1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

This project has been slowly brewing in the background and finally the sub is here. Good to see. It is an intermediate step until PN get their hands on nuclear subs one day.
We should get nuclear submarines from China with Transfer of Technology.
Yes maybe Transfer of Technology for nuclear submarine was wishful thinking.

But hey, we can dream right? No harm in having dreams?
Dream that, that's possible, not have Dream that not possible
True, but we should get nuclear submarine technology though.

Even little India has them. lol.
Mostly India develop its nuclear submarine technology/doctrine by themselves by using soviet/Russian akula class submarines that leased by India
Mostly India develop its nuclear submarine technology/doctrine by themselves by using soviet/Russian akula class submarines that leased by India
Correct Sir. But we should still get nuclear submarine technology from China. Then we can develop our own doctrine.
Correct Sir. But we should still get nuclear submarine technology from China. Then we can develop our own doctrine.
No, that have minimal chances, every technology from China is not available for Pakistan

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