23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

Once again - the idea is “We don’t have ethnic issues” and “ we are prosperous” -

So regardless of the human misery the other areas are going through and unable to develop because of ignorance by the state- it’s their cultural fault.
Punjab isn't Pakistan, sab ka theka nai uthaya hua Punjab nay, Punjab is prosperous cause we don't go around bombing schools, kids, railways, infrastructure projects or killing Polio workers.

Punjabis on average don't harbour racism towards Pakistanis of other ethnicities.
I'm trying hard to figure out how a landlocked Punjab would survive @M. Sarmad
I'm trying hard to figure out how a landlocked Punjab would survive @M. Sarmad

It couldn't, everyone is connected, everyone needs each other to some extent that's how a nation works

But Punjabi are largely open to anyone and everyone, you can turn up int Punjab, visit, work, go to school or university from anywhere in the country
Same goes for Kashmir..

Now the major cities may be ok like Peshawar or Quetta to some extent, but the rest of those provinces are full of people who have barely evolved past monkey, and if your not the same monkey as them, then like a volatile animal they could attack

It's now 2024 and this shit is ridiculous, the government can't be responsible nor can it change this level of base behavior
If 44 landlocked countries around the world can thrive, then so can the 45th.

It was a serious question. Specific to Punjab, where it is situated, and who borders it on all sides. Not the other 44 countries.
These traitors/terrorists who murdered the travelers must be brought to justice.
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Mate, I find it difficult to accept that those who live in Balochistan do not understand its problems. Security forces and political parties that have work experience in Balochistan would be fully aware of its problems but what is being done to address them in a better way? The level of transparency is such that even peaceful protests in Balochistan are not shown in local channels and a national debate on the problems of Balochistan is non-existent. The statusquo continues as usual. People are not even safe for starting dialogue on the problems of Balochistan on a personal level:

Look at all those FAKE condemnations. This is a lost cause under Pakistan's current system.

The situation is that of snatching victory from the jaws of a tribal lord. The issues are well known, but we lack the necessary resolve due to political figures' (tribal lords) interests, and they are sitting in parliament.
I saw a youtube video
About Discussion in Pakistani Parliament

One MP made a very good point

He said " Both Big Provinces ie Punjab and Sindh are in Government and Both Small provinces are in Opposition "

So Pakistan needs a National Unity Government Representative of All Provinces which can talk to All Alienated people
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Lets not make this a "Punjab" issue. Thanks

I am not making this anything. Just questioning a narrative that has been put forward in the last few pages of discussion on Punjab versus other ethnicities.

Yet you choose this post. Only this post.

Strike two.
Punjab isn't Pakistan, sab ka theka nai uthaya hua Punjab nay, Punjab is prosperous cause we don't go around bombing schools, kids, railways, infrastructure projects or killing Polio workers.

Punjabis on average don't harbour racism towards Pakistanis of other ethnicities.
The first time I heard “You’re Indian” was from Punjab but ok if this is the general sanctimony being echoed around here.
Again, it begs the question - if this part of Northern Punjab(because the south is in the same misery as the rest) believes it is a master race and better than the other and doesn’t need them - please practice what you preach. Let’s put it to the test.
If 44 landlocked countries around the world can thrive, then so can the 45th.
Absolutely - Afghanistan is a great example and all of the other countries which are landlocked with about 32 out of those 44 being designated developing countries by the UN - experience economic growth 6% less than others and have double or triple trading costs for their goods…unless you’re in the EU which doesn’t seem like a possibility.

Unless off course you are 🇨🇭 or Boliva with its oil fields.. maybe Armenia?
Im sure it’s doable and India could step in to help
Lets not make this a "Punjab" issue. Thanks
I am not making this anything. Just questioning a narrative that has been put forward in the last few pages of discussion on Punjab versus other ethnicities.

Yet you choose this post. Only this post.

Strike two.
Let me clarify why this is happening -

The simple question I put to the idea “Baloch and KP are backward scum that will never change” because of this incident

Was “How will they change a culture of millennia without enablement” which the state has failed to provide since 47

To which everything from sunk costs to Punjabi ethnic superiority has been thrown in based on this sort of incident never happening in the Punjab.
People everywhere have more or less the same IQ, needs, and understanding. There are always a few extreme points that take decades to leave behind. Such as SA now allows women to drive and other stuff, IEA didn't roll back fully to the 90s, anyway Afghans have improved a lot and they will demand more space in future.

Balochistan is at this stage because Army dictators 'killed' the natural leadership in every department. They needed 'yes sir' creatures in the judiciary, bureaucracy, politics, journalism, etc. Meanwhile, many capable Pakistanis left and the result is this. Army dictators imposed NS, MQM, Baloch leaders, etc which left the people's direction less and pushed towards extremism.

Mahrang came to Islo thinking Qazi would be sympathetic being a Balochi but he was a turd.

In summary, Army dictators have inflicted many wounds to Pakistan and the biggest is to 'kill' the natural leadership.

Lets not make this a "Punjab" issue. Thanks

That's what I am wondering, how the heck did it become a Punjab vs Balochistan issue?

Sure, the underlying issue might have this topic as a contributor, but the current issue at hand is of an ethnic terror group, that is it.

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