23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

At least we agree there. Historical aspects of one city in Lahore aside let’s stop by using Sui gas first there and give it to the actual people of Sui… if there is any left

To begin with, in my district, which lies adjacent to Lahore, a government gas pipeline was only introduced very recently, after the passing of the 18th amendment. Even today, more than 90% of our residents rely on LPG cylinders and other fuels for domestic purposes. Thus, the notion of returning something that was never provided to us in the first place is entirely unfounded.

Secondly, this isn't just about the city of Lahore, which was among the top three cities in Asia during the Mughal era, a time when Karachi was still a remote Baloch fishing hamlet. It's about the entire province of (central) Punjab, historically known as Subah Lahore. Historical records indicate that the per capita revenue generated in Subah Lahore far exceeded that of the provinces of Bengal and Bihar. Punjab experienced an economic boom in the 18th century and was the wealthiest province on the eve of the British conquest. Punjab has historically been far more prosperous and educated than its western and southern neighbors—this is a well-documented historical fact. All the rhetoric and falsehoods about Punjab living off the resources of other provinces are nothing more than propaganda spread by those who have failed to achieve the same level of success as Punjab and its people.
This is a typical CIA handbook of creating mayhem and anarchy. Destabilize the country.
BLA claimed 130 Pakistani soldiers killed in this attack. And the intensity of attack proving their claim right. Whatever but let's forget the numbers once, I want to talk about the technical aspect of this attack.
I think this is the biggest attack from BLA so far. TTP have done many like that. But BLA have got that much capacity now to attack on a professional force. This is concerning for a Pakistani citizen. (Not for army for a obvious reason).

I want to take this debate little forward... Im not a fan of conspiracy theory but let's find the answer of a genuine question.
BLA is a just a rebel group who want independence from Pakistan. They have limited men to fight and limited weapons... AND limited trainers. But having weapons is one thing ..but using them perfectly is another.. It can be done by a professional army. You can beat or kill a professional army by using professional tools and tactics. BLA has used all tactics very well in this attack.
Question is, who Is training them on this level? It can't be possible without the help of professional army people. That too local. There are much chances if Baloch regiment army people are involved.
People can blame RAW, Mossad or CIA.. But these kinds of attacks can't be possible without the help of local professionals.
@Oscar @RescueRanger

Man, everyone has some sort of training in Pakistan
Access to weapons because we are a heavily armed society
And Afghanistan next door
Balochistans problem is that ist the size of France but most areas are remote and not important enough to send massive resources too

Most of these things happen in the middle of nowhere, and because your fighting terrorists they don't wear a uniform so picking them out when they are not fighting is difficult if not impossible

This leads to a situation where they can pick and choose small police stations or isolated checkpoints etc to target at their choosing

A mass scale assault is impossible for the military, because who would you target and where when the terrorists can immediately drop weapons and melt into the local population, unless you catch them out

That's why our strategy has been repeated IBOs, the idea being we can kill far far more of them then they can of us

Remember as a nation of 250 million, deaths in a year may only be a few hundred
People in Central and Northern Punjab don't go out taking people outta buses and killing em for not being Punjabis. Everyone can come and live in Punjab.
That’s an odd logic considering that it has been declared as a prosperous area and it is not the one fighting as oppressed.

Do you know where people were taken out of buses ? East Pakistan - even before the Mukti started their proper targeted killing Bengalis were being checked like this - then even shot dead for trespassing near a cantt.

Nothing happens in isolation - those people picking out Punjabis may be doing it as an encouraged tactic - but what led to that didn’t happen overnight
The BLA handout mentions that one of the attackers at Bela camp was an ex-Army soldier.
To begin with, in my district, which lies adjacent to Lahore, a government gas pipeline was only introduced very recently, after the passing of the 18th amendment. Even today, more than 90% of our residents rely on LPG cylinders and other fuels for domestic purposes. Thus, the notion of returning something that was never provided to us in the first place is entirely unfounded.

Secondly, this isn't just about the city of Lahore, which was among the top three cities in Asia during the Mughal era, a time when Karachi was still a remote Baloch fishing hamlet. It's about the entire province of (central) Punjab, historically known as Subah Lahore. Historical records indicate that the per capita revenue generated in Subah Lahore far exceeded that of the provinces of Bengal and Bihar. Punjab experienced an economic boom in the 18th century and was the wealthiest province on the eve of the British conquest. Punjab has historically been far more prosperous and educated than its western and southern neighbors—this is a well-documented historical fact. All the rhetoric and falsehoods about Punjab living off the resources of other provinces are nothing more than propaganda spread by those who have failed to achieve the same level of success as Punjab and its people.
So Subah Lahore had natural gas reserves since the British? Where does the LPG for your district come from? Is it generated in Subah Lahore?
So Subah Lahore had natural gas reserves since the British? Where does the LPG for your district come from? Is it generated in Subah Lahore?

Gas isn't free

You have to pay for it, if you can't pay for it the laying expensive pipe's is impossible, building infrastructure is impossible.

If we had hundreds of years of gas reserves building pipelines in Balochistan may be feasible because you are supplying areas for centuries

But our reserves are counted in years and a few decades

So how much money can you spend laying pipelines to the middle of nowhere, under threat where people won't even pay their bills?????

You can't beat basic economic realities, the locals themselves cause so much problems that development in those areas in near impossible
CPEC itself in Balochistan is under threat because the cost of security for any project or roads or anything is net with constant fassad
So Subah Lahore had natural gas reserves since the British? Where does the LPG for your district come from? Is it generated in Subah Lahore?

We pay from our own pockets with the money we work hard to earn. While we don't produce gas, Punjab is the breadbasket of Pakistan. The real injustice lies in the fact that the 18th Amendment fails to recognize agricultural produce as a resource, thereby denying the people of Punjab ownership of what they grow. We, unlike the people of other provinces, receive no royalties for our resources, nor do we have the power to set its prices. This discrimination against Punjab must come to an end.

We are fed up with shouldering the responsibility of feeding the entire nation while being unfairly attacked and criticized. Punjab gets back less than it contributes to the national exchequer. Anyone who still blames Punjab for exploiting other provinces is either grossly misinformed or pushing a deliberate lie to further their own agenda.
That’s an odd logic
This isn't odd, Punjab always has been open to outsiders, no ethnic killings here unlike many other places.
Do you know where people were taken out of buses ? East Pakistan - even before the Mukti started their proper targeted killing Bengalis were being checked like this - then even shot dead for trespassing near a cantt.
Well it's been happening to Punjabis too for quite some time in Balochistan, Punjab still gets bad light.
Nothing happens in isolation - those people picking out Punjabis may be doing it as an encouraged tactic - but what led to that didn’t happen overnight
Whatever led to what, it's wrong to put everything on Punjab.

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