23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

There is no unity beside forums and FB, real world is different and fact is that every ethnic group in Pakistan hate each other, but at least Punjabi's are not to the point where they will kill people who will move to their state for work/income, unlike in KPK/Balochistan if you develop New York style cities these Tribal's will still hate any " outsiders " who come to " their " land for better future.

I saw few Punjabi students finally raising their voices against the hypocrisy of Pashtoon/Baloch, every where these two ethnic group goes violence/terrorism increases 100 fold, I know its stereotypical rant but that's the truth.

I don't want people nor I expect them to change, but self-accountability is first step in the right direction, but problem with the people is that no one even address the problem, you can clean their areas from insurgency but it will return within a year or two, not because of zulum ke pahar on them but its their culture to instigate violence against whom they consider outsiders, if that is the case than I rather have every Pathan move back to KPK, every Baloch move to Baluchistan, Punjabi to Punjab, Sindhi to Sindh... if that is what it takes to stop them from brutally killing each other so be it.
i agree, punjabis are the most welcoming people and are not into this ethno-fascist BS that others peddle.
i agree, punjabis are the most welcoming people and are not into this ethno-fascist BS that others peddle.
The day I will see Punjabi's stopping buses full of Dehari ke mazdoor and execute them by identifying with their names I will criticize Punjabi's as well, this mentality is wide spread in Baloch and Pashtoon's, they don't like people to come to their lands as in their baap ki jageer hai, while the same people move to bigger cities like Lahore and Karachi, gather in outskirts of the cities, start off as innocent mazdoor and once they are in numbers then that area becomes no go area for locals, or that part of city becomes a big pile of trash.
same people move to bigger cities like Lahore and Karachi, gather in outskirts of the cities, start off as innocent mazdoor
innocent mazdoor who grabs land and builds an illegal settlement for their entire tribe?
innocent mazdoor who grabs land and builds an illegal settlement for their entire tribe?
Kati Pahari, Sohrab Goat, Al-Asif Square and Afghan Basti are just few areas in one city Karachi where the " innocent " Mazdoor first came after military operation in Tribal areas, then come ANP and followed by TTP, rest is History how PPPP used the ANP to stir up violence against the Karachi, where both Urdu speaking MQM and ANP's pashtoons were senselessly killing each other with ethnic violence.
Kati Pahari, Sohrab Goat, Al-Asif Square and Afghan Basti are just few areas in one city Karachi where the " innocent " Mazdoor first came after military operation in Tribal areas, then come ANP and followed by TTP, rest is History how PPPP used the ANP to stir up violence against the Karachi, where both Urdu speaking MQM and ANP's pashtoons were senselessly killing each other with ethnic violence.
..and all of this allowed ppp to strengthen its control in karachi
I will also say this: while some reconciliation needs to be done with the Baloch people, this sardari and tribal system needs to be banned entirely altogether. If these tribal leaders raise a hue and cry, they need to be gunned down, and people educated that they are of free will and none lords over them. Those hiding overseas in the UK and elsewhere need to be taken out as the Indians are doing with the Khalistan leadership hiding overseas; Pakistan need to take a page out of their book. These chains need to be broken from the roots.
Mate, I find it difficult to accept that those who live in Balochistan do not understand its problems. Security forces and political parties that have work experience in Balochistan would be fully aware of its problems but what is being done to address them in a better way? The level of transparency is such that even peaceful protests in Balochistan are not shown in local channels and a national debate on the problems of Balochistan is non-existent. The statusquo continues as usual. People are not even safe for starting dialogue on the problems of Balochistan on a personal level:

Look at all those FAKE condemnations. This is a lost cause under Pakistan's current system.
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I absolutely agree - don’t “feed the nation” - and in return the nation agrees to not send ANYTHING your way. No transit , no trade from ports - no imports, no coal or oil for electricity (you can manufacture solar panels using all resources available within Subah Lahore) nada.

You live on your own in the isolated prosperity and figure it all out being the most productive smart gods gift to earth , the rest can figure out their starvation based on their situation.

Transit through ports is international right, even Afghandustan have free access to sea ports. what next?
I will also say this: while some reconciliation needs to be done with the Baloch people, this sardari and tribal system needs to be banned entirely altogether. If these tribal leaders raise a hue and cry, they need to be gunned down, and people educated that they are of free will and none lords over them. Those hiding overseas in the UK and elsewhere need to be taken out as the Indians are doing with the Khalistan leadership hiding overseas; Pakistan need to take a page out of their book. These chains need to be broken from the roots.

For a baloch tribal head is like their god. They cannot go against their tribal leader.

The better solution is to divide Balochistan along ethnic lines. Some areas like Lasbela can be merged with Sindh where majority are of Sindhi extraction. Pashtun areas go to KP.
i agree, punjabis are the most welcoming people and are not into this ethno-fascist BS that others peddle.

And that behaviour supports development and investment and progress

Compared to the world it's probably crap, but compared to the rest of Pakistan it's brilliant

It's why Punjab is so much better developed and has higher HDI, Kashmir is not far behind and I hope it progresses too

Karachi was to some extent protected because it was a national city with so much importance and a mix of population, and even then look at the chaos it had to go through

Everyone wants to throw everything on the government or establishment without admitting we have a deep seated issue with mass ethnocentric jahilat that NO GOVERNMENT can resolve if the people there dont change themselves
I absolutely agree - don’t “feed the nation” - and in return the nation agrees to not send ANYTHING your way. No transit , no trade from ports - no imports, no coal or oil for electricity (you can manufacture solar panels using all resources available within Subah Lahore) nada.

You live on your own in the isolated prosperity and figure it all out being the most productive smart gods gift to earth , the rest can figure out their starvation based on their situation.

That's a rather naive and amusing assumption to think of the "rest" as some sort of unified nation. Punjab bore the brunt of partition and it is the true guardian and symbol of Pakistani identity. Without Punjab, most of the Muhajirs from Bihar and UP would end up confined to Mahsooreen/refugee camps, much like what happened to them in the former East Pakistan. Be careful what you wish for.

Equally naive is the assumption that any other province could impose an embargo on Punjab without facing serious consequences. A landlocked Punjab can still survive, but Sindh wouldn't last without river water. Yet again, despite the naive rhetoric, it is evident that other provinces are more dependent on Punjab for their survival than Punjab is on them. The irony lies in their continued attempts to leverage and manipulate Punjab.

Returning to my point, we’re tired of shouldering the burden of supporting the entire nation while being unfairly criticized, abused and killed for our ethnicity. The real solution should be to end this unjust criticism and hatred that leads to violence. All provinces rely on each other to survive and thrive—that’s the essence of a modern nation-state. However, your suggestion seems to be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. And I, for one, have no issues with that as well
And that behaviour supports development and investment and progress

Compared to the world it's probably crap, but compared to the rest of Pakistan it's brilliant

It's why Punjab is so much better developed and has higher HDI, Kashmir is not far behind and I hope it progresses too

Karachi was to some extent protected because it was a national city with so much importance and a mix of population, and even then look at the chaos it had to go through

Everyone wants to throw everything on the government or establishment without admitting we have a deep seated issue with mass ethnocentric jahilat that NO GOVERNMENT can resolve if the people there dont change themselves

how many baloch and sindhi elite are setting up hospitals, schools and colleges in their areas? how many are setting up factories? how many are providing proper employment opportunities other than forming private militias?

how many baloch and sindhi elite are setting up hospitals, schools and colleges in their areas? how many are setting up factories? how many are providing proper employment opportunities other than forming private militias?

Their is a problem, the elite there want to TRAP the population

Change is bad for them, at the moment they are kings, they can choose the mafia lifestyle, pick the poor women they want to marry and discard and have the money
Change kills them, change could result in jail or death for them

So these scum, rooted in local culture become the biggest supporters of that backwards jahil culture
The dumb fcuking zombies swallow this ethnic crap up

At the same time the sardars know working for the state is lucrative, so they play both sides

If the state tries to remove them, they raise the independence slogan and the jahils rise up,
If the state does nothing we are stuck in this warp where the state gets the blame for everything and the people don't accept any responsibility for their lives or change

Pakistan needs to develop but these backwards areas are a nightmare full of hillbillies you would trust with a bread knife
What's more is that their is a game is sardars going on in Balochistan

A game of wadereas in Sindhi

And a game of chiefs in tribal areas and KP

It works like this the sardars, wadereas, and chiefs are all scum
They care for nothing except their own money and success

So they play both sides and the state is forced to try and keep them happy

If they become naraz they go against the state
If they are happy they remain quite at best or play both sides at worst

Sometimes we have issues with different sardars having problems with each other, so we have pro government and anti government sardars

At a local level these scum take development funds and disperse amongst supporters
The same dumb supporters who are oppressed zombies thank and love the sardars

It's like a shit game of thrones

And we need change, but people won't allow change and are too busy supporting the victim complex of these backwards idiots
It's time for some mutilated BLA corpses to appear.
It’s so easy to swindle our state……hand out 1000 rupee bills every few days…….and announce yourself as a jahil tribal sardar or wadera. Do mint main 1000 di tribal army is ready to run riot. And then you muscle your way up to da top as the most badmash tareen jhagga like all these ghunday badmash criminals.

It’s really that easy……😝

Many of these harami are printing money in their basements to keep the street thugs fattened up with high quality printing machines from China.

Everybody knows bro……this da only way to muscle your way to da top……as king pin thug

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