor.

I think its high time Pak and Turkey both work jointly on a SMR- they both have a civilian need for such tech- with Turks planning for 5 by 2050, and Pakistan also having a need, alot of SMR's have dual use tech and applications in the naval field, with both Pak and Turkey having nuclear ambitions to an extent- this is an area where both would be drooling at i suspect. With Pakistan holding one of the two keys to the puzzle, and both turk and pak working together to create the second key together.

How does the reliability of Chinese engines compare to that of their Western counterparts?

How does the reliability of Chinese engines compare to that of their Western counterparts?

Should not be much different, given that its certified by China's National military standard that means it will be used on Chinese Navy submarines as well. Some reports says its basically a variant of the same german MTU 396 engine which was licence produced in China.

Thai deal isn't over yet. Ofcourse MTU engine was already proven, so Thai & Pak would have wanted that in the first place. The Thai navy probably wants concession because of switching from the originally specified German-made engines to Chinese-built engines. But deal is likely to go on.

Should not be much different, given that its certified by China's National military standard that means it will be used on Chinese Navy submarines as well. Some reports says its basically a variant of the same german MTU 396 engine which was licence produced in China.

Thai deal isn't over yet. Ofcourse MTU engine was already proven, so Thai & Pak would have wanted that in the first place. The Thai navy probably wants concession because of switching from the originally specified German-made engines to Chinese-built engines. But deal is likely to go on.

@Quwa i wonder, after the retirement of the Agosta's, whether we could see serious work/research on a Pakistani reactor.

I specify post retirement agosta specifically due to the MESMA modules.

The French have basically given us the rest of the 'loop'- the part missing being the reactor core- MESMA functionally works in basically the same principle as the nuke boats work, steam turbine spinning etc for power gen, but using ethanol and oxygen for combustion and not a reactor.
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I think its high time Pak and Turkey both work jointly on a SMR- they both have a civilian need for such tech- with Turks planning for 5 by 2050, and Pakistan also having a need, alot of SMR's have dual use tech and applications in the naval field, with both Pak and Turkey having nuclear ambitions to an extent- this is an area where both would be drooling at i suspect. With Pakistan holding one of the two keys to the puzzle, and both turk and pak working together to create the second key together.
I agree. IMO Pakistan can contribute significantly towards miniature reactor technology (via the work done at PAEC). However, the recurring problems of missing funds (siphoned to repay interest on government debt), compromised agency at every level, and spreading inertia in leaders and decision-makers will dampen our efforts.
I agree. IMO Pakistan can contribute significantly towards miniature reactor technology (via the work done at PAEC). However, the recurring problems of missing funds (siphoned to repay interest on government debt), compromised agency at every level, and spreading inertia in leaders and decision-makers will dampen our efforts.


To this end, by March 2022, six power plants (four at Chashma and two at Karachi) have begun contributing around 3500 MW of base load electricity to national grid. To meet future targets, preliminary work planning is under way for C-5 project (1100 MW), Chashma Engineering Complex (Fuel Fabrication Plant) and Indigenous Nuclear Power Plant (340 MW).
It's available. Your affordability is issue not that it's not available
Stop saying this. It's not true.

If this was true PAF would have gotten PL-15s, not PL-15Es. PAF would have also bought a batch of J-20s by now.

Seriously, stop spreading this misinformation.
Why not?
In terms of launching an offensive weapon the employment tactics will still be the same when it comes to procedures for undetected launch of CMs.
Not even close.
Missile Boats are sent away from threats and where they can be protected by own assets. Attack subs need to hunt down and destroy the enemy.
You may as well ask why why strategic missile groups, armed with BM don't operate with strike formations..

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